Chapter 797 I came from the Northern Wilderness!

Divine Soul Realm!

Long Tianwu had already broken through the Divine Soul Realm and became a Divine Soul Realm King.

Seeing Long Tianwu’s move to imprison Feng Yuanzhan, Long Yuanshan’s expression instantly became horrified.

If Long Tianwu’s strength is still in the half-step Divine Soul Realm, he might be able to compete with Feng Yuanzhan together.

Now Long Tianwu has broken through the Divine Soul Realm.

Even though he and Feng Yuanzhan are both strong in Shenhai Ninth Stage, there is still no room for resistance in front of Long Tianwu! .


Long Yuanshan was guilty, and his only thought now was to quickly escape from here.


Today, he is probably going to be buried in Long Tianwu’s hands.

call out!

Long Yuanshan instantly pushed the speed Ascension to the limit, and his figure turned into a black streamer and fled towards the distance.

Just blink of an eye.

Long Yuanshan’s figure has appeared 100 meters away.


Although Long Yuanshan’s speed is very fast, Long Tianwu is even faster.

I saw that the soles of his feet stepped on the void, directly torn the space and disappeared in place.

The next moment.

Long Tianwu’s ghostly figure broke out directly in front of Long Yuanshan!

He lifted his palm slightly, the majestic palm force burst out of the air, and lightly shot Long Yuanshan upside down.

Long Yuanshan’s figure trembled, and the whole person retreated more than ten feet in midair in an embarrassing manner.

Before he could stabilize his figure.

Long Tianwu held the palm of his hand, and a strange space force directly confined the space around Longyuan Mountain.

“Long Yuanshan, I’ve been tolerant to you all these years, but you have kept making progress again and again.”

“Now you are colluding with the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce and betraying the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce secretly, how can I forgive you!”

Long Tianwu’s cold voice fell, and a sword finger was quickly pinched on his right hand, and he pointed out to Long Yuanshan in an understatement.

“Do not!”

Long Yuanshan looked horrified and desperate.

It’s just that the surrounding space has been solidified by Long Tianwu, and Long Yuanshan can’t move at all with all his energy. He can only watch Long Tianwu’s sword fingers pass through the center of his eyebrows.


The sword finger instantly penetrated Long Tianwu’s eyebrows, and a rain of red blood sprayed directly from the air.

The next moment…

Long Yuanshan immediately lost his breath of life, and his body fell weakly from mid-air.

While Long Tianwu killed Long Yuanshan at the same time.

On the other side, he seized the opportunity, used secret techniques to break through the shackles, and walked away in panic.

Long Tianwu glanced at the Feng Yuanzhan of Cang Pan Yuandun, but did not pursue it.

He stared indifferently at the more than a dozen powerful men of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce who had been abandoned by Feng Yuanzhan, and a huge palm fell down like a meteor.

The terrifying giant palm, directly under the expressions of more than a dozen people with horror and despair, mercilessly killed them all!

One blow solved the more than ten strong men of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce.

Long Tianwu stepped on the void and appeared in front of Jiang Chen in a flash.

“This little brother, thank you very much!”

“If it were not for the help of my little brother today, my Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce would surely be destroyed.”

“Long Tianwu remembered this kindness of the little brother.”

Long Tianwu said to Jiang Chen very politely.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: “You don’t have to be polite, President Long. It’s a kind of fate that I can meet the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce again in the mainland of Zhongzhou.”

I heard Jiang Chen’s words.

Long Tianwu was startled slightly, and immediately said with excitement, “I don’t know where the little brother comes from?”

Jiang Chen looked at Long Tianwu with excitement and couldn’t help but chuckle: “I came from the Northern Wilderness!”

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