Su Yi followed behind the two. When she heard the words of the two, her brows frowned slightly, and her expression was so deep that she could not guess what he was thinking.

Li Xiaoman saw that Long Sihao had left like that, and the tears that forced him back could not hold back.

She closed her eyes, letting the tears of sorrow slip, her slender hands squeezed tightly, her teeth squeezing her lower lip trembling with heartache, and fell to the ground, crying silently.

Si Hao... why? Why are you changing so fast?

Why can't I see your tenderness to me in your eyes?

Where is your love for me?

Do you really just use me as a tool for giving birth? Have you never really loved me?

If you have been cheating me all the time, why should you be so serious? Why do you do so much for me?

Why should I be mistaken for how much you love me?

When Li Wenbo saw that Li Xiaoman fell to the ground, he frowned and stepped forward, squatting down, gazing tightly at her small face wet with tears, reaching out to wipe her tears, her voice was clear, mixed with heartache , "Manman, don't cry anymore? You are still in confinement. If you cry too much, your eyes will be blind. Do you want to be blind?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at Li Wenbo, who was distressed at her, and then looked at the tombstone behind him. The tears poured more violently, and the clear eyes were filled with guilt and self-blame.

"Sorry! Mommy is sorry for you, Mommy didn't protect you, Mommy is useless, sorry...Sorry..."

When Li Wenbo saw that Li Xiaoman was still kneeling on the ground, he worriedly looked at her, "Manman, the ground is cold, I will help you up first."

"No..." Li Xiaoman looked at Li Wenbo and cried and shook his head, "I can't get up, Wen Bo, don't you care about me? I want to talk more to my daughter, I want to confess to her, it's me Without strength to give birth to her, she would suffocate and die before birth. I... I'm so useless, I'm useless, I'm useless..."


"I'm useless, snap..."

Li Xiaoman's eyes were full of guilt and self-blame, and he cried while raising her slender hand and slapped her own slap.

"Manman, what are you doing?" Li Wenbo saw her, and hurriedly grabbed her slender wrist, staring at her tightly with her distressed eyes, "Manman, I don't allow you to hurt yourself like this, this thing is not Your fault, don't blame yourself?"

"No... no, it's my fault. It was because I didn't have the strength to give birth to her. She would die because of hypoxia. I killed her. I'm not a qualified mother. I don't even have children. Yes, I’m useless, I’m a waste...I damn..."

At this moment, Li Xiaoman's emotions were very negative. She took all her mistakes to herself, thinking that she was suffocating and killed her and Long Sihao's daughter because she had no strength.

Li Wenbo saw that Li Xiaoman's mood was very low and negative, fearing that she would get depression if she continued like this, and even more so that she would not think about it.

His big white hands clasped her slender hands tightly, and looked at her with distressed eyes, "Manman, the child's death may just be an accident, don't put all the blame on yourself, so you will Very painful, I believe you, you are so kind, you will not kill the children in your stomach, you and Huo Yunene..."

After a pause, he looked at her tightly and said, "In short, Manman, I believe you."

Li Xiaoman saw that Li Wenbo also mentioned her and Huo Yunene, thinking that Long Sihao also mentioned her and Huo Yunene, her tearful eyes stared at him, "What happened to me and Huo Yunene?" "

She didn't understand why they all pulled her and Huo Yunene together?

Because she was very weak after giving birth, plus the child was gone, Long Sihao's transformation, these things have kept her in grief and sad despair, so she did not know that she and Huo Yunene went to k city Headlines.

When Long Sihao said that she was holding her child and other men's love and love, and she and Huo Yunene were together, she began to wonder, but she just didn't think about it just after she lost her child. I didn't even ask any doubts.

Now when Li Wenbo said this, the doubts in her mind were even worse.

Seeing her asking, Li Wenbo guessed that she didn't know that she and Huo Yunene had made headlines, so she looked at her deeply: "Manman, I will tell you slowly when I get back."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman didn't ask any more, but looked at the tombstone and said a lot of self-blame and guilt in tears.

It was not until she stayed in front of the tomb for more than an hour that the sky began to snow, and she stood up with the help of Li Wenbo.

Before leaving Antai Cemetery, she went to see her mother Li Sufang, but found that her mother’s tombstone was not dug out as Huo Yehong said, but after careful inspection, she found that her mother’s tombstone was indeed broken Crack marks.

This shows that Huo Yehong did not lie. Her mother's tombstone was indeed destroyed by someone.

She stayed in front of Li Sufang's tomb for a long time, and she and Li Wenbo left until the snow was falling.

Long Sihao, who had left before, had been sitting in the car until he saw Li Xiaoman and Li Wenbo leave before he let Lowry drive.

Sitting in front of the driver's seat, Lorui looked at Long Sihao, frowned, and asked, "President, are you really not planning to take Miss Li back to Shuilu Lake?"

Ling Dina, sitting next to Long Sihao, narrowed her eyes and glared at him, her words unpleasant, "Dead Lorry, wouldn't you mention that Li Xiaoman? Si Hao and her had completely ended, no It will have something to do with her again, right, Brother Si Hao."

Ling Dina looked at Long Sihao, who had a deep look, with a look of expectation in her brown eyes.

Long Sihao didn't reply to her. He clenched his fists with one hand against the thin lips and coughed twice, before staring at Lowry deeply. Shen Sheng asked, "Did I find the necklace you are looking for?"

Lowry frowned, "I found, as expected by the president, the necklace was indeed in the same suite where Miss Li and Huo Yunene were broken into by the reporter."

Ling Dina looked at Long Sihao, then looked at Lorry, and asked doubtfully: "What necklace? Is this the 12-carat pink diamond necklace given to Li Xiaoman by Si Hao?"

When the words fell, she glanced at Long Sihao again, her red lips grinning unpleasantly, "Brother Si Hao, I'm so good to you. You never gave me a gift, but gave such a precious gift to Li Xiao. Man, what about her, do you treasure what you gave her?"

Long Sihao's eyes narrowed, his eyes deep and impenetrable.

After losing Li Xiaoman, he felt that one more day was unnecessary.

Unspeakable grief overwhelmed his entire heart like a huge wave.

He closed his narrow eyes and tried to push the source of pain back, and he suffered the pain of losing Li Xiaoman.

He thought that God gave him a chance. After he finally won her heart, God wanted to take back his life.

After going back, Li Wenbo told Li Xiaoman what he knew.

After listening to Li Xiaoman, she realized that she and Huo Yunene even made headlines. No wonder Long Sihao would say those words, no wonder he would ask her where the necklace went.

After listening to Li Wenbo's remarks, she used her mobile phone to read the news of the day and saw the 12-carat pink diamond necklace she had been wearing.

When she stared at her phone, Li Wenbo was beside her.

After seeing her reading the news, there was no words, no worries, he called her worriedly, "Manman...Manman..."

Hearing Li Wenbo's voice in his ear, Li Xiaoman turned his eyes away from the phone.

She smiled gently at the worried eyes of Shang Li Wenbo, "Brother Wenbo, don't worry about me, I'm fine, I won't sink anymore, and I won't let myself continue to live in sadness..."

Speaking of which, she took Li Wenbo's hand and gazed at him firmly, "Brother Wenbo, you can rest assured that I will cheer up because I have something very important to do and I want to find out who is here The design framed me, and I will not let that person go."

Seeing her clear face was firm, without the sadness and negativity of the previous few days, the big stone in his heart finally fell.

Holding her small hand instead, his staring eyes looked at her tenderly, and Wen Run smiled, "Manman, I will do my best to help you, I know that you will not be negative all the time, Man in my heart Man has always been strong and tough."

When Li Xiaoman saw Li Wenbo holding her hand, she watched her gaze with a bit of heat that she could not understand. She pulled out the hand held by him a little embarrassedly and lowered her eyes, "Wen Bo, thank you you."

When she pulled out her hand, Li Wenbo's eyes flashed a bit of loss, but he was quickly covered by him.

He gazed at her tenderly, reaching out and gently stroking her chaotic bangs, with a clear and gentle voice, "No need to thank you, I said, you..."

After a pause, he smiled gently and continued: "You and my dad are my dearest and most loved ones. If you really want to thank me, do what you said and cheer up."

Li Xiaoman looked at Li Wenbo and nodded solemnly, "I will."

After experiencing so much and losing so much, she should grow up too.

She is a gritty poplar. Even if she has experienced a lot of wind and rain, she will not fall down easily, nor will she bend down easily.

And her mind has become more tenacious because of all these hardships.

She appeared in the Dihua International Hotel's room, which was obviously intentionally framed by someone.

The person who designed her to frame her was either Huo Yunene or someone else.

She suddenly gave birth prematurely, and there must be something wrong.

So, in any case, she must investigate this matter.

No matter who the behind-the-scenes planner is, she will make every effort to get those people to get the punishment they deserve.

Starting today, Li Xiaoman will no longer be the former Li Xiaoman who will only bully and be bullied.

From now on, Li Xiaoman, if someone respects her one foot, she will return one foot, if others dare to design to frame her, she will repay it twice.

Five months later, the Royal Banquet Building

"Miss Li, President Long is inside. You go in yourself."

A waiter at Yu Yan Lou took Li Xiaoman to the second floor and stood outside a box named "Hua Hao Yue Yuan".

The waiter watched her finish and left, and she stood at the door of the box with "Hua Hao Yue Yuan" hesitating whether to go in or not.

After five months of adjustment, she was much better both in mood and appearance.

Early this morning, she received a phone call from Long Sihao personally and asked her to come to Yuyanlou.

At that time, she did not hesitate for a moment, and agreed directly.

The faster she promised, the more proof she would let go.

Taking a deep breath, she straightened her back, and with a gentle smile on her beautiful little face, she reached out and pushed open the door of the box.

This is her second time in the box of "Flower Moon".

For the first time, Long Sihao smashed money here to help her family to envelope her heart, also in Yuyanlou, Long Sihao asked her to marry her.

At that time, she never thought they would come to this situation today.

Unspeakable bitterness spread across her heart, but her beautiful little face still had a gentle smile, stepping on seven-inch high-heeled shoes, taking an elegant step, and walked in elegantly.

Not only Long Sihao was sitting in the box, but also Lowry and a man with a pair of glasses who looked slick.

She glanced at the handsome man who was still elegant and noble on the sofa.

He was dressed in a khaki suit with extraordinary temperament, but that handsome face was pale and slightly ill between the eyebrows, but it did not affect his handsomeness and kinglike momentum at all.

Five months later, when I saw him again, Li Xiaoman's heart was still trembling, and the unspeakable sourness spread in her heart.

She deliberately suppressed the grief that couldn't be eliminated. She walked forward elegantly with a smile, and sat down directly on the sofa opposite Long Sihao.


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