Chapter 801 Climb Xuanyang Mountain!

Elder Tianxuan!

This is a strange person from the three-star power that shocked the Cloud Gate.

He was once the most respected Elder in the Shocking Cloud Gate, and also a veteran soul king in the mainland of Megatron.

I just don’t know why.

Just decades ago.

Elder Tianxuan gave up his identity as Elder of the Jingyun Gate and lived alone in Xuanyang Mountain, eight hundred miles west of Jingyun City.

However, as a veteran of the Divine Soul Realm King, he is also a seventh-rank formation master.

The old man Tianxuan has a very wide range of status and connections, and there is an endless stream of people who come to Xuanyang Mountain to celebrate his birthday every year.


The most important thing is.

Every year at his own birthday banquet, the old man Tianxuan will give pointers to the younger generation who is pleasing to the eye.

If he meets an outstanding young talent, he will even accept him as a disciple.

It is precisely because of this.

Near Xuanjing City, some young Practitioners without a strong background will almost always come here admiringly.

The old man Tianxuan also specially set up an assessment for these young Practitioners.

Over time.

The birthday of the old man Tianxuan has almost evolved into a small-scale event on Xuanyang Mountain.

At that time.

Many inexplicable young geniuses will participate in this grand event, hoping to have the opportunity to worship the old man Tianxuan.

The three of Long Tian introduced Jiang Chen’s deeds of the old man Tianxuan, and led Jiang Chen towards Xuanyang Mountain.

The distance of eight hundred miles is not far for Jiang Chen and the others.

It didn’t take long.

The group came to the foot of Xuanyang Mountain.

At this moment.

There are already no less than a hundred Daoist shadows under Xuanyang Mountain.

“A lot of people, this time Xuanyang Mountain seems to be more lively than before.”

Looking at the many figures under Xuanyang Mountain, Long Xinyue couldn’t help but secretly smacked her tongue.

“This time it’s Tianxuan senior’s 100th birthday. Naturally, more people came to celebrate than they thought.”

“And as far as I know, the Tianxuan senior’s intention to recruit a closed disciple this time attracted the attention of many young talents.”

Long Tianwu explained with a smile.

“Senior Tianxuan is about to accept the disciples?”

Hearing this, Long Yun was also taken aback.

The old man of Tianxuan, the former president of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, that is, the grandfather of Long Yun and the others, is an old friend.

Every year on the birthday of the old Tianxuan, Long Tianwu will bring Long Yun and two to come to celebrate the birthday of the old Tianxuan.


Long Yun and the others knew very well about the old man Tianxuan.

As far as they know.

Since the old man Tianxuan left Jingyunmen, although he has pointed out many young geniuses and accepted some named disciples, he has never accepted formal disciples.

Long Yun didn’t expect them either.

Elder Tianxuan will recruit closed disciples this time when he reaches his 100th birthday!

“What’s the situation in front, why some people will go up, and why some people will fly up directly?”

Jiang Chen looked at the situation ahead and asked curiously.

“This Xuanyang Mountain was arranged by the old man Tianxuan with a mysterious formation.”

“This formation is also the first assessment of the young man who came to Xuanyang Mountain by the old man Tianxuan.”

“If you want to get the favor of the old man Tianxuan, you must first climb Xuanyang Mountain. Those who walk up Xuanyang Mountain are basically young talents who come to participate in the assessment.”

Long Tianwu smiled slightly, and then said to Jiang Chen: “Brother Jiang Chen, if you are interested, you can also climb Xuanyang Mountain.”

“I won’t join in this excitement.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

He has already worshipped Xiao Duli as his teacher, and it is impossible to worship the old man Tianxuan again, so why waste time climbing this Xuanyang Mountain?

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