A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 316: Strange, auditory hallucinations

When his big palm gently stroked her swollen abdomen, her stomach suddenly shook.

Long Sihao, feeling the fetal movement, froze and stopped. It was rare that he narrowed his eyes narrowed in amazement, and looked at Li Xiaoman with a trembling gaze, "Xiao Xiao, did you feel it? Our little blew, He (she) moved."

At this moment, his handsome face and deep eyes were filled with the joy of being a father, just like a curious baby who discovered something new, very excited.

Xiao Baola is the name of the milk that Li Xiaoman took for their children. Because it is the year of the sheep, it is named Xiao Baa.

After the child is born, if the boy is called Yang Yang, the girl is called Yan Yan.

She was delighted and surprised to see Long Sihao as a child, and she was also very happy.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled at him, "He (she) started to move in more than four months, but it was lighter, and these two days were more noisy."

Generally, the earliest fetal movement is at the first four months of pregnancy, but it is relatively mild at first, and it is difficult to notice that in the later period, the fetal movement will be more obvious, and the stomach will be shocked.

The baby will kick in the stomach, sometimes you can see the belly bulge, and you can even see the baby's small hand supporting the mother's belly.

Long Sihao listened to her saying that the baby was more noisy these two days. He leaned over and placed Junmei's face on her swollen belly, slightly condensed his eyes, and said softly to the baby in the belly: "Baby, I am a father Ground, your mommy is very hard for you, so baby can be troublesome but not too troublesome. If you make your mommy uncomfortable, Daddy will make you uncomfortable later."

When Li Xiaoman saw that the baby had not yet been born, his (her) father and father began to threaten him (her), and her eyes were full of smiles, "Si Hao, help me like this, our baby Will be jealous."

Long Sihao straightened up, narrowly gazing at her with a smile on her eyes. "No, not only will I love you in the future, but our baby will love you."

Li Xiaoman's slender hands hooked his neck, his eyes glaring softly, "Si Hao, thank you, with you, with a baby, I am really happy."

After a pause, she said embarrassedly, "Si Hao, I... I went to the bathroom."

Her frequent urination after pregnancy has continued until now, especially in the morning, she looked at Long Sihao and went out of bed to the bathroom.

Long Sihao saw her entering the bathroom. He was about to get up and get out of bed. A sudden sensation of dizziness struck the ground. He half propped up and lay down on the bed weakly.

Feeling the warm liquid flowing out of his nasal cavity, he tightened his eyes and had a bad hunch in his heart.

He wiped the back of his hand gently, and as he expected, he bleeds again.

This situation began to happen frequently, which made him feel panic and fear that he had never had.

He was afraid that the mustard gas was really left in his body. He was afraid that he suddenly fell ill. He was unable to love Li Xiaoman, was unable to protect her, and was unable to take care of her.

Even more afraid he could not wait for the day when their baby was born.

For the first time, he was never so worried and afraid.

Before he was with Li Xiaoman, he never worried about his own life and death, but it is different now.

Now he has his favorite woman and is about to become a dad...

He remembered what Li Xiaoman said yesterday about life and death, and he became more and more afraid of her knowing that he was unwell.

He only hoped that she would be happy, not wanting her to worry about him, or letting her do anything stupid for him, so that he would not be at ease.

He also said that he would accompany her today, but his body may fall at any time, can he still accompany her?

Being so happy with her was so happy that he forgot all about his physical discomfort.

Seeing that Li Xiaoman hadn't come out in the bathroom, he didn't want her to know that he was unwell, and he sat on the bed with his hands.

Coincidentally, just after he got out of bed, Li Xiaoman came out of the bathroom.

There was a flash of panic in the narrow eyes, and he turned his back immediately, trying to make his own voice sound as normal as possible, "Xiao Xiao, there is something wrong with the company temporarily, I can't accompany you today."

When the words fell, he squeezed his hands firmly, and hurried towards the door of the bedroom.

Listening to him suddenly saying he was going to the company, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were deep, and his eyes flicked over his loss.

Her gaze fell on the phone he landed on the bed, picked it up, turned to look at him who had walked to the door of the bedroom, "Si Hao, wait, you forgot to take your phone."

Long Sihao's big white hand held the door frame and turned slightly, but he didn't come back to get the phone.

Li Xiaoman saw this, took his mobile phone to his side, and handed him the phone.

Long Sihao took out a hand to take over the phone, but did not look back at her, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Xiao, I may not come back tonight, you go to bed earlier, take care of yourself."

When the words fell, he left without looking back, giving Li Xiaoman a sense of indifference, but in fact he did not dare to look back, he was afraid that Li Xiaoman saw his pale, bloodless face, and his still-bleeding nosebleed .

He was afraid she would worry.

Li Xiaoman stood at the door of the bedroom until Long Sihao's figure completely disappeared in front of her. She still stood still.

The man who just said that he would not go to the company to accompany her, suddenly went to the company, causing her to frown deeply, and swept through the loss of a large film in the clear eyes.

Si Hao...

Although he said that he was going to the company, she had a hunch in her heart that he suddenly left not just going to the company.

Just as she turned to prepare to return to the bedroom, the voice of the maid rang behind her.

"Young lady, breakfast is ready."

Upon hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman turned around and saw Li Xue standing behind her.

Thinking of Li Xue's scalding of the back of her hand yesterday because of her carelessness, she felt guilty, and the clear water eyes looked at the back of her hand, and asked with concern: "How is your hand?"

"Thank you Mrs. Young for your concern, it's much better to see the doctor."

Li Xuexiao looked at Li Xiaoman's speech and came forward to help her. "Young lady, I will help you go down for breakfast!"

He glanced deeply at Li Xue. Although Li Xiaoman felt guilty for her because of yesterday's incident, Li Xue had spoken to Chen Lan before to blame her. Her attitude towards her was lukewarm.

"No, I will go on for a while."

When the words fell, she went back to the bedroom and went downstairs after changing clothes.

For the baby's healthy growth, in addition to her deliberate hunger strike yesterday, she eats on time every day.

After breakfast, Li Xiaoman did not return to the bedroom, but the housekeeper moved people to the garden of the villa.

Li Xiaoman was sitting on a recliner, closing his eyes and bathing in the sun, but his heart was full of loss.

She was not a woman who loved to stick with people, nor a woman who needed someone to accompany her.

But recently, she suddenly became sticky. When Long Sihao was away, she thought he was terrible.

Li Xue stood beside her and saw her eyes closed, thinking she was sleepy, and whispered: "Young lady, it is already winter, and it is cold outside. If you are sleepy, I will help you back Go to bed in the bedroom."

Li Xiaoman still closed his eyes, his pink lips pursed, "No, I want to get some sun."

Long Sihao is not here, she is actually very afraid to go back to that big and amazing luxury bedroom.

In such a large bedroom, she is alone and she will feel more lonely and more lost.

Li Xue saw the loss of her face, and she asked tentatively: "Mrs. Shao, do you have any concerns? You are pregnant, and your bad mood will also affect your children."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman opened his eyes slowly, and saw Li Xuezheng looking at her with concern.

She narrowed her eyes and was about to make a noise. Li Xue looked at her and asked, "Does Mrs. Young miss your family? If Mrs. Young misses your family, why don't you let Young Master take your parents here?"

The words "parents" in her words made Li Xiaoman's brows tighter. She had a father but no father, but her mother was still unclear.

Long Sihao left suddenly, and her mood was a bit low. At this time, when she thought of the dead Li Sufang, her mood was even lower.

Pregnant women are most susceptible to depression. She feels that if she goes on like this, she will definitely get depression.

She stayed in the garden for half an hour before getting up from the recliner, ignoring Li Xue, and went straight ahead.

"Young lady..."

Seeing this, Li Xue went forward to help her, but Li Xiaoman did not let her support.

"I was tired and went back to the bedroom to sleep for a while. I didn't wake up and didn't need to ask me to have lunch." Li Xie finished talking, and she slowly walked back to the bedroom herself.

Lying on the luxurious bed|, while she was sleepy, she heard someone calling her "Manman".

The familiar voice and gentle tone of voice resemble that of Li Sufang.

"Manman... Manman..."


Suddenly, she opened her eyes and saw nothing in the luxurious and spacious bedroom.


Another clear and kind familiar voice sounded, still the voice of Li Sufang. Li Xiaoman, who was sitting on the round bed, was shaking, and immediately stood up.

She looked around at the luxurious and spacious bedroom, feeling sad but strange.

The sound of "Manman" just now is very clear, and she is very familiar with it, it is her mother Li Sufang's voice, as if it was from her side.

But her mother is dead, how could she be called?

She frowned tightly, reached for her forehead, and suddenly felt dizzy. How did she hear her mother's voice?

Is she really suffering from depression and auditory hallucinations?

She lay dizzy on the round bed, pulled over the quilt to cover herself, and closed her eyes.


Confused, she seemed to hear Li Sufang's familiar voice again.

Her head was getting dizzy and her eyelids were heavy. She was too lazy to open her eyes, but the familiar voice passed into her ears a few minutes later.

Li Sufang's voice will make her sad, and the more she listens, the more she feels sad.

She didn't know why she heard her mother's voice, perhaps because she missed her mother too much, or maybe because she had auditory hallucinations.

After she lay down and fell asleep, Li Sufang's gentle voice always passed into her ears from time to time.

And she has been having nightmares and has been sleeping unsteadily.

I wonder if Li Sufang's familiar voice always sounded in her ear, she also dreamed of Li Sufang in her dream.

Not only dreamed about how she was when she died, but also dreamed that she was angry and disappointed and questioned her.

She dreamed that Li Sufang asked her why she wanted to hide her death.

Question why she didn't listen to her to kill the child and why she didn't avenge her.

In the dream, she said with a crying voice, "Mom, I'm sorry! I won't kill my child and Si Hao, nor will I be separated from him, I love him, please bless us."


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