A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 349: Surprise, the smallest model

The face of Xiao Yanyan's pink carved jade is very helpless and expressive, "Daddy, your mouth is really unpleasant, you will not coax the girl at all."

Han Jinxi closed his eyes habitually, and looked at Xiao Yanyan with unpredictable eyes, and then looked at the unhappy Li Xiaoman, the smile of the lips was extremely charming, and the thin red lips like fire were exuding. The gleaming light.

Suoer, his long arms stretched out, and in the exclaimation of Li Xiaoman, she pulled her into his arms.

"You..." Li Xiaoman's clear eyes flashed with a trace of surprise. Slender hands were resting on his chest, just about to push him away, Han Jinxi's lips fell without warning.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman immediately turned his head to avoid it, and Han Jinxi's kiss fell on her hair.

Long Sihao has been staring tightly at Li Xiaoman. When he saw this scene, his narrow and long eyes narrowed dangerously, his eyes sharp and cold like swords, and the dark winds of the eyes swelled and seemed to destroy the world. The anger, the beautiful face instantly gloomy, very terrifying.

Ji Yuqing, who was sitting beside him, saw that he had a wrong look, and wanted to ask him what was wrong, but she didn’t dare to speak. She followed his eyes and looked at the opposite table, only to know why his look was so gloomy and scary. .

Luo Rui and Ling Han Ye looked at Long Sihao with a gloomy look, and then looked at Li Xiaoman and Han Jinxi. Both frowned and sighed.

Su Yi was still expressionless. The black and white pure pupils under the lens were as light as water, and the corners of her lips were almost undetectable. But within half a second, she was calm again, as if he had never been touched. Over the corner of the lips.

After Li Xiaoman pushed Han Jinxi away, he stepped **** his instep and warned him with his eyes. If he dared to mess up, she would not only step on him.

Han Jinxi, who was stepped on the foot, endured the pain, squinting his blue eyes, the charming style between the picturesque eyebrows, the thin thin red lips, the outline of a charming smile, the voice was deep and mellow, "I never kiss ugly women, so I mean, do you understand?"

Li Xiaoman narrowed his clear eyes, and a anger flashed at the bottom of the eyes. In order to take care of the image, she tried to suppress the urge to beat Han Jinxi madly.

Of course, he understood that she understood that he used actions to tell her that she was not ugly.

But he made her very angry this way, she wanted to kill.

Just as she was about to let Han Jinxi go out with her for a "private chat" for a while, the voice of a man at the same table rang.

"Miss, my wife likes the necklace around your neck. Where did you buy your necklace? Which designer's work?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman suppressed his anger and raised his eyes to a middle-aged couple sitting opposite her.

The man is mature and stable, in his forties or so. At first glance, he is a professional man. The woman has the precious jewels, proper maintenance, and fair skin. At first glance, she is an expensive lady.

Both are Orientals.

At this time, Xiao Yanyan's childish and sweet voice sounded, "Uncle, this is my mom's own design!"

Because the man was only in his forties, Xiao Yanyan felt that it was grandpa, too old to call him, and uncle called him unsuitable, so he called him uncle.

When the man heard Xiao Yanyan say this, he looked at Li Xiaoman in surprise and admiration. "It turned out that you designed it yourself. May I ask you?"

Before waiting for Li Xiaoman to speak up, Xiao Yanyan handed the business card she carried to the man with a sweet smile, "Uncle, this is my mummy's business card, my mummy has A studio, if you like the jewelry designed by my mommy, you can come to my mommy's many fashion jewelry studio to place an order!"

The man took the business card. After reading it carefully, he smiled and looked at Li Xiaoman.

Then he stood up and reached out to shake hands with Li Xiaoman.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman also stood up to hold back with him.

The man immediately took out a business card, handed it to her, smiled and looked at her and said, "Miss Li, I have several jewellery chain stores in city h. I hope we can have the opportunity to cooperate."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman glanced at the business card in his hand, and then raised his eyes to the man opposite him, and smiled politely, "It turns out that it was Mr. Wei, and he has been honored to know you for a long time."

Li Xiaoman held out his hand again, and shook hands with President Wei politely.

Seeing this, Xiao Yanyan looked at the noble lady beside President Wei, and a sweet smile bloomed on her small face. The voice was immature and sweet, "Beautiful aunt, your skin is so white and temperament is good, if you put on my mother The jewelry that Mimi designed for you must be more beautiful and dazzling, beautiful aunty, back to h city, remember to come to my mum's studio to place an order!"

Xiao Yanyan was pretty and lovely, and her voice was sweet and soft, and she also praised Mrs. Wei a few words, and all Mrs. Wei's faces laughed.

She looked at Li Xiaoman and said with a smile: "Your daughter is very beautiful, this little mouth is very annoying. I like the jewelry you designed. I like the necklace you wear. You can Do I design the same style?"

What she meant was even an order.

The jewelry exhibition has just started, and some people place orders, Li Xiaoman is certainly happy.

She gave Mrs. Wei a polite smile, "Mrs. Wei, of course, thank you for your recognition."

Seeing that Mrs. Wei had placed the order, Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes at her mother, making an ok gesture.

Li Xiaoman also blinked at her, his eyes overflowing with relief.

Her baby girl will do business when she is so young.

Xiao Yanyan sees that Mrs. Wei is done, and she is just trying to find a way to deal with several other businessmen at the same table. Before she can speak out, the other businessmen get up to ask for Li Xiaoman’s business card or give it to Li Xiao. Man business card, said he wanted to cooperate with her.

Xiao Yanyan sent a business card to every guest present. At a young age, she has become Li Xiaoman's sweet cute little secretary.

The atmosphere of the table was very harmonious. Long Sihao at the table saw that Li Xiaoman was chatting with her guests at the table. Her beautiful and beautiful, bright and moving little face was confident and gentle and charming. The smile made him a little infatuated, he couldn't look away for a while.

A woman who is successful in her career is very attractive. The confident charm she exudes throughout her body is something that many successful men cannot resist.

Long Sihao is the same, he is deeply attracted by her, but now she is too attractive, but makes him afraid that she is coveted by more people.

When he glanced at Han Jinxi sharply, his eyes swept a killing color, his hands clenched a bit.

The jewelry opening dinner has already begun. The opening program is Western art performance, followed by Oriental art performance, and then the host's speech.

In the host's speech, Xiao Yanyan stood up, raised her eyebrows and said to her dear mommy: "Mommy, I'm going to the bathroom."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman was about to go with her, and Xiao Yanyan looked at Han Jinxi and smiled sweetly, "Daddy, let's go."

Li Xiaoman was puzzled when she saw Xiao Yanyan not let her accompany her, but let Han Jinxi accompany her.

Xiao Yanyan is a little girl, but she went to the women's bathroom. She thought Han Jinxi would not agree, but she saw him stand up and took Xiao Yanyan's little hand away.

Upon seeing this, she was a little surprised, but she didn't follow, and sat in the original position waiting for them.

But Xiao Yanyan and Han Jinxi left for a while and did not return.

The end of the host's speech is the highlight of the evening, the show of beautiful model jewelry.

In this session, if the guests present are interested in the jewelry on the model, they can make a reservation.

As the music of the catwalk sounded, beautiful and charming models were displayed on the stage wearing luxury jewelry.

Looking at the jewellery displayed by the beautiful models on the stage, Li Xiaoman's clear eyes flashed with sparkling light, and his heart was bound to jump.

The jewelry displayed by the models on the stage are all from the famous jewelry designers at home and abroad, which is naturally eye-opening.

Seeing more, there is naturally more inspiration. At this moment Li Xiaoman is very glad to participate in this jewelry exhibition, which has benefited her a lot.

Han Jinxi is even more grateful, because without him, it is impossible for her to receive the invitation letter of this jewelry exhibition.

When the beautiful model walked to show the jewelry, the host also commented in real time.

When all the beautiful models were displayed, they stood on both sides of the stage in their most charming poses.

At this time, the lights on the stage dimmed and the host's excited voice sounded.

"The next thing I want to show you is the rookie of the jewellery industry. Many famous domestic and foreign chief jewelry designers, many of our guests, please ask our special little guests today to bring the jewelry works of many designers to the stage."

Li Xiaoman stood up in surprise when he heard a few words from many designers.

She didn't expect that the works she designed could be displayed by models.

The shock at the bottom of her heart at this time cannot be described by any words.

The host's words fell, and a small figure came out of the stage.

She wears a short red cheongsam. The hem of the cheongsam is in the form of a princess dress, with an elegant hairstyle and a red crown.

The most conspicuous is her five-piece bridal jewelry set.

The jewelry she displayed are the works of many designers. The "red romance" series of bridal wedding jewelry with the theme of "happiness", whether it is a crown on the head, earrings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, are all uniquely designed and conspicuous The red color, inlaid with rubies and red diamonds, reflects the dazzling and charming light under the light.

The light was built on her small face carved with powder and jade, and Li Xiaoman could see it clearly, it was Xiao Yanyan.

Her clear eyes were full of shock, and her baby girl turned out to be a small model showing her work.

No wonder she told her not to let her mom go with her in the bathroom, but let Han Jinxi accompany her, and did not come back for a long time. They turned out to be a surprise.

Her crystal clear eyes lifted a layer of crystal water mist, her heart was shocked and moved.

Yanyan, my good daughter, Mummy is really happy to have you.

A little girl over four years old has been attracting attention as a model, plus the host’s special introduction, and the young age she put on a festive red cheongsam, wearing a unique design "red romantic "The series, the jewelry that highlights the theme of happiness, is even more eye-catching.

Her appearance, the dazzling set of jewellery she wore, pushed the atmosphere of the entire dinner to **.

The striking red is stunning.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Xiao Yanyan acts as a small model, aren't the babies scared? Hey, baby can check Baidu! The youngest model in the United States, Ella Brown, is only two years old, so it is not a surprise that Xiao Yanyan, who is more than four years old, acts as a model! There are many small models now! Xiao Yanyan was specially trained to surprise her mom! Also, she is the daughter of Long Shao, whose genes are powerful, so she is smart.


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