A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 101: Have you played enough

Suddenly, a familiar familiar voice sounded behind her.

"Oh! mygod! Miss Li, you are so beautiful, it's just the goddess in my mind."

Upon hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman turned around and saw that Lori was standing behind her. She narrowed her eyes and looked at him in amazement, "Lot, why are you here?"

Lowry raised an eyebrow, and looked at Li Xiaoman with a gorgeous smile, "Oh! Today is Ling Shao's birthday feast. I and Ling's family are a bit familiar, so they appear here for granted."

When the words fell, he turned around Li Xiaoman once in a circle, his eyes showed amazing colors, and snapped his fingers, "beautiful! Miss Li, there are too many people here, we are on the second floor, I have something to do with you talk."

"What are you talking to me about?" Li Xiaoman's eyes looked at Lorry in doubt, not feeling that she had anything to talk about with him.

Lori took a glass of wine from the waiter and raised his eyebrows with Li Xiaoman. He smiled gracefully. "Go to the second floor first, please, Miss Li."

He was very gentleman in a gesture of invitation, and Jun always kept an elegant smile on his face.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman glanced at him deeply, wondering what he was going to talk to her, and went to the second floor with him.

Compared to the lively atmosphere in the lobby on the first floor, the second floor is much quieter. Guests in twos and threes gather together to clink glasses, talk, and live in harmony.

Li Xiaoman followed Lowry through a corridor and stood in front of a door.

Lowry knocked twice on the door, looked at Li Xiaoman, and smiled: "Miss Li, go in!"

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows frowned, squinting at Lorry, "Who is inside?"

She suddenly felt fooled. Lori didn't seem to have something to talk to her, but to take her to see a person, and this person, she vaguely thought it would be Long Sihao.

Lorui Jun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Miss Li will know if you go in."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman felt that Long Sihao was more in the room. Thinking of the scene she had just seen in the garden, she twitched a bit at the top of her heart, and her heart was blocked, inexplicably annoyed.

She glanced at the door, and there was a trace of displeasure in her delicate voice, "Since you don't say who it is, then I won't go in."

When the words fell, she was about to leave, and she heard the door opened.

After a pause, she turned around and saw that Long Sihao was standing at the door of the room.

Her clear water narrowed her eyes, and looked at him indifferently, "It's really you, you asked Lott to trick me here, what's the matter?"

Her indifferent eyes and alienated tone made Long Sihaojun's eyebrows deep and his eyes dark and dark. His thin lips lightened, "Come in first."

Li Xiaoman squinted at Long Sihao, his pink lips raised, "We are not familiar yet, it is not appropriate to go in."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, and glanced at her dimly. Her lips raised an unidentified smile. He stepped forward, and the big white hand held her slender wrist and dragged her directly into the room. Here, the door closed as well.

"Long Sihao, what are you doing? Let me go..."

Li Xiaoman struggled, but Long Sihao reached the door, fixed in his strong arms, and his muscular body clung tightly to her delicate and delicate body, almost airtight.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman struggled to twist his body, struggling even more fiercely, a layer of thin anger was accumulated in the clear and bright eyes, "Enough, Long Sihao, have you played enough?"


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