Chapter 758 Sword Domain!

Sword Emperor Fallen Sky!

Hearing the domineering voice of Void, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but suddenly shocked.

Although Jiang Chen had never heard of the name of the sword emperor Meteorite, he knew exactly what it meant.

In Shenwu Continent.

The only characters who can be named emperor are those who are strong in the emperor realm above the emperor of the divine birth realm!

The strongest emperor!

This is a legendary powerhouse who has not been born in Shenwu Continent for thousands of years!

Jiang Chen never thought of it.

This meteorite temple turned out to be an inheritance left by a strong emperor!

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and suppressed the horror in his heart.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the cyan light and shadow in the void.

This is a middle-aged man in a green robe.

His body is awe-inspiring, a pair of swords and stars are radiant, and his whole body is extremely ethereal, and his whole body reveals an aura of arrogance in the world.

Stand in front of this person.

Jiang Chen only felt like Ye Bianzhou, looking extremely small.

Even the other party can easily kill him with just one thought!

“Is this the power of an emperor realm powerhouse?”

Jiang Chen was shocked.

Even if the cyan light and shadow in front of him were just a trace of the remnant thoughts of the sword emperor Meteorite, it was still unsightly.

“Little guy, if you can come here, this emperor’s inheritance can be considered as a successor.”

“However, this remnant thought of this emperor can’t last long, and it will soon dissipate in the world. It depends on your good fortune as much as you can learn.”

After the cyan light and shadow, a powerful sword finger condensed on his fingertips.


He pointed to Jiang Chen’s eyebrows.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen felt a lot of information flooding into his mind.

“Ding! You get the memory of the life of the sword emperor, and you gain 1,000,000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You successfully breakthrough the Eighth Stage!”

“Ding! You have the memory of the sword emperor’s life, triggering a hundredfold comprehension.”

“Ding! Your Sword intent reaches the Third Stage!”


Get the memory inheritance of the sword emperor Falling Sky.

The familiar system prompts in Jiang Chen’s mind also sounded continuously.

“Little guy, your talent really is much better than the kid three thousand years ago.”

“The kid had limited talent back then, and he still had a few steps to get here, so I just pointed him one or two casually.”

“And even if your talent is placed ten thousand years ago, you are a rare son of Tianjiao, you will finally not insult this emperor’s inheritance!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen’s memory of inheritance has changed in this way, the face of the sword emperor Yankong couldn’t help but a smile of relief appeared.

Three thousand years ago!

Jiang Chen’s heart was stunned. Couldn’t the person in the mouth of the sword emperor be the sword emperor who shook the mainland three thousand years ago?

All the time.

Jiang Chen thought that the Meteorite Temple was left by the Meteorite Sword Emperor three thousand years ago, but he didn’t expect that Meteorite Sword Emperor had also received guidance from the Meteorite Sword Emperor.

“Little guy, the inheritance memory that the emperor has just entered into your mind is the memory of the emperor before he stepped into the emperor realm.”

“But even so, it can benefit you endlessly, and it’s no problem to become a sword king.”

“In addition, this emperor has a Secret Technique to pass on to you. This Secret Technique is a supreme divine weapon created by me when I reach the emperor realm. It is called the Sword Domain of Time and Space!”

“If you can thoroughly master the Sword Domain of time and space, no one can beat the Emperor Realm!”

The faint voice of Emperor Meteokong fell, and a simple scroll exuding cyan brilliance floated directly in front of Jiang Chen.

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