Chapter 816 The horror being on the list of Tianjiao!

“Third Stage Sword intent, and it’s a Sword intent close to Third Stage!”

“A Maotou boy in the Pill Condensation Realm has actually realized the true meaning of the two Third Stage Martial Dao!”

“This… this is incredible.”


Looking at the scene before them, except for Long Tianwu and the three who already knew Jiang Chen, there was unprecedented horror in everyone’s eyes.

They never expected

After Jiang Chen displayed the Third Stage Thunder True Intent, he could also display the Third Stage Sword intent!

And his Third Stage Sword intent is even more powerful than the previous Third Stage Thunder Real Intent!

A boy who is less than twenty years old not only comprehended many kinds of Martial Dao true meanings, but also learned many kinds of Martial Dao true meanings to Third Stage Realm!

this moment.

They finally understood why this kid was able to get a score of ninety-nine in Xuanyang Mountain formation.

This son’s Martial Dao talent has indeed reached a very heaven-defying level.

“This kid’s talent is really amazing.”

Yun Poshan stared at Jiang Chen in the field tightly, and an extremely hot expression flashed in his old eyes.

Today’s trip to Xuanyang Mountain, he did not come in vain.

The talent of this kid in front of him, even with Yunposhan’s experience, was still met by a stab.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, with the Cultivation Base of Ninth Stage, he has mastered two Third Stage Martial Dao talents.

Such a talent has even completely surpassed the emperor genius of Jingyunmen.

If he could bring this kid back to the Jingyun Gate, with a little training, I am afraid he could become a terrifying existence aspiring to the Zhongzhou mainland’s Tianjiao list!

Yun Poshan had already made a secret decision in his heart.

This time, no matter what, he has to bring this kid in front of him!

“The true meaning of the two Third Stage Martial Dao, this… how is this possible?”

Xu Qianyun looked at the situation in front of him, and his expression instantly became extremely difficult to look.

He originally thought.

After Xu Donglei used their Xu family’s secret method to induce thunder, defeating Jiang Chen shouldn’t be difficult.


The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Not only did Jiang Chen not be defeated by Xu Donglei, but instead displayed the Third Stage Sword intent, which was more powerful than the Third Stage Thunder, and easily killed Xu Donglei with a single sword!

Such an enchanting genius, even if it is placed in any three-star power or even four-star Sacred Land, it is also an outstanding genius to be cultivated.

Xu Qianyun really couldn’t understand.

Why would such a genius appear on this Xuanyang Mountain.

“Hey, didn’t you say that you are the first genius on Xuanyang Mountain? This is too weak. It is impossible to see my two Martial Dao true intentions.”

“I wonder if you still want to see my third kind of Martial Dao’s true meaning?”

When the situation in front of everyone was too shocked, Jiang Chen’s lazy chuckle also rang in everyone’s ears.


When everyone heard Jiang Chen’s words, almost everyone couldn’t believe Own Ears.

Does this kid really master the third kind of Martial Dao?

If this is the case, it would be too enchanting, right?

I saw that Jiang Chen didn’t put himself in his eyes at all.

Xu Donglei was extremely ashamed and angry, and a hideous look suddenly flashed in his eyes.

“Jiang Chen, no matter how many kinds of Martial Dao you understand, I want you to die today!”

Xu Donglei let out a low growl in his heart, and immediately took out a jade card emitting a mysterious thunder light and crushed it like lightning.

In an instant…

A giant silver thunder palm exuding awe-inspiring aura also appeared out of thin air in front of Xu Donglei in an instant.

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