Chapter 810 Opportunity, there is no need!

“I have checked, there is no problem with formation, and Jiang Chen’s score of ninety-nine points is valid.”

After being shocked for a while, the old man Tianxuan finally announced slowly.

Xu Qianyun still said with an incredibly unbelievable expression: “Xuan Xuan senior, this is absolutely unacceptable, how could that kid get such a high score.”

When the old man Tianxuan heard Xu Qianyun’s words, an unpleasant expression suddenly flashed across the old face.

He looked at Xu Qianyun and snorted coldly: “Why, are you suspicious of the old man?”

“How can Xu dare to doubt Tianxuan senior?”

Seeing that the old man Tianxuan had signs of anger, Xu Qianyun couldn’t help being slightly surprised.

He hurriedly said: “It’s just that this kid’s score is really weird. I suspect that he used some means of speculation to get such a high score.”

“Xu Qianyun, what is opportunism?”

“No matter what method Jiang Chen uses, he can get a score of ninety-nine points through Xuanyang Mountain formation, that’s all his skill!”

“You have the ability to make your son also speculate on ninety-nine points.”

Long Tianwu looked sarcastically authentic.

When Xu Qianyun heard Long Tianwu’s words, his face suddenly became unsightly.

He ignored Long Tianwu’s sarcasm, and directly addressed the cupped fist of the old man Tianxuan: “Senior Tianxuan, Jiang Chen’s score is too weird, and I hope that senior can see the details.”

Xuanyang Mountain formation scored ninety-nine points, which is a very scary number.

Even the genius who stood at the top of the Pyramid of the Central State Continent would be very rare to get this score.

Almost all such people are peerless arrogances of the famous mainland.

They are even some terrifying existence that can compete with the older generation of strong people!

The boy named Jiang Chen in front of him is no more than Cultivation Base of Ninth Stage.

Although Jiang Chen could have the Cultivation Base of Ninth Stage when he was less than twenty years old, he was considered a rare genius.

But the peerless Tianjiao on the mainland wanted to compare, but the gap was more than a star and a half.

Xu Qianyun does not believe that Jiang Chen can have a nearly perfect score in the formation of Xuanyang Mountain.

“Ha ha……”

“Xu Qianyun, do you know what the formation of Xuanyang Mountain is?”

“This is the Vientiane Universe formation. It is an ancient formation that specializes in assessing and testing disciples. It is impossible to make opportunities.”

Jiang Chen looked at Xu Qianyun with a look of idiots: “I told you not to be embarrassed here, why don’t you listen?”

“Boy, how did you know that the formation of Xuanyang Mountain is called the Vientiane Universe?”

Xu Qianyun’s eyes flickered, and then he sneered: “I understand, you must happen to understand this formation, so you can induce formation in the three breaths.”

Xu Qianyun’s words also caused the eyes of everyone in the field to fall on Jiang Chen’s body.

Even the old man Tianxuan had a look of surprise in his muddy old eyes.

His Vientiane Universe formation under Xuanyang Mountain is a lost ancient formation, even an ordinary Rank 8 formation master may not be able to see it at a glance.

This kid actually called the name of Formation in one go!

This… this is too shocking.

Could it be that this little guy really knew something about the Vientiane Universe, which triggered the induction of formation within three breaths?

“I do know something about the Vientiane Universe.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and said proudly: “Just getting ninety-nine points in the Vientiane Universe array is just a breeze for me. Opportunity? No need for that!”

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