A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 352: President's miniature version

To his cold eyes, Li Xiaoman's heart was more painful, and the tears were more violent.

How good is life if it is just like the first sight?

It's better not to have so many unpleasant things happened between her and Long Sihao?

They haven't hurt each other, how good it should be.

Biting her lower lip tightly, she stared at him for a while before standing up, covering her mouth with one hand and rushing out of the bathroom.

She left the presidential suite just before her feet, and Lowry, Ling Hanye, Su Yi, and Ji Yuqing walked in.

Several people came here because Long Sihao left the evening banquet hall of the Jewelry Show for a while.

When this presidential suite was still in the banquet hall before, Long Sihao asked Lowry to set it, so several people knew that Long Sihao was here.

After coming in, Ling Hanye narrowed her eyes and glanced around, raised her eyebrows and asked Lorry: "Lorry, didn't you say Long Shao would be here? Why didn't I see anyone?"

Lowry also glanced around and went directly into the bedroom, his eyes falling on Long Sihao's shirt on the ground.

Ling Hanye, who came in afterwards, also scanned the bedroom. His eyes fell on a somewhat messy bed, and then he wicked his lips, "It seems that Long Shao..."

Before he finished, Long Sihao in the bathroom came out.

His light | naked upper body, red dyed right hand is still bleeding, the beautiful face is covered with haze, the eyes are scary, and the voice is cold, "What are you doing in here? Get out."

Seeing him engulfing this murderous violent air, his expression was sullen and horrifying, and Ling Hanye's brown eyes narrowed tightly, "Long Shao, what's the matter with you? Want to be dissatisfied?"

Ji Yuqing's eyes fell on the back of Long Sihao's **** hands. Seeing that his hands were still bleeding, she looked shocked, widened her eyes, and immediately trot forward worriedly, "Mr. Long, how did you hurt your hand? Alright?"

She reached out her small hand and was about to grab his bruised big hand. Long Sihao shook her hand and looked at her with a deep gaze, "Go..."

Long Sihao's sudden roaring scared Ji Yuqing, her heart was trembling, her eyes were a little puzzled and frightened, she looked at Long Sihao and frowned deeply. He never roared so fiercely in the impression. she was.

Despite the fear in her heart, she extended her hand again to grab Long Sihao's hand, "Mr. Long, you shed a lot of blood, let me help you to deal with the wound."

She is a nurse and she learns nursing. This kind of thing comes naturally.

"Don't touch me! Get off..." Long Sihao still refused to let Ji Yuqing touch his hand. He stared at her with a deep gaze, and then looked at Ling Hanye, Luo Rui, and Su Yi, roaring coldly. : "What are you three doing here? Get out."

"Okay...we're going, Shao Long, have you taken the dynamite?"

Ling Hanye saw that Long Sihao was about to run away, and as he finished speaking, he motioned to Lowry and Su Yi to go out with him.

Just a few people turned around and walked to the bedroom door, they saw Li Xiaoman holding iodine, anti-inflammatory water, hemostatic stickers, cotton swabs, etc., and the wind and dust rushed in.

Her small, clear face seemed to be blushing because of sprinting, and her hair was scattered and panting.

When Lori saw Li Xiaoman, she was surprised. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Miss Li, why are you here? Are you..."

His eyes fell on her hands.

When Li Xiaoman saw Lowry, Ling Hanye, Su Yi and several others came, she frowned slightly, said nothing, handed medicine, iodine, etc. to Lowry, and turned to leave.

"Miss Li..."

Upon seeing this, Lowry handed what Li Xiaoman handed him to Ling Hanye and chased after her.

"Miss Li... wait... don't go so fast? Where are you going?"

Seeing Ling Hanye at night, Lowry chased Li Xiaoman again. He looked back at Long Sihao, and then looked at Ji Yuqing, frowning and said, "Xiao Qing, please, please help Long Shao with a wound on his hand. Deal with it."

When the words fell, he handed the medicine, cotton swabs, iodine, etc. that Li Xiaoman had brought to Ji Yuqing and then turned out of the bedroom.

Su Yi also looked at Long Sihao. The black and white pupil under the lens narrowed slightly. "Si Hao, let Xiaoqing deal with your injury first."

Ji Yuqing glanced at the medicine in his hand, and walked to Long Sihao, gave him the medicine, cotton swabs, iodine, etc., lowered his eyes and said: "Mr. Long, I know you don’t need me to help you, I don’t bother."

After finishing talking, Ji Yuqing also turned out of the bedroom.

After Ji Yuqing went out, Long Sihao gazed tightly at the medicine in his hand. Thinking of what Li Xiaoman had just sent by the wind and dust, his deep eyes were filled with complex emotions.


"Miss Li, don't you go so fast, I can't catch up with you, Miss Li, what happened to you and the president? What happened to you and the president? Didn't you talk? Miss Li..."

Lowry went to chase Li Xiaoman, has been chasing into the elevator, and now has chased into the jewelry banquet hall.

The opening dinner was almost over, and many guests left.

Li Xiaoman walked ahead, and Lowry, who was behind her, kept chattering all the time.

Xiao Yanyan and Han Jinxi were sitting at the banquet table in the front row waiting for her, seeing her hair a little scattered, came gasping, Xiao Yanyan frowned and frowned, and took the lead.

"Mummy, where have you been? Why is your hair disheveled?"

When Lori saw Xiao Yanyan, she raised her hand to greet Xiao Yanyan, and Jun smiled into a line, "Hi! Little one, we meet again."

Xiao Yanyan glanced at Lori and returned his sweet smile with a tender and sweet voice, "Hi! Older and older uncle, hello."

Lowry twitched his lips, and his eyes were still smiling into a line, "Little, can you tell me your name?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her own delicate little index finger and shook, "no! Uncle, Mommy said that it is very dangerous to disclose names to strangers."

Upon hearing this, Lorui Tuo directed to Li Xiaoman, "Miss Li..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Li Xiaoman turned to look at him, his eyes flat, "Lot, the opening dinner is over, it's not too early, and Yanyan and I should go back, bye."

When the words fell, she turned to look at Xiao Yanyan, and extended her hand to her, "Yanyan, let's go."

"Huh!" Xiao Yanyan looked at her mum and nodded, then stretched her hand to Han Jinxi again, "Daddy, we should go back."

Han Jinxi has been sitting in the position, and the slightly closed blue eyes looked at Li Xiaoman for a while, and then got up elegantly, took Xiao Yanyan's little hand, and stepped away.

The three men who left hand in hand with Lori stared, Junmei frowned deeply, and then sighed heavily, "Ah! The family of three is so happy, the president is no longer a show."


He sighed several times in a row, and after a while in the banquet hall, he turned and walked out of the banquet hall, but he saw a very beautiful and handsome little boy outside the banquet hall.

The childish little face looks like Long Sihao, and his whole body exudes a noble and elegant temperament, making him seem to see a reduced version of his president Long Sihao.

He widened his eyes, and immediately walked to the little boy's body, then leaned down, leaned close to the little boy's face, and looked at the little boy without shaking his eyelashes, his mouth wide open in surprise, "President? Oh? No, little president? Not right..."

He stepped forward, squinted and looked at the little boy, and his face made a cry. "President, how long have I been away? How can you be old and reincarnated...oh no, how come you have grown so small? You don't Just hurt a little bit! Do you need to become so small? You say you become so small, I will follow you this little bit, I have a face, am I?"

The little boy is Long Yi.

He saw Lorry crying and looked at him in an instant. His eyes were almost pestered on his small face. He narrowed his narrow eyes slightly, and the beautiful little lips outlined an elegant smile. "Uncle, can you raise your head a little bit? Your face is blocking my eyes, and I'm waiting for my mum."


A sentence of "Uncle" made Lori normal, and the cry on Jun's face was replaced by a smile. Jun, who was squinted in a line, looked at Xiao Longyi up and down, "Little handsome boy, what's your name? Who is mummy? What is it? The most important thing is what is your father’s name?"

Xiaolong Yi raised his eyes slightly, glancing at Lori with a slightly curious look, and smiled gracefully, "Uncle, I don't know you, please forgive me for not telling me my name, sorry!"

When the words fell, he entered the evening banquet hall.

Lowry only recovered after Xiao Longyi entered the banquet hall for a while.

He pinched himself hard, Jun frowned, he was not dreaming! So how did he see a smaller version of their president?

Is that the son of their president?

But how is this possible?

Something was wrong, he had to go back and ask them if the president had planted a certain woman on a certain bed in a certain place at a certain time in a certain year, month and year.

It is not surprising that there are similar people under the sky, but the appearance looks so powerful, even the temperament is like a foot, then he will have to doubt it.

When he returned to the presidential suite where Long Sihao was located, Long Sihao had taken care of the wounds on his hands, and he was well-dressed. Ling Hanye, Su Yi, and Ji Yuqing were all there.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Long Sihao carefully again before looking at him with a surprised expression: "President, guess what I just saw? I saw you... "

After he paused, he continued: "A smaller version."

Hearing the words, Ling Hanye lightly lowered the corner of her lower lip, brown eyes slightly squinted, and gave him a white look, "What reduced version?"

Lorry glanced at Ling Hanye, then frowned at Long Sihao, and said seriously: "President, the little boy I just saw looks really like you, maybe you will Someone on a certain day at a certain time of a certain month and a certain time and place with someone? Is that the president of your son?"

Long Sihao's thoughts are all on Li Xiaoman's body at the moment, and his words have not caused any waves in his heart.

He narrowed his eyes narrowly, gazing at him with deep eyes, and Shen Sheng asked, "Where are you chasing?"

"I ran away with another man." Lori replied casually because he was thinking about the little boy's body. After the reaction, he saw Long Sihao's expression gloomy, and he smiled into a line again, and immediately changed his mouth. Tao: "President, that... that... that Miss Li took her daughter and left."

Hearing the words, Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes and his voice was cold, "I want to know her whereabouts."


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