A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 333: Miss Li, her temper is growing

Because Li Xiaoman stooped and leaned over, the tight skirt was low-cut and deep v design. At this time, the looming and charming scenery fell into Han Jinxi's charming blue eyes, making him breathe slightly, his eyes dark. It became dark and tightened a bit.

Suddenly, his long arms stretched and pulled Li Xiaoman into her arms, hugged her slim waist, and her blue eyes half-squinted glanced at her increasingly charming and charming face, The charming smile drawn in the corners of the lips was a little bit angry, "Miss Li, it is more and more tasteful and bolder to wear clothes. Will you not wear them next time?"

Li Xiaoman's slender hands rested on Han Jinxi's chest, and pushed him away with one hand, smiling at him with his lips, "Don't Mr. Han like to dare to be the first in the world? As long as Mr. Han dares not to wear it first , I dare to be the second."

Han Jinxi's lazy gaze glanced at her slightly enchanting, her thin red lips glowing enchantingly, her smile fascinating, her deep voice mellow and beautiful, "Only my woman is qualified to see me without clothes, if you Marry me if you want to see it."

His voice fell, and Xiao Yanyan's voice sounded, "Daddy, can't you be creative in your proposal? I can't even impress you with a kind heart, how can I touch the iron-hearted mommy? Dad slowly and mommy Contact feelings, I'm going to see the work of many designer."

After Xiao Yanyan's voice was sweet, she handed a bunch of roses to her dear mom Li Xiaoman, turned around and walked to the exhibition hall.

"Yan Yan..." Li Xiaoman saw this, not quite assured that she was traveling alone in the crowded exhibition hall, just about to follow, but Han Jinxi pulled her.

Han Jinxi narrowed his eyes slightly, a little rigorous in his tone, "Mi Xi will follow her, I will tell you something."

After knowing Han Jinxi for five years, Li Xiaoman still understands his character. Generally speaking, he will not talk to her in such a rigorous tone unless it is really something.

She glanced at Han Jinxi deeply, and when she saw that Missy had followed Xiaoyanyan, she looked at Han Jinxi with confidence, "What's the matter?"

Han Jinxi's gleaming eyes narrowed her charming and charming face, and her lips and lips smiled like a smile, "Do you think it's appropriate to say here?"

Li Xiaoman's beautiful water eyes narrowed and gave him a deep glance, taking him to the lounge on the second floor of the exhibition hall.

Sitting on the red sofa in the lounge, Li Xiaoman leaned on the two slender and tender ** elegantly, her eyebrows were lightly raised, her eyes narrowed and her eyes were beautiful, and Han Jinxi exuded a charming atmosphere all over her. , Slightly lip-picked, "Say, what is it?"

Han Jinxi took off his suit jacket casually and sat next to Li Xiaoman, with a distinct finger gesture lazily dialing|getting Li Xiaoman's burgundy hair and red lips like a fire to pick out the charm and charm The arc, "Li Xiaoman, I am missing a woman, you are missing a man, amber is missing a home."

Li Xiaoman slightly pulled the corner of his lower lip, stretched out his hand and took Han Jinxi's hand, and raised his eyebrows with a deep smile, "Mr. Han, you forgot to take the medicine again today? This is what you want to tell me What? You should know very well about me in the past five years. I have been divorced once, lived with a man for a period of time, and had a child. With your status and conditions, you think we are fit together ?"

Han Jinxi raised his hand again, the warm big palm fell in her hair, and the slightly constricted blue eyes stared at her dumbly, "You are not a blank paper, do you think I will be a blank paper?"

It is said that Li Xiaoman slightly lowered his eyes. Indeed, as Han Jinxi said, according to his status, the women around him are as much as Jiang Zhi crucian carp, but this cannot be a suitable reason for them to be together.

Han Jinxi saw her lowered her eyes, her slender fingers lifted her jaw, her narrow blue eyes gazed at her deeply and sharply, "You haven't forgotten him, the man who has been missing for five years."

Li Xiaoman's heart was so painful because he mentioned the missing man. His heart suddenly seemed to be covered with thorns. She was bleeding with blood, and she was about to suffocate.

For five years, whenever she thinks of Long Sihao, she feels guilty and painful.

She thought she could forget him, but after these five years, he seemed to be deeply engraved in her heart, which could not be forgotten or erased.

Five years ago, she was taken to Yudao by Han Jinxi in the Dihua International Hotel in K city.

On the grounds that the plan was made by Han Jinxi, Han Jinxi asked her to personally supervise the construction of a resort on Yudao.

Although she is not an engineer and has never been involved in architecture, she has her unique design concepts and ideas.

How to build the resort is more popular, she has her opinion.

Han Jinxi took a fancy to her. He admired her unique and well-considered and extremely humanized insights.

Therefore, Han Jinxi asked her to stay on Yudao temporarily.

At the time, she also wanted to leave K City temporarily, so she stayed at Yudao.

After spending more than a month on Yudao, she realized she was pregnant again.

Because the first child is premature, and this pregnancy is only five or six months before the first pregnancy, it is not suitable to be pregnant again, so it has certain risks.

She lost her first child. In order to ensure that the child could be born smoothly, she returned to K City and learned that te had temporarily changed the president.

And she never had any news about Long Sihao, not only Long Sihao, even Lori, Ling Hanye, Su Yi, Ling Dina.

Long Sihao seems to have disappeared from this world, she has no news of him.

He just disappeared in her life.

During pregnancy, her pregnancy reaction was very serious, and she vomited very badly since more than two months, seeing red, late fetal position is not correct, her calves also appeared bloated that many pregnant women will appear, unable to walk, can only lie down .

However, when her due date was approaching, she encountered an accident.

Han Jinxi and her went to the last obstetric examination, but after they left the hospital, they were followed and someone crashed into their car.

Although she and Han Jinxi were not injured, she moved her fetus, and the baby was born before the due date.

Fear of losing the child again, so after she was taken to the hospital, she insisted on a C-section.

She is not afraid of scars on her stomach, nor has she ever thought of getting married again, just wanting to give birth smoothly.

Because it is a cesarean section, there is a lot of risk. Although the child does not reach the expected date of delivery, it is within a few days. The child is very healthy after birth, weighs six pounds, and is neither too heavy nor too light.

When the doctor told her to have a daughter, she was very grateful to God for sending her daughter to her again.

For the daughter that God gave to her, she vowed to love her with her life and named her Li Anyan. The English name amber was taken by Han Jinxi.

Only three days after Xiao Yanyan was born, a mysterious man broke into her ward and wanted to **** Xiao Yanyan away. Fortunately, Han Jinxi, who had been taking care of her because she felt ashamed of her, arrived in time. Helped her to recapture the child.

Someone twice wanted to be detrimental to her daughter. For the safety of Xiao Yanyan's life, she listened to Han Jinxi's words, took Xiao Yanyan out of K City temporarily, and went to the UK with Han Jinxi.

Han Jinxi felt guilty because he felt that he had failed to protect their mother and daughter, and the premature birth was harmful, and she always took care of their mother and daughter.

In the UK, she used the English name many, and established a personal jewelry design studio with the support of Han Jinxi when Xiao Yanyan was one year old.

After opening the market abroad, she returned to the country six months ago to develop in H City.

In fact, she didn’t have to work at all, and she could live a lifetime with her daughter. She had a large sum of money in her personal account. How much did she know, because she knew that money must be And Long Sihao.

She hasn't touched the money until now.

For Han Jinxi, because he had more contact with him, he began to understand him. In addition to his cold personality, weird temper, love for others, sarcasm, and curse, he was also a good person.

She and he are purely partner relationships.

The reason why Xiao Yanyan would call him Daddy was because Xiao Yanyan was mocked by her classmates at school once without a dad, just happened to be known by Han Jinxi, so she took Xiao Yanyan to her school and told her classmates that he It was Xiao Yanyan's father.

Han Jinxi saw her eyebrows frowning deeply, lowering her eyes and falling into deep thought. For a long time, she couldn't get back to her spirits. His charming blue eyes narrowed tightly, and the smile drawn in the corners of his lips was slightly angry. Li Xiaoman, my time is precious. I don’t have this time to sit here and accompany you to the sky. I will give you two seconds. If you can’t return to God, I won’t say anything you want to know."

Hearing that Han Jinxi's tone was not very pleasant, Li Xiaoman immediately recovered, squinting and squinting before the man with a stunning appearance, a bad temper, and a poor patience. "Say, what?" thing?"

Han Jinxi leaned back lazily on the sofa, the charming blue eyes slightly raised, and looked at her with all her leisurely lips, enchanting a charming smile, "Tell me first, you have wasted my precious time. Compensate me?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman's clear water squinted tighter. He squinted at him, depressed his anger, then stood up and smiled, "Han, did you find it, your nonsense?" It’s more and more. You love to say it or not. It’s me who is wasting time now."

Seeing her stand up, Han Jinxi still sat lazily, exuding nobility and elegance, but enchanting, "The people who are close to Zhu are red and the people are black, you are more and more like me, I am more and more like You, I heard that only two couples will become more and more like each other because they have been together for a long time. I think we are more and more like couples."

"You fart!" Li Xiaoman heard, as if something more dazzled in the heart, he slammed directly.

In general, she is rarely rude, unless it is a certain thing that stabbed her.

When Han Jinxi saw her bursting, her half-closed blue eyes were slightly heavy, the gorgeous smile on her beautiful face gradually dwindled, and her eyes stared at Li Xiaoman, "Miss Li, her temper is growing!"

Li Xiaoman glanced at him, too lazy to care about him, then turned and walked out of the lounge.

Upon seeing Han Jinxi, the charming blue eye narrowed slightly, "You don't want to know who was the one who was against you and amber five years ago?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman paused slightly, turned to look at him, and the clear water squinted, "Who did you find out?"

In the past five years, she has been investigating who is unfavorable to her and Xiaoyanyan, but it has never yielded results.

There was no result in the fact that she was designed to frame and Huoyunene made headlines.

Han Jinxi gazed at her with a deep gaze, slightly raised her lips, and spit out three words, "Not found."

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes narrowly, and the smiling smile drawn from the corners of his lips was mixed with displeasure, "Not found, you..."

Before Li Xiaoman finished his speech, Han Jinxi continued: "It's not that there is no clue."

"What clue?"

Han Jinxi lifted his eyes lightly, looked at her lazily, and smiled with a charming lips, "I will tell you when I sit down, I don't like people listening to me three feet away from me."

This is how Han Jinxi's character is. He doesn't like people listening to him three steps away from him.

When asked why, he was too lazy to speak too loudly.

But he didn't speak softly to anyone. When he was training people, that loud voice could break people's eardrums.

So in the eyes of people who knew Han Jinxi, he was a weird man with a strange temper.

Although Li Xiaoman did not want to sit in the past, in order to know who repeatedly hurt her and her daughter, she still managed to sit in the past. personal.

Han Jinxi glanced at her, took out two photos, extended her arms and handed her to her.


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