Chapter 790 Nine Cycles Heaven Sword Formation, Kai!

Long Xinyue took a deep breath and immediately looked at Jiang Chen in midair.

A powerful enemy is coming!

Now they can only pin their hopes on Jiang Chen.

“no need to worry.”

“Now that I have arranged the formation, no one can step into the Black Dragon Merchant Guild as long as it is not for the Divine Soul Realm King!”

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the void with a calm expression on his face, and his faint laughter resounded immediately.

“Hehe… they came at a good time. I just used them to try the power of the Nine Cycles Heavenly Sword Formation.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s confident words, Long Xinyue couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Although Long Xinyue had not been in contact with Jiang Chen for a long time.

But Long Xinyue has already discovered.

Although Jiang Chen sometimes looks very arrogant on the surface, he is a person who can do what he says.

If he dares to say such words at this time, he will surely be able to deal with the enemy in front of him.

after all.

Fengxing Chamber of Commerce has no Divine Soul Realm king at all.

If the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce really had a Divine Soul Realm King, I am afraid that it would have annexed the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce a long time ago, how could it allow the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce to exist until now?

All the time.

The strength of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce and the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce are almost the same, both are equivalent to a one-star power, and there is a half-step Divine Soul Realm powerhouse.

And the half-step Divine Soul Realm of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce is still an old man who is about to end.

Unless Fengxing Merchant will encounter danger, the half-step Divine Soul Realm powerhouse will not easily make a move.


The enemy they faced this time was at best the powerhouses of the Ninth Stage like Elder Longyuan Mountain of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

As long as Jiang Chen can block the powerhouse of Shenhai Ninth Stage, he can buy a certain amount of time for his father.

Once his father’s injury recovers, the crisis of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce can be solved!

“Uncle Zhang, immediately gather all the remaining power of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.”

“Even if we are fighting for our lives, we have to keep it until my father exits smoothly!”

Long Xinyue took a deep breath and said decisively.

Today is a matter of the life and death of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. Regardless of whether Jiang Chen can block the powerhouse of Shenhai Ninth Stage, she has to plan for the worst.

Zhang Sheng nodded solemnly, and then turned around to summon the Black Dragon Guard.

More than ten minutes later.

Zhang Sheng brought dozens of Black Dragon Guards back to Long Xinyue’s side, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce.


Such waiting did not last long.

About ten minutes later.

The distant horizon.

I saw two monstrous figures taking the lead, with dozens of black shadows exuding fierce aura, hurriedly flying towards the headquarters of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

In just the blink of an eye, that group of people appeared in the sky less than 100 meters away from the Black Dragon Merchant Guild.

“Long Yuanshan, you really have secretly colluded with the people from the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce.”

Long Xinyue looked at the black-robed old man headed, and a cold anger appeared on Qiao’s face!


“The president of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce shouldn’t belong to your father. I just took back my own things.”

Long Yuanshan snorted coldly.

He looked down at Long Xinyue and her group with indifferent expression: “Long Xinyue, if you obediently do nothing, I might even consider letting you die!”


Long Yuanshan’s voice just fell, but a faint chuckle resounded abruptly in the void.

“Ha ha……”

“Old guy, if you want to move them, you have to ask me if I agree!”

“Nine Cycles Heavenly Sword Formation, tell me!”

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