A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 308: Si Hao, my head was kicked by a donkey

After he paused, he continued to say: "The mysterious man had some brains, and killed Li Xiaoman's mother to blame Long Sihao. I have to say that his trick is really brilliant. Why didn't I think of it? There are people outside the sky and people outside."

Huo Yunene listened to him, and his red eyes glanced at him with a hint of surprise, "You don't believe that Long Sihao killed Manman's mother?"

Long Junche narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows and said, "The authorities are fooled by the bystanders, but we would like to thank the mysterious man. Without him, you want to dismantle your Manman and Long Sihao, but it is not so easy. ."

Huo Yunene's red eyes narrowed, his lips smirked, "Since someone has created this opportunity for me, I will naturally grasp it."


The next day, Li Xiaoman was already in the Shuiluhu villa when he woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, what she saw was the familiar luxurious bedroom, luxurious round large bed.

Her slender hands were resting on the bed|, just about to get up, Long Sihao, who had just walked away after answering the phone, just entered the bedroom. When she saw that she was awake, she was getting ready, and he dared to step forward.

"Xiaoxiao..." When he reached the bed, he reached out and lifted her up, and put the pillow behind him, letting her lean on, and then he sat down beside her.

His long, narrow eyes gazed at her tightly, his eyes overflowing with worry and distress, and his large white hands gently stroked her pale face, "Xiao Xiao, is there anything else uncomfortable?"

Li Xiaoman stared at him for a long time, his eyes were red, and he felt a lot of pain in his heart. He reached out and touched his handsome but heaved a lot of face, with a crying voice, "Si Hao, I'm sorry, I let You are worried, do you see what you are sick of? Are you not sleeping well?"

At this moment, Li Xiaoman's heart was very painful. She felt that she was really sorry for him. She always worried him and made him sad. He paid so much for her, but she didn't pay anything for him.

Long Sihao saw her red eyes, tears and mist in a pair of clear eyes, his handsome eyebrows were deep, and the dark eyes squinted at her with distress, white and slender fingers gently wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, "Xiao Xiao, You don’t have a mother, you still have me, don’t be sad?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him and shook his head, reaching over his big white hand, "I'm not sad because of my mother, I'm sorry for you."

"Xiaoxiao..." Long Sihao was surprised and moved by her words.

He thought that she would be worried about her because of her mother's death, thinking that she would leave him, he really did not expect her not only did not leave him, but also distressed him, and wept for him, he was very surprised and happy at the moment .

His narrow, long eyes gazed at her tightly, his eyes moved, "Xiao Xiao, am I wrong? You shouldn't want to peel my skin, tear my bones, pump my muscles, and drink my blood now. Do you even distress me, then your mother’s death, don’t you blame me? Don’t you think I am the murderer of your mother? With me, the murderer, are you afraid that you will not feel filial?"

After listening to his joking words, the tears in Li Xiaoman's eyes immediately poured out, and he felt ashamed of him.

He could say this easily, how could it be the murderer who killed her mother?

How could she determine that he was the killer of her mother when she saw the video?

She must have been kicked by a donkey in order to be so stupid.

How can a man who loves her with his life do harm to her and to hurt her loved ones?

He will only love the house and the raven, and will only do things that hug her. How could he possibly do something that would cut their relationship?

How could he do such a stupid thing with such a thoughtful and wise mind?

If he really wants to kill her mother, it must be unknowingly, and he will never choose the most inappropriate and the most likely time and time to expose him as the murderer.

Even on the surface, he is the most suspected of killing her mother, but it is because he is the most suspected that it is the least likely to be the murderer of her mother.

He must be framed, and someone who killed her mother must be someone else.

And the video that best proves that he is the murderer is actually the most evidence that he is not the murderer who killed her mother.

If he is really the murderer, he can't go to the monitoring room of the hospital with her to watch the surveillance video.

If he was the murderer, he would completely destroy the video before taking her, instead of leaving a small video that pinched her mother’s neck.

The video is obviously passive, and the purpose is to blame him.

The murderer is trying to cover up!

She didn't even find such a big loophole, and thought she was the mother he killed.

It seems that her head was not only kicked by a donkey, but also trampled by an elephant. She was really stupid.

She looked up at Long Sihao with tears in her eyes, her face full of guilt, "Si Hao, I was wrong, I'm sorry, I shouldn't suspect that you killed my mother, my head must have been kicked by a donkey, Will doubt you, don't believe you."

"Your head was kicked by a donkey?" Long Sihao heard the words, and looked at her, then looked at her pretending to be surprised. "Come and see where I kicked? Why are you so careless? You don't kick the donkey. Do you know to hide?"

When the words fell, he really held Li Xiaoman's small head, looking left and right, white long fingers squeezed her hair and looked left and right.

After seriously looking for it, he narrowed his eyes to Li Xiaoman, a face of unbelief, "Xiao Xiao, are you sure you were kicked by a donkey? But I didn't see half of it on your head Donkey hoof stamp."

His jokes almost made her chuckle.

She knew he was deliberately teasing her, he was so good, but she hurt him, she really thought she was not a human being.

"Si Hao..." She spoke with a crying voice, and the tears in the clear eyes were raining.

Then she rushed into his arms, hugged him tightly, and kept apologizing: "Si Hao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..., I'm really sorry, I shouldn't doubt you, people all over the world may kill me Mom, but you definitely won’t. I want to understand that my mom didn’t kill you, you were framed."

Hearing what she finally believed in him, Long Sihao's narrow and long eyes were full of smiles.

His big white hands held her small face lightly, lowering her head and printing a kiss on her slightly pale lips, "Xiao Xiao, can you tell me something?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao and nodded seriously, "Yes."

Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, teasing, "Can you tell me where the donkey kicking you?"

Li Xiaoman levied slightly, the clear water eyes looked at him unclearly, so he looked at him, "What?"

Long Sihao's eyes looked at her puzzled with a smile, her lips slightly raised, "It wakes you up with a hoof, I am very grateful to it, I want to provide it."

"Si Hao..." Li Xiaoman, who responded, slightly twitched his lips, snorted, and leaned tightly in his arms. "You tease me again."

Long Sihao lowered her eyes and saw that there were still tears in her eyes. He reached out and wiped her tears lightly, frowning slightly, "Xiao Xiao, do you think the water is flooding here?"

Li Xiaoman's eyes were stained with a smile, and he looked up at him affectionately, "Si Hao, are you mad at me?"

Long Sihao sank his face, "must be born."

Li Xiaoman frowned tightly, "Then you must be very disappointed with me."

Long Sihao continued to sink his face, "must be disappointed."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him tightly, "Do you still love me?"

Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled softly: "Must love."

"Si Hao..." Li Xiaoman's moved tears just stopped.

"Xiao Xiao, it seems that you really want to overwhelm here." He said softly, his white and slender fingers still gently wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, narrowed her eyes and asked her, "How come I suddenly understood Didn’t you say I saw your mother’s neck in the video?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him with guilt. When she saw Long Sihao pinching her mother's neck in the video, she really thought that her mother had killed him. She thought they couldn't be together anymore.

But when she came to be pulled by him from the monitoring room, she saw his haggard and worried face, and thought that he loved her so much, how could she kill her mother?

Because her mother had just passed away, she was still in extreme grief, thinking that things were not so comprehensive, nor that mental effort to judge and think so much.

So she needs to be calm.

Asked him to personally deal with her mother's affairs, just to have a cooling-off period.

Two days ago, before her mother was buried, she was staying in front of her mother's spirit and would think about it after she calmed down, so she found so many doubts.

The time she really wanted to understand was today.

His frank words made her completely want to understand.

She bit her lower lip tightly, her eyes full of tears gazing at him tightly, "Si Hao, because of your openness, because of your love, because I don't believe you will kill my mom, Si Hao, sorry , I was because..."

Long Sihao waited for her to finish, and took her words, gazing at her tenderly, "You were because your mother had just passed away, you were in extreme sadness, thinking that things were not comprehensive enough, you would mistake me for killing you Mom, Xiao Xiao, no one can think of everything. Just like me, I didn’t expect that the murderer would go in and kill your mother after I left your mother’s ward, let alone the murderer would move on the video, so you I didn’t think for a while that I wouldn’t blame you. After all, you still believe me, indicating that my Xiaoxiao is not stupid.”

His words justifying her made her so moved that she couldn't help crying.

"Si Hao... how can you be so good?"

She was crying in his arms, crying, silent, moved, happy, guilty, distressed.

Long Sihao hugged her, "silly girl, there is better, give me time, I will find out who killed your mother as soon as possible to avenge your mother."

Li Xiaoman hugged him tightly, crying, "Si Hao, thank you."

Long Sihao bowed his head and kissed away the tears she couldn't stop.

Li Xiaoman's heart quivered, his slender hands wrapped around his neck, slightly raised his jaw, and kissed his thin lips actively.


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