After hearing this, Li Xiaoman sighed and shouted, "Li Anyan."

Seeing her dear mother's face unhappy, Xiao Yanyan blinked at Li Xiaoman with a sweet smile, her voice was immature, "Mommy, I'm joking with you, be angry!"

Li Xiaoman's eyes looked at her tightly, with complex emotions flashing at the bottom of her eyes.

Yan Yan's character is like Long Sihao, she made her angry, and then said that it was a joke.

She twitched her eyebrows deeply, thinking that Long Sihao's pains were bursting in her heart, and she was about to suffocate.

Xiao Yanyan saw her mom suddenly sad again, she looked at her puzzled, took her hand and shook, "Mommy, what's wrong with you?"

Later, Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua, who came with the things for worship, saw that Li Xiaoman's face was not very good, and their expressions also became dignified.

Li Zhenhua walked to Xiao Yanyan and took her little hand, "Yan Yan, go to see grandma with grandpa first."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded and followed Li Zhenhua forward.

Li Wenbo walked to Li Xiaoman and saw her look sad, his handsome eyebrows deepened, and looked at her worriedly, "Manman, what's wrong?"

Li Xiaoman put away the endless sorrow in his heart, raised his eyes and smiled at Li Wenbo, and raised his lips with an elegant smile, "Wen Bo, I'm fine, let's go! Let me help you get some."

When the words fell, she was about to reach out to help Li Wenbo get the gold and silver paper and sacrifices for the worship offering. Li Wenbo stopped her, "Manman, I can do it alone, I can just take it."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and looked at him more mature, steady and handsome, half-jokingly said: "Where are you going alone? Can you get married and have children alone? Wen Bo, you are not too small! Uncle is the biggest now The wish is to be able to see you get married and have children in your lifetime, and listen to your uncle saying that you haven’t had a girlfriend in the past five years. If you don’t rush, your uncle can die. If you meet the right one, don’t miss it.”

Li Wenbo's eyebrows were tighter because of her words, and his eyes flicked through the complex look. After a moment of pondering, he looked at Li Xiaoman tenderly, his voice was warm and clear, "Manman, I don't want to get married now, first Not to mention this, Dad and Yanyan are still waiting for us, we should go to see my aunt."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman gave him a deep glance, nodded at him, turned his head and walked straight to Li Sufang's tomb.

Li Wenbo walked behind her, his eyebrows deep, his obsidian eyes filled with a complex look, with sadness, loss, helplessness, heartache and so on.

Arriving at Li Sufang's tomb, Li Xiaoman knelt down, and Xiao Yanyan also knelt beside her.

"Grandma, my mom and I came to see you again, and we brought you a lot of delicious food? You see, there are chickens, fruits, cakes, wine and tea!"

Looking at the sensible and obedient Xiao Yanyan, Li Zhenhua also stepped forward and bowed in front of Li Sufang's tomb. Although he had red eyes, he had a smile on his face, "Sister, did you see it? Manman and Yanyan again Come to see you, Yanyan is taller again, more and more beautiful, and more and more filial and sensible, if you are still...

At the end, Li Zhenhua changed his tone because he was really uncomfortable in his heart. His hoarse voice could not speak anymore, and his eyes were filled with sad tears.

When Xiao Yanyan saw Li Zhenhua's tears, she stood up and walked in front of him. Her small hand picked up his big hand and comforted: "Grandma, don't be sad. Grandma is enjoying happiness in heaven. Grandma has been watching us, uncle. Grandpa is so sad, grandma will also be sad."

Li Xiaoman glanced at the sad Li Zhenhua, his eyebrows deep, trying to endure the urge to cry, and he comforted him: "Uncle, Yanyan is right, Mom is watching us in heaven, if you are too sad, Mom is also uneasy!"

Li Zhenhua watched Xiao Yanyan and Li Xiaoman nodded and reached out to dry their tears, "I know, I know my sister is watching us from the sky, I'm not sad anymore, don't be too sad, please worship first! "

When the words fell, he took Xiao Yanyan to step forward, and together with Li Wenbo and Li Xiaoman, took out the sacrifices and placed them on the altar.

After they had sacrificed Li Sufang to leave, they saw Xia Qingrong who also came to worship Li Sufang.

In the past five years, Li Xiaoman has not seen Xia Qingrong, and naturally Xia Qingrong has not seen her.

But Xia Qingrong has been asking Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua about Li Xiaoman’s whereabouts for the past five years, but because Li Xiaoman asked Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo not to disclose her whereabouts and everything about her in advance, therefore, Xia Qingrong has never been able to ask Li Wenman and Li Zhenhua about Li Xiaoman, and she has no idea where she has been in the past five years.

Li Sufang died, he was extremely sad and regretful, just want to make up for the daughter Li Xiaoman in his lifetime, but Li Xiaoman did not give him a chance, and disappeared for five years.

Seeing Li Xiaoman at the moment, he instantly reddened his eyes, his eyes were filled with tears, his emotions were complicated, he was surprised, unbelievable, excited, happy, guilty, regretful...

"Manman, you... are you back? Are you really back? Where have you been in these five years?"

Xia Qingrong's moist eyes looked at Li Xiaoman excitedly, and the offering he carried fell to the ground and slowly walked towards Li Xiaoman.

After only five years of squinting, he was as thin as a bone. Much older Xia Qingrong, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were deep, and although she felt a little distressed in her heart, this father who abandoned her, but she did not have a small face Show half.

She did not return Xia Qingrong's words, but looked at her mother Li Sufang's tomb with a sad and complicated expression.

Xiao Yanyan looked at Xia Qingrong, and when he saw him as if she knew her mom, she looked at her mom curiously again, and asked in a childish voice, "Mom, who is this grandpa?"

Xia Qingrong, who was originally looking at Li Xiaoman, heard Xiao Yanyan's voice, and then her eyes fell on her.

Seeing her small face carved with powder and jade is very similar to Li Xiaoman, especially when Li Xiaoman was a child, it was exactly the same as when she was a child. His wet eyes were full of surprise and disbelief.

Then he looked up at Li Xiaoman, "Manman, this... this is your daughter? I... my granddaughter?"

"Granddaughter?" Xiao Yanyan heard the words, narrowed her eyes and looked at Xia Qingrong for a while, and asked doubtfully: "Grandpa, what do you say I am your granddaughter?"

Xia Qingrong looked at Xiao Yanyan excitedly, "I... I am your grandfather."

"Grandpa?" Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes and said in a childish voice: "My mom said my grandpa went to heaven to accompany her grandma."

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words, Li Xiaoman's lips lightly twitched, and she said casually at the time, but did not expect this little girl to really listen to her heart.

I don't know if she inherited Long Sihao. At a young age, she valued her family very much.

Li Zhenhua frowned, looked at Xia Qingrong, and said politely: "Mr. Xia, Yanyan is still small, childish words, don't go to your heart."

Although Xia Qingrong abandoned Li Sufang and Li Xiaoman's mother and daughter many years ago and married the famous daughter Liu Ruhua, he also hated Xia Qingrong very much.

But in the past five years, Xia Qingrong has been asking him about Li Xiaoman's whereabouts, trying to make up for Li Xiaoman. On several occasions, when he came to see Li Sufang in the cemetery, he encountered Xia Qingrong kneeling in front of Li Sufang's tomb and weeping and confessing .

Slowly, his little hatred and estrangement towards Xia Qingrong disappeared.

Therefore, now he is kind to Xia Qingrong.

Xia Qingrong was not angry because of what Yan Yan said, but instead felt more ashamed of Li Xiaoman and felt more guilty and uncomfortable.

His wet eyes looked at Li Xiaoman with guilt and chuckled: "Manman, I didn't expect your daughter to grow so big. She was exactly the same as you when she was a child. Beautiful, cute, sensible, and very flattering."

When the words fell, he looked at Xiao Yanyan lovingly again, "Your name is Yanyan, the name is very nice, Yanyan, I am indeed your grandfather."

Xiao Yanyan glanced at Xia Qingrong, and then at her dear mommy. The voice asked immaturely, "Mommy, is he really my grandfather?"

Li Xiaoman did not return to Xiao Yanyan, she stepped forward, took her little hand, and looked back to Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo: "Uncle, Wen Bo, I will take Yan Yan to the car first."

When the words fell, she ignored Xia Qingrong and took Xiao Yanyan straight away.

"Manman..." Xia Qingrong saw his face, his face covered with sadness, he was about to chase, and Li Zhenhua called him.

"Mr. Xia, don't chase it. The gap between you and Manman is not one day or two. She has resentment and resentment against you in her heart and doesn't want to see you. It's no use chasing you."

Hearing Li Zhenhua's words, Xia Qingrong stopped and looked at him sadly and guiltily, "Zhenhua, don't call me President Xia, call me Qingrong! Is Yanyan really Manman's daughter?"

Li Zhenhua frowned, watching Xia Qingrong nodded, "Yanyan is Manman's daughter."

A trace of joy appeared on Xia Qingrong's sad face. "Manman really grew up and has daughters. Yanyan is the daughter of Manman and Long Sihao."

Wen Yan, Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo both frowned, because Li Xiaoman never told them who Yanyan’s biological father was.

Xia Qingrong saw Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo not talking, and asked slightly, "Isn't it?"

Li Zhenhua didn't return directly to Xia Qingrong, he smiled and said politely, "Qingrong, we should go back too, you can come home and sit down if you have time."

Seeing Li Zhenhua aside, Xia Qingrong asked no more, watching him answer: "Okay, I will definitely go."

Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan, who had left first, were waiting for Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo in the parking lot of the cemetery.

Xiao Yanyan had a lot of questions in her heart. After holding it for a while, she couldn't hold her back. She raised her small face in pink and jade, blinked her small eyes, and asked her childish voice, "Mom, you said It's wrong to cheat, but why did you lie to my grandfather to go to heaven? Did grandpa make mommy angry? Why doesn't mommy want to see grandpa?"

At the beginning, Li Xiaoman did not intend to deceive Xiao Yanyan, that is to say casually.

Of course, she also knew that it was wrong to lie and lie. In the way she taught Xiao Yanyan, she had always been very attentive, for fear that she would not be taught well.

She was indeed wrong now. She lied and lied to Xiao Yanyan. She was about to apologize to Xiao Yanyan and said that she should not lie. Yu Guang glimpsed a jewel-black Rolls-Royce.

The license plate number and the car are getting more and more familiar, and when she remembers who the owner of the car is, the jewel-black Rolls-Royce has stopped in the parking lot.

Seeing that the door was pushed open, someone was about to come down, and Li Xiaoman pulled Xiao Yanyan back.

And her heart was like a love spit, and she was throbbing and nervous.

If she remembered correctly, that car was Long Sihao.

Xiao Yanyan saw her mummy dragging her back again, her pure starlike eyes blinked and asked doubtfully: "Mummy, what are we going to do again? Not to wait in the parking lot for uncle Grandpa and uncle?"

Li Xiaoman dragged Xiao Yanyan forward quickly, disguising the tension in her heart, and said, "Mummy remembered a few words and forgot to tell your grandmother."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded with unbelief. She was about to look back, and Li Xiaoman gave her a stare.

"Don't look back."

The more Li Xiaoman said that she didn't want to look back, the more Xiao Yanyan wanted to look back, but it was terrible that her mom started the fire, and she temporarily endured looking back**.

She frowned, followed her mother's steps and strode forward.

But her short legs are naturally unable to keep up with Li Xiaoman's pace.

Her brow furrowed tighter, "Mommy, if you go slower, I can't keep up with you."

Li Xiaoman heard the words and slowed down a bit.

Not far behind them, Li Xiaoman was following a group of people who did not want to see or were afraid to see.

It is Long Sihao who is headed by him. In addition to him, there are Lori, Ling Hanye, accompanying bodyguards, and a slender and tall woman wearing a light yellow tight skirt, straight hair shawl, and elegant temperament.

The woman walked on Long Sihao's side. A delicate and beautiful melon seed had no makeup on her face. There was a trace of tenderness in the purity, and she looked around twenty-two.

Lorry also walked beside Long Sihao. He kept squinting his eyes and staring at the two familiar figures.

"President, the two guys in front of you are familiar, we seem to have met at the airport."

Long Sihao heard that Yingying's handsome eyebrows frowned, raising his eyes to Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan who were moving forward quickly.

The pure woman walking beside him was named Ji Yuqing. She saw Long Sihao looking towards the front and followed his eyes to the front.

Seeing him staring at a pair of mother and daughter, a flash of curiosity and surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes. In her impression, Mr. Long did not stare at a woman like this for more than a minute.

Lowry waved his hand and greeted Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan who walked in front with a smile.

"Hi! Little girl, what do you do if you walk so fast? Being chased by ghosts?"

Hearing the sound from behind, Xiao Yanyan stopped and could not help turning around.

After seeing Lowry, she was stunned and recognized that he was the uncle she had seen at the airport, so a small smile appeared on her small face, and her voice was immature: "Uncle, it is you! What a coincidence! Are we swollen and meet again? Uncle, you're right, there is a ghost chasing behind us, isn't that uncle you chasing a fart ghost?"


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