A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 358: Shao Long, the brain is wide open

The head of the heart was suddenly hit. Li Xiaoman's eyes widened and he stared at him again. Didn't he ever think of Yanyan as his daughter? Why suddenly...

What happened? Why did he suddenly ask like this? Or did he remember what happened that night?

Each of her subtle expressions fell into Long Sihao's narrow, long eyes. He stared at her sharply, and asked again, "Daughter is mine?"

Li Xiaoman twitched his heart, raised his eyes to Long Sihao's keen eyes, lowered his eyes, slightly hooked his lips, "Why do you think so suddenly?"

Long Sihao raised her chin, forcing her to raise her head.

Staring at her beautiful face, he thinned his lips lightly and said in a deep voice: "You only need to answer me or not?"

Li Xiaoman slightly tickled the corner of his lower lip, raised an eyebrow, and spit out a word in his pink lips, "Yes..."

Because of her answer, Long Sihao shuddered, narrowly gazing at her tightly, and hadn't had time to rejoice. Her next sentence made him wish to strangle her. .

She narrowed her eyes and looked at him, smiled, and then said: "How is it possible?"

After being teased by her, Long Sihao gazed at her deeply, "Xiao Xiao, is it fun to tease me?"

Li Xiaoman did not return to him, but looked at him sharply, "If I said yes, would you believe it?"

As the words fell, she looked at him tightly, as if afraid of missing the expression on his face.

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, staring at her with a faint glance, and at the bottom of his eyes there was a trace of disbelief, and he asked in a low voice, "You really took my sperm?"

"What?" Li Xiaoman was stunned again, squinting and squinting at him, "What sperm do I take you | son, what are you doing..."

Speaking of which, she suddenly understood that Qingli blushed a bit, and looked at him with shame, "Long Sihao, you are really rich in imagination, don't you think Yanyan is the result of artificial pregnancy? You..., I might take your fine... fine..., Long Sihao, you bastard..."

Li Xiaoman's small face was hot for a while, and it quickly burst into red. With her character, how could she do such an embarrassing thing?

Long Sihao, a **** man, is really good enough, even... he even thought of going to that level, did he want his daughter to be crazy?

Long Sihao saw her face flushed, her dark black pupil shrunk, and her gaze became a little hotter. At this moment, he couldn't help but think of her shyness five years ago.

It turns out that she hasn't changed. Although her appearance seems to have changed a lot, her essence hasn't changed. She is still the same blushing and willful, stubborn and tough-willed Li Xiaoman.

Long Sihao's eyes fell on Li Xiaoman's face like a torch, making her feel like she was surrounded by fireballs, her face was dry|hot and hot, and she was uncomfortable.

She lowered her eyes, and the slender green feathers fluttered like butterfly wings, with tiny ripples, and brought out a charming charm.

The flaming, cloud-like face, and the moisturized, glamorous red lips, are all sucking|leading Long Sihao's sight.

He seemed to be able to breathe fire with his hot eyes, and Li Xiaoman became more uncomfortable when he looked at her. She raised her eyes to stare at him, but after meeting his hot eyes that could melt her, she thought Shivering violently.

What his eyes mean, her heart is very clear.

From yesterday to this morning, she didn't know how many times he was "tossed" by him, she was really tired, especially because he also changed her "tossed", she is now sore waist, back pain, double The legs are weak and trembling when walking.

She doesn't have much physical energy to be consumed by him.

"I'm hungry." Leaving this sentence, Li Xiaoman was ready to get out of the bath and get dressed.

Long Sihao grabbed her slender wrist and gazed at her with a scorching gaze, his voice was low and hoarse, "I'm hungry too."

Don’t look away from his eyes that make her tremble, Li Xiaoman cools his face, slightly ticks his lips, "Long Sihao, don’t you mean you are not an animal thinking with your lower body? I see you Now it’s nothing more than that in your head."

Long Sihao leaned close to her, her thin lips lightly biting her white as jade earlobe, exhaling a hot breath, her voice was low and hoarse, "You are too tempting | people, gentlemen will become waves in front of you | So , In front of you, I will only think with my lower body..."

Not waiting for him to finish, Li Xiaoman wondered whether it was shameful or angry with a small face, his eyes narrowed and shouted, "Long Sihao, you are mad |"

Looking at her, angry and blushing, Long Sihao felt like they were back five years ago.

His deep eyes were filled with a smile, his eyes glared at her, and his voice was low and gentle, "Xiaoxiao, I'm down|little, but not wind|little, whether you believe it or not, these five I haven’t touched any other woman in 2004. I’m only going to be so nasty when facing you. Believe me, only you will turn me into an animal thinking with your lower body."

As the words fell, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

His words brought some shocks to Li Xiaoman. Her clear water eyes tightly kissed his handsome man, her eyes flashing complex emotions, but there was no response.

Long Sihao kissed her lips for a while, without getting her response, he left her lips, and the big white hand picked up her slender little hand on his neck, against her forehead, Her eyes were hot, her voice was low and hoarse, "Respond to me, this time, okay?"

With a hint of pleading in his low voice, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows fell deep, and his clear eyes met his burning passion. .

She lowered her eyes and lowered her lips slightly, "Long Sihao... Um..."

Long Sihao lowered his head again, kissed her lips, and gently pecked at her lips. Her voice was low and hoarse, "Don't say anything, don't think about anything, shall we leave everything for now?"

As the words fell, his gentle kiss fell on her eyebrows, tip of nose, and lips.

Bearing his gentle kiss, Li Xiaoman's clear eyes flashed with tears, and looked at him, who was beautiful, she whispered, "You..."

Long Sihao nibbled at her lips and gazed at her scorchingly. "Let you say nothing, punish."

When the words fell, he bit her lips again, and firmly sucked her soft tongue.

Li Xiaoman gasped in pain, narrowed his eyes, and took a revenge mentality to bite Long Sihao's lips.

The two of you chased me and I bite you. I don’t know who has driven who, the lips of the two are entangled.

Long Sihao's fiery big hands clasped her head tightly, the kiss was wild and fierce, Li Xiaoman's slender hands clasped his neck tightly, entangled tightly with his lips and tongue.

The atmosphere is getting more and more ambiguous, and the smell of the air is spreading in the air, which is the beginning of another war.

Li Xiaoman slept very tiredly after dawn, and her physical strength was severely overdrawn. This sleep was a whole day.

When she woke up, it was already dark, and Long Sihao did not know when he left, and was no longer beside her.

When she woke up, she wanted to sit up, and as soon as she left, there was tearing pain somewhere, and her whole body was sore and weak, lying on the bed|, she couldn't even blink her strength.

As a result of vigorous exercise and physical exertion, she was so hungry that she wanted to eat now, but she had no energy.

She endured the pain, and when she was about to sit up, a maid came in respectfully.

"Young lady, you wake up, do you need a meal?"

Seeing that a maid came in, Li Xiaoman was a little embarrassed, just about to pull herself over the quilt and cover herself, only to find that her clothes were well worn.

Her eyes flickered, needless to say, it must be Long Sihao who helped her wear it.

In this regard, he actually did a very good job, whether it was five years ago or now, every time they love|After love, he will take her to wash, or fetch water to clean her carefully and gently, must be before going to bed Will dress her well.

Thinking of the madness with him yesterday, her small and beautiful face began to get hot and blushed a little.

Yesterday was the sweetest and warmest day after their five-year reunion.

Yesterday, she and he didn’t want anything, and put aside all, endless entanglement, the kind of madness like to integrate each other into each other’s bones and blood, at this moment also shocked her heart, making her heart burst Trembling.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Yesterday, she felt Long Sihao’s strong and strong love for her.

That love, which was stronger than it was five years ago, was like a gigantic wave that hit her heart, drowning her whole body and mind.

If Long Sihao really loves her as he said, then why did he say those unsympathetic words five years ago?

Is it just because their daughter is gone?

Thinking of him saying that there was a lasting pain in leaving her, her clear water eyes narrowed tightly, what pain did he have?

It is what he said when he was born and died, and he was so firm, persistent, and sincere when he said it. It was not like lying.

Five years ago, because she lost her daughter, she was in extreme grief, and it was impossible to calm down to distinguish between true and false, so after Long Sihao said something that hurt her, she collapsed and believed. What he said believed that he had been playing with her all the time, did not love her, and regarded her as a tool for giving birth.

For the past five years, she has been escaping, not thinking deeply about these things. Now, in retrospect, she suddenly feels that Long Sihao's performance was too aggressive that day.

If he really loves her, even if the child is gone, he will not say the words that hurt her and leave her.

Even if he really misunderstood her and Huo Yunene, he will not leave her, because there is not no misunderstanding between them.


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