He knelt in front of Li Sufang's tomb, and a man in his 40s or 50s was crying sadly, "Sufang...Sufang..., I'm sorry for you, I've failed you, and the wicked wicked people haven't gone yet, how are you? Just leave first? Don’t you hate me, don’t you blame me? Why don’t you look at me and get retribution, and then you go after retribution? You leave like this, do you feel at ease? Do you have no regrets? Sufang, what I owe you hasn't paid off yet. Why did you leave? How can I live with peace of mind when you leave first? Sufang...Sufang..."

He was so sad and sad that a big man was crying. His words were exhausted and sorrowful. He shocked everyone present, including Li Xiaoman, Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua.

Li Zhenhua's eyes have been swollen and moist since the news of Li Sufang's death.

Li Sufang is only two years older than him, but this sister takes care of him like his mother.

Because of his dissatisfaction, his gambling, his sister's hard work to earn a few jobs in addition to the maintenance of her own living expenses and Manman, but also for him to help him repay the debt.

He was chased for debts, and after being bruised and bruised, she would scold him and say no to him, saying that he would not care about him next time, but every time she said so, she would spare no effort to take care of him. Ways to make money to cure him.

He was so disappointed that he made his sister feel very worried and worried.

She has been suffering for the rest of her life, and tired for the rest of her life. When she was about to enjoy the blessing, she left like this. How could he not be sad?

The most sorry person in his life is his sister.

Suddenly, he knelt down and knelt down, all of a sudden, his face was covered with tears of sorrow, remorse, and guilt, crying: "Sister... I'm sorry, my younger brother is not upset, and made you suffer for a lifetime... I'm sorry."

The wet eyes of Li Wenbojun were also covered with sad expressions. He saw the grief of Li Zhenhua kneeling on the ground and crying. He called out sadly, "Dad..."

He wanted to persuade Li Zhenhua to mourn, but he couldn't say anything to his lips. This mourning couldn't even save himself. How could he persuade his dad?

Li Sufang is not only good to his father, but also to Li Xiaoman. She treats his nephew as if she is taking care of her relative son.

When he was very young, his mother ran away with others because of his father's inconsistency. It was his aunt who was taking care of him, hurting him and caring for him.

If it were not for her, he would not even have the opportunity to go to school...

This aunt is his mother-in-law in his heart. Now that she has passed away unclearly, why is he not sad?

"Mom..." Li Xiaoman, who was supported by him, was pale and full of tears of sorrow, a pair of clear eyes were red and swollen, and his pale and bloodless lips tremble because of the sadness and sadness in his heart. His body could not stop shaking.

From yesterday to today, her tears have not been intermittent. She has been crying and fainted. Now her body is much weaker, and she can only be supported by Li Wenbo.

Li Wenbo was sad when she saw her crying, afraid that she would faint again like yesterday, and whispered comfortingly: "Manman, don't be too sad, you are still pregnant."

Long Sihao, who was standing not far away, saw her being supported by Li Wenbo, crying sadly, and his handsome face was also stained and lost.

When she was most sad, the person who comforted her was not him, but another man. His heart hurt a little.

Although Li Wenbo is a loved one in her heart, he knows that this man has no blood relationship with her, and still silently...

Ling Hanye, who was standing beside him, saw that his expression was sad and lost. He stabbed him with his elbow and lowered his voice, saying, "Long Shao, are you stupid? What do you stand here? Your woman is crying so sad , Don’t you know how to comfort her in the past?"

Lorry looked at Long Sihao and frowned at Ling Hanye, his tone was rare and dignified, "Lin Shao, you don’t know, something happened to Miss Li and if she sees the president, she might still cry Even more sad, the president is now comforting her, not the last move."

Ling Hanye lightly drew her lower lip corner, "What's the move? You thought it was a lottery! I said what the **** is going on? Can you tell me? Why did Ms. Li's mother die suddenly? Recently What happened?"

Because he rarely got together with Long Sihao in recent days, he knew nothing.

Lorry frowned at Ling Hanye and sighed, "Ah! Ling Shao, the death of Ms. Li's mother has something to do with the president. Miss Li is a little misunderstood with the president. Do you understand?"

Ling Hanye heard the words, and the narrowed brown eyes turned to Long Sihao, "Ah! Long Shao, you and I are both people from the end of the world! Don't be sad, sometimes some misunderstandings are inevitable."

When he said the last sentence, his eyes dimmed, his brown eyes crossed a touch of loss, and the past evil expression on Junmei's face was also replaced by a deep, inscrutable look.

The sharp-eyed Lori saw Ling Hanye suddenly lost his face, and he squinted handsomely, and asked curiously: "Lin Shao, should you not fall in love?"

Ling Hanye concealed the loss and sadness in her eyes, and the beautiful evil smile immediately hung on Junmei's face, her voice teasing, "Lorry, think too much, how could I fall in love? It has always been I dump a woman, how can a woman dare to dump me? The woman I lack most is a woman."

Seeing that he was still stiff, Lowry raised his eyebrows and squinted at him. "Yes, you are the Prince of Ling's group, and the evil spirit is less than Ling Hanye, who dares to dump you? Want to climb you There are so many women in the bed, of course you are not short of women, so if you really fall in love, it’s okay. The old ones don’t go to the new ones."

Ling Hanye lightly twitched the corner of her lower lip, and the loss that flashed through her brown eyes was even worse. He didn't lack other women, but she was missing the dead woman who was facing him.

The **** dead woman even gave him the missing play. She had better pray to find him soon, otherwise, he would make her more uncomfortable than dead.

Li Sufang's ashes have been buried in the cave, and the monument has been erected, followed by a brief ceremony of relatives and friends offering a flower basket.

All the people present consciously placed the flower baskets and wreaths in front of Li Sufang's tomb, bowing and bowing.

Huo Yehong was the oldest and oldest in the field, so he was the first to present a wreath. When he walked to Li Xiaoman, he said a few words to comfort her.

Some of the relatives and friends who were not very familiar with Li Xiaoman also told her something to make her mournful.

She was still supported by Li Wenbo, and her tears and tears never stopped.

Her dearest and dearest mother is gone. How can she mourn?

Huo Yunene held a large bunch of white chrysanthemums, and saw the sadness of Li Xiaoman crying, the whole person was thin for a large circle, the small face was very pale, and he was very distressed in his heart.

When he walked up to him, his handsome eyebrows rose tightly, and her ink eyes glanced at her distressedly. The eyes were thick and inseparable. "Manman, people can't be revived, mourn."

He didn't expect that Li Sufang's well-being suddenly died of illness, which made him sad as a son-in-law.

For Li Sufang, he didn't know much, and there was not much intersection with her.

A year ago, although he married Li Xiaoman, he did not accompany Li Xiaoman to her natal family after marriage.

But when he was a child, he went to Li Xiaoman's house several times. Li Sufang gave him the impression that he was a very general woman who was polite and respectful, but quiet.

Li Xiaoman will be an elegant and tough character, perhaps related to her education.

He frowned deeply and saw that it was not Long Sihao who supported her, but Li Wenbo. Although he was a little puzzled, he didn't think much.

Since the last time I saw her at his wedding with Charlene, he did not see her until today.

The last time she looked like a hibiscus, gorgeous and beautiful, and today, this sad and lovable look really made him feel sad and pitiful, and wanted to pull him into his arms to love and comfort, but it was temporarily Without this courage, there is no such qualification.

He was someone who had hurt her again and again. What qualifications does he have to pity her now?

The distressed and loving eyes gazed at her tightly, and he felt only bitterness and sorrow in his heart.

His words of "sorrow" Li Xiaoman had listened to it many times today. Her tears were red and swollen, her eyes squinted at Huo Yunene, Yu Guang glanced at the row behind him. It was Ling Hanye, then Long Sihao, and Su Yi was behind Long Sihao.

Looking at Long Sihao, the tears in her red and swollen eyes were even more violent.

Huo Yunene saw her eyes fall on Long Sihao, he frowned lightly, and said nothing.

He walked forward to Li Sufang's tomb, put a large bunch of white chrysanthemums in his hands before and after her tomb, and bowed.

Lori behind him walked in front of Li Xiaoman, nodded toward her, and raised his eyes slightly, "Miss Li, the people in front have said many times, I won't say more. , I will say a word, some things can not be seen on the surface."

When the words fell, he walked dignifiedly to Li Sufang's tomb, put down flowers, and bowed.

Next was Ling Hanye. When he walked to Li Xiaoman, he paused for a while and saw her face pale and red eyes swollen. He frowned deeply, "In the future Mrs. Long, there will always be a death, don't be too sad Now."

Li Xiaoman looked at Ling Hanye and nodded, "Thank you!"

Seeing Lin Momo didn't follow him, and she couldn't get through Lin Momo's number recently, she frowned deeply, "Do you still have no news of Momo?"

Ling Han Ye Junmei's face was solemn, her big white hands squeezed a bit, her gaze fixed on Li Xiaoman, "I will definitely find her."

As soon as his voice fell, another low, clear voice sounded.



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