Chapter 803: Breaking the record!

Jiang Chen looked at Long Yun and two with a puzzled expression: “Is there any problem?”

There is more than just a problem, it is a huge problem.

Long Yun and the others have climbed Xuanyang many times, and naturally they have already understood the formation of Xuanyang Mountain.

As far as they know.

The induction that inspires the formation of Xuanyang Mountain is inseparable from the talent of the person who enters the formation.

The higher the talent of the person entering the formation, the faster the induction of the formation will be triggered.

Since the old man Tianxuan set up the formation, many young talents have come to climb Xuanyang Mountain every year.

Among them, there are also some very dazzling geniuses.

But in Long Yun’s memory, no one has ever been able to induce formation induction within ten breaths.

Even the kendo genius who set a record last year caused formation’s induction after entering the thirteen breaths of formation.

But this guy in front of me.

It takes less than three breaths to enter the formation, and it has already caused the induction of formation.

This… This is too incredible.

“Mr. Jiang Chen is worthy of being a genius comparable to the Emperor Ji. He broke the record as soon as he entered the formation and became the person who was the fastest to induce the formation of Xuanyang Mountain in so many years.”

It took Long Xinyue a long time to recover from the shock, and there was an expression of incomparable worship in her beautiful eyes.


Jiang Chen smiled faintly, but didn’t care.

He walked all the way from Lingyun Wufu, wherever he went, he almost broke countless records.

to him.

Breaking records is as simple as eating and drinking, there is nothing to be fuss about at all.

When Jiang Chen was talking with Long Yun, he didn’t stop, and he quickly climbed towards the top of Xuanyang Mountain.


As Jiang Chen and the others climbed up, the Sword intent attack simulated by the Vientiane Universe became stronger and stronger, and soon reached the point where it was comparable to Jiang Chen’s Sword intent.

“Long Yun, I have some trouble, you two should go first.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the two Long Yun who had not been affected at all, his expression also became serious.

“Mr. Jiang Chen, be careful, then we will go ahead.”

Both Long Yun knew that they couldn’t do much to stay, so they couldn’t help but nodded to Jiang Chen, and then quickly flashed forward.

After the two of Long Yun left, Jiang Chen also fully fought against the Vientiane Universe formation.

While Jiang Chen and the others entered the formation and climbed Xuanyang Mountain.

On the top of Xuanyang Mountain, there is a huge cliff measuring a thousand meters in size.

Dozens of figures with extremely powerful auras were seated on both sides.

In the center of the main seat, a white-haired old man with a fairy-style bones was sitting high with a smile on his face.

This white-haired old man is no one else, but the old man Tianxuan, the owner of Xuanyang Mountain.

But when the old man Tianxuan was talking and laughing with the many powerful people on both sides, he suddenly sensed something.


The old man Tianxuan couldn’t help but let out a cry of surprise, and saw that his whole body suddenly started to fight directly from his seat.

The sudden behavior of the old man Tianxuan also made everyone stunned.

Seeing this, a strong man of the Divine Sea Realm nearby couldn’t help but quickly asked: “Tianxuan senior, what’s the matter?”

“Someone broke the record, and it took less than three breaths to enter Xuanyang Mountain before it triggered the formation of formation.”

The old man Tianxuan stood up and said with a look of surprise: “It seems that this time, Xuanyang Mountain has really come to an extraordinary genius.”

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