Chapter 872 The Elder Order!

“A thousand-year-old ice lotus, a longevity fruit, a tortoise shell of a psychic mysterious tortoise!”

Jiang Chen reported the three main materials for refining the sixth rank ancient life continuation pill in one breath, and asked: “I wonder if these three materials can be exchanged?”

“Boy, these three things you want are first-level treasures.”

The old man guarding the pavilion frowned and said with an unhappy expression: “Don’t you know that first-level treasures need an identity above Elder to redeem it?”

“Who is this kid, he doesn’t even understand the rules of my Dong family.”

“Who knows, 80% of them are new disciples of foreign surnames who have joined the Dong family.”

“Tsk tsk… The first-level treasures need to apply to Elder even for the core disciple exchange. He also wants to exchange for a new foreign surname, which is just wishful thinking.”


When the surrounding Dong family disciples saw this, they couldn’t help but mock Jiang Chen with disdain.

“I really don’t know the rules of your Dong family for exchanging medicinal materials.”

Jiang Chen ignored the ridicule of the surrounding Dong family disciples.

He took out the token Dong He gave him and threw it in front of the old man guarding the pavilion, and said indifferently: “Should I be eligible to exchange it now?”

“Too great Elder order!”

“You… how can you have the Dong family’s Elder Order!”

The eyes of the old man guarding the pavilion suddenly shrank, and an incredible horror appeared on his face!

Too…too on the Elder Order!

As soon as the old man guarding the pavilion said this, all the Dong family disciples who were present almost fell out of shock.

Taishang Elder order, this is the identity token that represents Dong’s Taishang Elder!

There are two god-tier souls in the Dong family. Elder. They have a superb position in the Dong family and have the supreme right to speak. Even the Patriarch of the Dong family will respect him for three points.

It’s just that these two Divine Soul Realms are too high. Elder has been Closed Door Training for many years. Unless something major changes happen to the Dong Family, they will never ask about the Dong Family.

They never saw it.

In front of this strange young man, there is actually Dong’s Taishang Elder order in his hand!

“Unexpectedly, too high Elder actually gave him the too high Elder order.”

Dong Ming’s eyes flickered slightly, and there was also an inconceivable shock in his eyes.

Although he had known that Dong He was very fond of Jiang Chen, he did not expect to have taken such a fondness to Dao!

Jiang Chen ignored the shock of the Dong family disciples around him. He looked at the old man guarding the pavilion impatiently: “Since I know this is an Elder order, I won’t get me the medicine.”

“Please… please wait!”

The old man guarding the pavilion finally recovered from the horror and quickly turned around and entered the Dong Jiabao pavilion.

Since this kid is holding the Elder Order in his hand, he is coming to Elder on behalf of the Dong family. How can he be scornful?

Under the shocked gaze of the Dong family disciples around, the old man guarding the pavilion quickly took out the three precious materials that Jiang Chen needed.

“The longevity fruit, the psychic mysterious tortoise shell, and the ice lotus are all here.”

“But now Dong Jiabao Pavilion has no ice lotus that has a thousand years of age. This 900 year old ice lotus is already the best.”

“Too great, if Elder needs a thousand-year-old ice lotus, I am afraid it will take a while.”

The old man guarding the pavilion placed three precious materials in front of Jiang Chen and explained to Jiang Chen.

“It’s okay, 900 years old will do.”

The nine-hundred-year-old ice lotus is not much different from the thousand-year-old ice lotus, and Jiang Chen didn’t care.


Just when he was about to accept the three treasures, an untimely voice suddenly came in mid-air.

“Wait, I want this ice lotus!”

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