Chapter 848: The Powerful Elder Tianxuan!

Elder Tianxuan!

Looking at this old figure that suddenly appeared, Jiang Chen was also surprised.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

At this critical time, the old man Tianxuan actually appeared here.


The appearance of the old man Tianxuan also gave Jiang Chen a sigh of relief, who was prepared to fight Qiu Yun desperately.

For the old man Tianxuan, Jiang Chen still has a very good feeling in his heart.

On Xuanyang Mountain that day, it would be impossible for him to escape from Xuanyang Mountain if it hadn’t been for the old man Tianxuan.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know why Tianxuan Old Man would rather be an enemy of Jingyunmen, but also to keep him. But now that the old man Tianxuan took action, at least the crisis before him was over.

“Elder Tianxuan!”

Seeing this old man who appeared suddenly, Qiu Yun’s eyes suddenly shrank.

Elder Tianxuan, this is the once prestigious chief Elder of the Shocking Cloud Gate. He was a peerless powerhouse of Ninth Stage many years ago, and his strength has long been unfathomable.

Although Qiu Yun is also a powerful person in the Divine Soul Realm, he is undoubtedly a heaven and an underground person compared with the old man in the Sky Profound Realm.

“Xuanxuan, this kid is involved in the secret technique of the Jingyunmen king level. Today I was ordered to capture him back to the Jingyunmen. You are now trying to stop them. Are you really going to be an enemy of the Jingyunmen?”

Qiu Yun took a deep breath and said to the old man Tianxuan with a gloomy expression.

“Ha ha……”

“The old man and you are never the same. What you did twenty years ago, do you think I really didn’t know anything about it?”

“Today I killed you, Yun Jinglei’s running dog, and when I find my lord in the future, I will commit suicide and go to Jingyunmen to find him afterwards!”,

The old man Tianxuan smiled coldly, and the surging weather of Ninth Stage swept away in an instant.

Saw his finger gently across the space in front of him, and the space above Qiu Yun’s head split like thin paper, and a pocket-like space crack emerged out of thin air.

Looking at the huge gap in space above his head that contained terrifying power, Qiu Yun’s expression was instantly shocked to the extreme.

At this moment.

He didn’t even have the courage to face the old man Tianxuan, and he was about to flee in a panic when his figure flashed.

Qiu Yun is very clear.

With the strength of his Divine Soul Second Stage, if he really wants to move his hands, facing the Tianxuan old man at the Divine Soul Peak, he won’t even have the slightest chance to fight back.


“The strength of the mere Second Stage of the Spiritual Soul also wants to escape in front of me. Do you really think that I have been in vain all these years?”

“The space is strangling, die for me!”

The old man Tianxuan snorted, and immediately shook his palm, and the dark cracks in the air spread rapidly.

The speed at which the cracks spread far exceeded the speed at which Qiu Yun escaped.

Just blink of an eye.

I saw that Qiu Yun’s figure was completely swallowed by the dark space cracks.

at the same time.

A screaming scream also came out in the cracks in the pitch-black space in an instant.

The screaming screams only lasted for a moment before calming down.

The pitch-black cracks that spread thousands of feet in mid-air also slowly dissipated in the void.

Immediately afterwards.

A silver corpse without any upgrades also slowly fell from midair.


Seeing the shocking scene in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although Jiang Chen knew that the old man Tianxuan was very strong, he still didn’t expect him to be so strong.

Even Qiu Yun, such as Divine Soul Realm Kings, was easily killed by him with a single move!

The strength of the old man Tian Xuan is really not ordinary horror!

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