Chapter 792 Let you see the power of the ancient formation!


Following Feng Yuanzhan’s shocking claw suddenly fell.

The sixth rank defensive formation around the Black Dragon Merchant Guild trembled suddenly, and a crisp sound resounded over the Black Dragon Merchant Guild.


I saw that in the formation of the defensive formation, a crack visible to the naked eye spread rapidly like a spider web.

Just blink of an eye.

Cracks have spread throughout the formation.

It can be seen that the formation in front of me is almost reaching the limit of endurance.

Feng Yuanzhan did not hesitate, and another terrifying Yuanli energy swept out.


The defensive formation, which was already on the edge of shattering, was finally shattered under this strike of Feng Yuan Exhibition, and directly turned into a little light and dissipated in the sky above the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

Facing the attack of Feng Yuanzhan, the president of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce, the strong man of the Shenhai Ninth Stage, the sixth rank defense formation of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is undoubtedly a little vulnerable.

With just two or three moves, the defensive formation was completely broken under Feng Yuanzhan’s offensive.

“Boy, you are a rare talent to be able to Cultivation Base at such an age.”

“For the sake of your good talent, if you give up resistance and submit to my Popular Chamber of Commerce, I can consider sparing you!”

Break the sixth rank defensive formation lightly.

Feng Yuanzhan stood with his hands shouldered, and said lightly to Jiang Chen.

“Heh… you can’t help but value yourself too much.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and the loud laughter of the heroic dry cloud slowly reverberated in this world.

“Even if you are a strong Ninth Stage of Shenhai? My Jiang Chen’s life can’t be taken away by anyone who wants to take it away.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, Feng Yuanzhan’s complexion couldn’t help but suddenly chill.

“Boy, you are toasting and not eating fine wine!”

Feng Yuanzhan yelled, and the breath of Shenhai Ninth Stage broke out again, and the monstrous Yuanli vigor swept out like a hurricane.

Facing Feng Yuanzhan’s surging vigor, Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent.

Seeing a fierce wave of the blood dragon sword in his hand, the Nine Cycles Heaven Sword Array turned at an extremely fast speed.

With the rotation of the formation, the enchantment on the surface of the formation also burst out with a burst of bright silver light.

The dazzling silver light directly converged on the surface of the barrier into a huge silver lightsaber.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen’s cold voice also resounded through the world.

“Heaven Sword Nine Cycles, Sword Slash Nine Heavens!”


Accompanied by Jiang Chen’s cold shout, the silver lightsaber broke away from the Nine Cycles Heaven Sword Formation like a lightning, and with a power to smash the void, it fiercely shot at Feng Yuan Zhan.

Looking at the silver lightsaber that easily smashed him, Feng Yuanzhan’s face changed slightly.


He clenched his fist and smashed the silver lightsaber with a fist.


A punch and a sword collided in the air instantly, and the thunder-like explosion sounded through the sky.

The horrible energy, directly centered on the explosion point, swept across the sky!

Feng Yuanzhan let out a muffled snort, and immediately the whole person was pedaling in the void, retreated a few steps on the ground.

“You…what is your formation?”

Feng Yuanzhan looked up at the opposite Jiang Chen, his expression furious.

He never thought of it anyway.

The boy in front of him controlled this formation, and he was able to issue a terrifying attack comparable to the powerful Ninth Stage of Shenhai!

“Ha ha……”

“Feng Yuan Zhan, today I will show you the power of ancient formation.”

Jiang Chen laughed, and the Third Stage Sword intent burst out from him in an instant.

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