Chapter 826 Shocking Cloud Mountain Range, Encircle Jiang Chen!

The Thunder Cloud Mountains are vast and dense.

At a glance, it is the towering old tree with no end in sight.

Above the forest, there is a blue sky.

At this time, in the empty sky, from time to time, a few Daoist shadows flew by.

Their sharp eyes, like eagles, carefully swept through the forest below, as if looking for something.


The towering old trees in the mountains below are too dense.

Even though they had searched very carefully, they still did not find the target they were looking for.

“Qianhe Elder, Jiang Chen doesn’t know where he is hiding in the Jingyun Mountain Range. We searched like this, and the ability to find him is almost zero.”

“And we are about to leave the outer area of ​​Jingyun Mountain.”

“If we continue to search forward, I am afraid we will have to enter the dangerous area deep in the Jingyun Mountain.”

On the blue sky, a team of five slowly flashed across the air.

One of the middle-aged Practitioner looked at the Jingyun mountain range below, and hesitated slightly at the headed black-robed old man.

“Don’t move forward, just search around and check it out.”

The black-robed old man looked into the depths of the Jingyun Mountain, and a look of jealousy flashed in his old eyes.

In the depths of the Jingyun Mountain Range, there is almost a forbidden place for a lifetime of nine deaths.

Even if the king of the Divine Soul Realm rushed in, it might even fall into it.

The black-robed old man naturally didn’t want to easily set foot in the depths of Jingyun Mountain.

This time Xu Qianyun came to Jingyun Mountain with such a big fanfare to encircle Jiang Chen, Xu Qianhe didn’t agree with him.

It would be good if he could search the surrounding area of ​​Jingyun Mountain Range, but how could he venture into the depths of Jingyun Mountain Range?

Xu Qianhe did not continue to move forward, but immediately turned around with a few people behind him, and continued to search the outer area of ​​the Jingyun Mountain Range.

Although Xu Qianhe did not intend to enter the depths of the Thunder Mountain Range, he did not be lazy after searching.

after all.

There are many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures that are rare in the outside world.

Even in this peripheral area, if you are lucky, you can reap valuable things.

Anyway, they have already come to Jingyun Mountain Range.

Even if you can’t find Jiang Chen, it’s not bad to be able to find one or two precious materials.


Under such slow exploration.

I don’t know how long it took, Xu Qianhe finally discovered something, and also let out a cry of surprise in his mouth.

“Qianhe Elder, what’s wrong?”

Seeing Xu Qianhe Elder’s strangeness, the four Xu family Practitioners behind him all looked over.

“There seems to be a weird place in front. Let’s go down and take a look. Maybe there will be unexpected gains.”

Xu Qianhe’s faint voice fell, and immediately took the four Xu Family Practitioners and rushed towards the dense forest below.

A group of people flashed down quickly, and soon came to a hidden valley in the dense forest below.

The valley is about one hundred meters in radius.

The whole valley in the middle of the sky seemed to be shrouded in a strange energy, making people unable to see the situation inside the valley.

“Qianhe Elder, this valley is a bit weird.”

Looking at the valley in front of him, one of the Xu’s Practitioners couldn’t help but look surprised and authentic.

“It’s really weird.”

“This valley was formed by people, concealing all the information in the valley.”

Xu Qianhe said with a smile on his face: “It seems that we may have a chance in this valley today.”

Hearing Xu Qianhe’s words, the eyes of the four Xu family Practitioners suddenly lit up.

Is there any treasure hidden in this valley?

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