Chapter 806 Awkward Xu Qianyun!

“Impossible, it is absolutely impossible!”

“I don’t understand Xu Donglei’s talent. It is absolutely impossible for him to induce the formation of Xuanyang Mountain in three breaths.”

“Yes, Tianxuan senior, isn’t it a problem with the formation of Xuanyang Mountain, right?”


Some people who are more familiar with Xu’s family and Xu Donglei couldn’t help but talk about it.

The Xuanyang Mountain formation was induced within the three breaths. This is a terrifying existence far surpassing the emperor’s genius of the three-star power!

If Xu Donglei really has such a talent.

Not to mention that it was the three-star power that shocked the Cloud Gate, even if many four-star Sacred Land would rush to get Xu Donglei under his family, why did Xu Donglei come to climb Xuanyang Mountain?

Long Tianwu’s face on the side also showed a look of astonishment.

In Long Tianwu’s view.

Although many young talents came to Xuanyang Mountain this time, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to be more enchanting than Jiang Chen.

But now the first person to climb Xuanyang Mountain was the Xu Donglei in front of him.

What the hell is this? Is it true that there is a problem with the formation?

“Fang Chengye, what do you mean, why can’t my son be the first to climb Xuanyang Mountain?”

Xu Qianyun coldly snorted to the old man who spoke first, and then directly said loudly to Xu Donglei: “Donglei, how much do you tell everyone about the formation induction?”

Although Xu Qianyun did not dare to imagine that Xu Donglei could trigger the formation of Xuanyang Mountain within three breaths, Xu Donglei is now the first to climb Xuanyang Mountain.

As long as there are no accidents, the first person to climb Xuanyang Mountain is the most talented person!

There are only two possibilities now.

Either the old man Tianxuan’s previous induction was wrong, or Xu Donglei had transformed and really became the peerless genius who inspired the formation of the Three Breaths!

Xu Donglei heard the words of his father Xu Qianyun, and couldn’t help but proudly said: “After I entered the formation, the thirteen breaths aroused the formation of Xuanyang Mountain.”

Thirteen breaths!

This result has equaled that of the kendo genius last year, and it is obviously already a very remarkable existence.


After Xu Donglei finished talking about own results, he found that everyone present was not shocked by own results.

And his father Xu Qianyun’s expression became extremely embarrassed at this moment.

“What? Ten… thirteen breaths?”

Xu Qianyun said incredulously, “Dong Lei, are you sure it’s not Three Breaths?”

“Three…three breaths?”

Xu Donglei’s eyes widened suddenly, staring at Xu Qianyun with an incredible expression.

The Three Breaths evoked the formation of Xuanyang Mountain, which was even more enchanting than Huangji genius.

If you really have such a talent, you still need to toss this Xuanyang Mountain?

“Haha…Xu Qianyun, I have said long ago that it is absolutely impossible for your son Xu Donglei to provoke the formation within the three breaths.”

at this time.

The old man named Fang Chengye beside him couldn’t help laughing.

“Hmph, my son couldn’t trigger the formation with Three Breaths, he was also the first person to climb Xuanyang Mountain!”

Xu Qianyun snorted coldly, and then said solemnly to the old man Tianxuan: “Senior Tianxuan, I wonder if something went wrong with the formation of your Xuanyang Mountain. There are no people who provoke the formation in the Three Breaths?”

“There is no problem with the old formation. This time Xuanyang Mountain will definitely have people who trigger the formation of the Three Breaths.”

The old man Tianxuan smiled faintly: “You guys, don’t worry, everyone’s achievements will be revealed later, and everything will be revealed at that time.”

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