The little man in his arms closed his small eyes tightly, his skin was purple, and his wrinkled, wet hair clung to his scalp. His head and face were very small, not half as big as his palm.

The child was just born and hasn't grown up yet, so she can't see who she looks like, but from her beautiful facial features, she can be seen as a big beauty when she grows up, but unfortunately she doesn't have the opportunity to grow up.

Looking at the villain with no breath of life in his arms, Long Sihao's long and narrow eyes were filled with tears of grief, and slipped down his pale and beautiful face.

The heart hurts like a knife.

He shook his hand, caressing the already tender young face of the villain in his arms, and choked, " opened your eyes to see looked at Daddy..."

Long Sihao hugged the breathless villain, and his beautiful face was already wet with tears of grief.

He has been looking forward to the birth of this child, and he has been expecting since he knew that Li Xiaoman is pregnant, because this is the first child of him and Li Xiaoman.

But after looking forward to it for so long, I thought I was finally going to be a father, thinking that I had a common blood line with her Xiaoxiao.

But why did God take his daughter's life? Why is it so cruel?

Lorry saw Long Sihao holding a baby who was no longer breathless and grieved. His handsome eyebrows were scowling and his eyes were wet. "President, have to mourn."

Ling Hanye also stepped forward, gazing at Long Sihao dignifiedly, comforting: "Si Hao, don't be too sad, you and Miss Li are still very young, you can still regenerate..."

Ling Dina was sad and sad when she saw Long Sihao. She frowned and stepped forward, and also comforted: "Brother Si Hao, you are right, you are still young, and the child can be reborn..."

She wanted to say that as long as he wanted, she could give him ten or eight, but she didn't say that she was in the pain of bereavement.

She said this at this time, too disregarding his mood.

Huo Yehong, Huo Yunene, Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo This is the first time to see Long Sihao so sad and sad.

Seeing him holding tightly the breathless villain, the tears were raining, and the expression of sorrow was extremely sad. Several people looked dignified, and there was no noise.

Li Zhenhua red his eyes, crying sadly: "What kind of sin did our Li family make? One by one..."

Li Wenbo's eyes were also wet, and the expression on Jun's face was solemn, comforting Li Zhenhua.

Huo Yehong walked in front of Long Sihao with a cane, looked at the villain with no breath in his arms, patted his shoulder with his hand, and sighed heavily, "Ah! Si Hao, Don't be sad."

Huo Yehong was also full of sorrow. He thought he could see his great-grandson, but he saw that he was dead.

"Xiaoxiao...Xiaoxiao..." Long Sihao, who was in the pain of losing her daughter, ignored Huo Yehong. He suddenly shouted anxiously with the breathless villain, and rushed into the rescue room with some unstable pace.


"Brother Si Hao..."

"Si Hao..."

Ling Hanye, Lowry, Ling Dina, Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo and others also chased them in.

The nurse was hanging needles and cleaning up for Li Xiaoman. When someone broke in, they drove them out, but Long Sihao refused to go out. The nurse couldn't take him. He could only let him stay.

When he saw Li Xiaoman with blood all over his body, his face pale and haggard, his eyes closed, he was very distressed and worried.

Their daughter is gone, he just hopes that she will be fine.

He was overwhelmed with grief, and when he was seriously ill, he rushed to the hospital as soon as he flew from the plane.

At this time he could no longer hold on, fainted in the rescue room, still holding his daughter and Li Xiaoman tightly in his arms.


Next day

Li Xiaoman, who had been comatose all day and night, just woke up.

She opened her eyes, looked at the white ceiling, and remembered suddenly raising her hand to caress her belly, where there was nothing flat.

She can no longer feel the child's fetal movement.

The heart burst into tears, and the sorrowful tears couldn't help but slip from her clear eyes.

"Child...child...where did my child go...where did my child go..."

She burst into tears and shouted, Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo, Huo Yunene, who was at the door of the ward, saw her wake up and immediately entered the ward, looking at her with a complex look.

" finally woke up."


Li Xiaoman's eyes widened with tears in his eyes, gazing at Li Zhenhua with a trace of anticipation, "Uncle... What about my child? Why didn't I see?"

She looked at the left and then to the right, her tears drowned, her emotions agitated, "What about my child? Where did the child go? Where did my child go?"

Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo, and Huo Yunene were very excited to see her, and all three had very dignified faces, and they were worried and distressed in her eyes.

Li Zhenhua's eyes were moist, and she looked at her distressedly and said, "Manman, you just woke up and have a good rest. Don't ask the rest."

"No..." Li Xiaoman cried and shook his head. The clear eyes filled with tears glanced tightly at Li Zhenhua, crying and begging, "Uncle, I want to see my child. Will you help me bring the child over? Uncle? , I beg you, I want my child..."

Li Zhenhua frowned tightly and looked at her solemnly, "Manman, why don't you kid listen to your uncle? You just gave birth to a child, the body is still very weak, still confinement, can't cry, you are good Rest, don't ask about other things."

When Li Xiaoman saw that Li Zhenhua did not say, tearful eyes looked at Li Wenbo and Huo Yunene, crying and begging, "Wen Bo, you tell me, where is my child? You go help me take my child over good or not?"

Li Wenbo frowned tightly and bowed his head without saying a word.

Huo Yunene's ink-like eyes glanced at her distressedly, "Manman, child... child..."

Seeing Huo Yunene vomiting and vomiting, Li Xiaoman's heart tightened in bursts, the whole body became chilly, and the tears at the bottom of his eyes slipped more violently.

"Is my child gone? Is it gone? I want my child...I want my child...I want to find my child..."

She became more and more out of control, sat up crying, and ran out of the ward after getting out of the bed.

Because she was still hanging the needle, the needle on the back of her hand was naturally pulled out by her, but she didn't know it.

She didn't run a few steps, but fell to the ground because she was still weak.


Seeing this, Huo Yunene immediately stepped forward to catch her, and her ink eyes glanced at her distressedly, "Manman, the child hasn't breathed since birth, don't be too sad."

Hearing Huo Yunene's words, Li Xiaoman stiffly stood, his eyes full of tears stared at Huo Yunene, his emotions cried out and shook his head out of control, "No, how can my child not breathe? Of... you bullshit... you bullshit... I’m going to see my kids..."

Li Zhenhua's tearful eyes looked at Li Xiaoman with a distressed feeling, "Manman, Yunene did not lie to you, the doctor said that the child was suffocating because of lack of oxygen..."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman was in tears, the expression on Qingli's small face was grieved, and she cried out in exhaustion, "No -!"

Her slender and petite body shivered, crying with grief, and she didn't lose her mother long before she lost her child. The series of blows made her unable to bear, and she fainted.

Huo Yunene, Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo saw this, and immediately called the doctor.

Long Sihao, who passed out yesterday, also woke up at this time.


When he woke up, Li Xiaoman kept shouting in his mouth, and his long, narrow eyes were filled with tears of sorrow.

Ling Hanye, who stood beside him, Lori, Ling Dina, and Su Yi saw him wake up and immediately stepped forward.

"Brother Si Hao, I was scared to death. You finally woke up and said that your treatment can't be delayed. You just don't listen and you have to rush back. This is all right. I won't be worth it for you. You love that Li Xiaoman so much, but she...but... killed your daughter..."

Long Sihao listened to Ling Dina's words, narrowing her eyes narrowly, her eyes staring at her, "You are not allowed to say this, Xiaoyan's death is none of her business."

Ling Dina saw Long Sihao guarding Li Xiaoman and grunted her mouth in dissatisfaction. "Who said it's none of her business! Ask your brother, ask Lowry, and ask Su Yi, if she wouldn't personally treat her ex-husband. , How could your daughter..."

Long Sihao's eyes dimmed, and she looked at her with a dark and appalling look, "What are you talking about?"

Luo Ruijun frowned deeply. When Long Sihao looked wrong, he glared at Ling Dina and signaled her not to go on.

Ling Hanye also looked at Ling Dina, beckoning her not to go on.

When Ling Dina saw it, she narrowed her eyes and glared at Lori and Ling Hanye with dissatisfaction. "I know you care about Brother Si Hao, I am afraid that he will be stimulated, but that Li Xiaoman is not worthy of his love. , Brother Si Hao loves her so much, but what did she do while carrying Brother Si Hao?"

When the words fell, Ling Dina stood up and said angrily: "If you don't let me say I won't say, anyway, the paper can't cover the fire, Si Hao will one day know, you will continue to replace Li Xiaoman Conceal, let her continue to hurt Si Hao brother, Si Hao brother is really lucky to have three of your lost friends."

Ling Dina finished angrily, and left the ward.

She really wanted to care about Long Sihao and loved him sincerely. Although she said that she would get him at all costs, she still had a firmer belief in her heart that as long as her Sihao brother was really happy, even Looking at him with other women, she is very jealous and unhappy, but she will not destroy it intentionally, she only hopes her Si Hao is really happy.

She thought that Li Xiaoman was the woman who could make her Sihaoge happy, but she actually betrayed her Sihaoge and killed her Sihaoge's daughter, she was not worth her Sihao at all Brother love.

In the ward, Long Sihao got out of the bed, his narrow narrow eyes narrowed, and his eyes were deep and sharp, looking at Lori, Ling Hanye, and Su Yi, Shen Sheng asked, "What does dinah mean?"


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