A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 331: Domineering, four-year-old girl

Although Long Sihao didn't remember what happened last night, after he heard what Lowry said, he could be sure that he had never touched the strange woman. Someone deliberately threw the woman on his bed.


Lowry, who came out with him, caught up and asked tentatively, "President, did you really remember what happened last night? Think about it again."

What puzzles him most now is that although he added some material to the coffee yesterday, it will not cause their president and Miss Li to be completely unconscious of what happened last night.

And their president does not remember anything, which shows that some people have added some material in the dark.

But who is this person? Who can start without knowing the ghosts and their eyes?

It seems that only when the strange woman wakes up can he ask something out of the woman's mouth.

This matter, he must check it out. He must know who ate the leopard and dared to destroy his Lowry’s plan.

But what he did not expect was that the woman who appeared inexplicably in Long Sihao's bedroom was rescued, but turned into an idiot, no matter how he asked, he could not find any results.

What makes him even more strange is that even the waiter who called the car for Li Xiaoman in the Imperial Banquet was inexplicably missing.

All the related clues were broken, and this matter became an unsolved case, which could not be investigated.

But the only luck is that the result of DNA verification proves that Long Sihao has never touched the strange woman at all, and she does not have Long Sihao's DNA in her body.

Lowry wanted to ask Li Xiaoman what was going on, and because Li Xiaoman went to Yudao, he failed to find her.

Long Sihao's condition was only temporarily restrained, and he would continue to receive various treatments, and this treatment is far away, and it cannot be cured in one year or two.

While he was receiving treatment, he also had the risk of dying at any time. The mildest case was severe coma.

Before Long Sihao left K City and returned to the United States to continue treatment, he also failed to see Li Xiaoman.

"Babys: The next five years, our little mistress, belly black + very belly black + very belly black + weird + cute Yanyan little princess Long Anyan came on stage, all the truth is all Doubts will be revealed five years later. After experiencing so many things, Xiao Xiao will become stronger and stronger, and she will never let go of the people who hurt her, and she will break those people to pieces. 》

Five years later.

h city at real estate group headquarters

In the luxurious and huge conference room, dozens of senior executives of the company sit in front of the large U-shaped conference table.

But these high-level managers were all dripping with cold sweat from a four-year-old girl training, and bowed their heads, only to see them again without a face.

At the forefront of the u-shaped conference table, the president of at should have been sitting, but at the moment it was a little girl who was only four years old and was in powder and jade.

The little girl is very beautiful and lovely, with a small face powder and tender pink, and a pair of cute little pear vortexes. Although young, the facial features are exquisite and delicate, and the eyebrows are curved, like a crescent moon hanging in the night sky.

A pair of aura full of aura, as if the talking eyes are as clear and moving as the stars, and the black pupils are more like two precious obsidian.

Qi Liuhai, full of flavour, beautiful black hair with a shawl, slightly curly hair, wearing a beautiful pink bow tie, and a pink lace vigorous princess dress, like a noble little princess, cute, beautiful and charming .

But at this time, what is not at odds with the cute appearance of the little girl is that her small eyebrows are light-hearted, her small face carved with jade is unsmiling, her expression is serious and rigorous, her voice is sweet and sweet, but there is a touch of domineering and awe-inspiring.

She held a report in her hand and threw it aggressively to the director of the sales department. The naturally beautiful cherry-colored lips opened slightly. "Director Chen, are you sure this is a quarterly report, not a time report?"

The sales director was in his forties. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He looked up and looked at the little girl who was familiar with it but could not remember where he had seen it. Degree report?"

Could it be that he is old and can't keep up with the times, how can he not know what is called a time report?

What makes him wonder is who is this little girl? How dare you sit in the exclusive position of their president?

Who let her come in the meeting room? They also approve of these senior management personnel one by one.

But it must be not ordinary people to be able to come in this meeting room.

The little girl raised her crescent-like eyebrows, and her dark black eyes narrowed her eyes. At a young age, she should have been naive, but with a sharp voice, sweet voice, "Uncle, you are out In the first quarter, there are 90 days, 2160 hours, 129600 minutes and 776000 seconds, and one hour is 60 minutes and 3600 seconds. Are you sure you are giving me a 90-day 776,000-second quarterly report instead of an hourly 3600-second hourly report?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

The baby daughters of Long Shao and Xiao Xiao finally appeared! She inherited Long Shao's belly-black nature! The brother of tomorrow's chapter will also appear, the brother is the one who was stolen from dragon to phoenix!

Xuan Xuan Youmu told the babies that the first child Xiao Xiao gave Long Shaosheng was a baby son.

What happened in the past five years will be revealed in tomorrow's chapter.


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