Chapter 755 Don’t listen to good people, you will suffer!

Feeling the lack of vitality in the body.

Zhuo Yunfan and the remaining two Water Dragon Gang disciples rushed through the maze with desperate expressions.


The Emperor lives up to his heart.

Seeing that they were about to be unable to hold on.

Not far in front of the maze, a familiar bronze gate finally appeared in their sight.

The three Zhuo Yunfans who came to life from a desperate situation were suddenly ecstatic.

They directly rushed towards the bronze gate with all their strength.


Zhuo Yunfan and the three passed through the bronze gate, and finally a familiar mechanical alert sounded in their minds.

The next moment.

The three clearance rewards in the void also instantly fell in front of the three of them.

The three Zhuo Yunfan almost didn’t even have the strength to check the clearance rewards at this moment.

They were directly pale and limp on the ground, breathing heavily.


“Zhuo Yunfan, why did you make it so miserable again, there are only three of the six people left.”

“I told you not to follow me this time, but why don’t you listen.”


Before Zhuo Yunfan’s three people took a sigh of relief.

A slightly playful voice rang in the ears of Zhuo Yunfan’s trio

The familiar voice suddenly heard in his ears also caused De Zhuo Yunfan’s face to change in vain.

He suddenly raised his head and looked forward, and he saw Jiang Chen and his party who had already cleared the endless maze and arrived here.

“Jiang Chen, you…how can you guys?”

Looking at Jiang Chen and his group who were still unscathed, Zhuo Yunfan was like a ghost, and he couldn’t help screaming.

This time he went through the barrier, but he chose the same stone gate as Jiang Chen.

But why Jiang Chen and the others can pass the maze safely, but they have to experience such a terrifying wind?

This… this f*ck is too unscientific!

“Why, do you think it’s surprising that we can pass the customs easily?”

“It’s actually very simple. This pass of the eight gates of Dunjia combines the changes of time, and the students will change with the changes of time.”

“That is to say, the door we entered is only a life at three quarters noon, and after three quarters noon, it is no longer a life.”

Jiang Chen looked at Zhuo Yunfan with a smile: “I have reminded you, but you didn’t take my words to heart. You really don’t listen to good people, and you suffer.”

When Zhuo Yunfan heard Jiang Chen’s words, he almost vomited three liters of blood without anger.

Last time.

He did not choose the same door to enter as Jiang Chen, and ended up being fooled by Jiang Chen.

This time.

He chose to follow Jiang Chen into the same door, but was still scammed by Jiang Chen!

Thinking that he was the first king-level genius of the Water Dragon Gang, he was played by Jiang Chen between applause, and in the end he was almost killed by Jiang Chen!

Zhuo Yunfan was very embarrassed and an icy light flashed in his eyes.

When he leaves the Meteorite Temple, he will break through the Divine Sea Realm in one fell swoop!

By the time.

He must make Jiang Chen pay a heavy price for this!

“The third level of the Trial of the Meteorite Temple, the road to Tianjiao is open!”

“All the runners who successfully passed the second level will match up randomly after entering the third level trial. The winner enters the next round of the duel, and the loser is eliminated immediately.”

“The last person standing on the path of Tianjiao has the opportunity to qualify for the ultimate trial. After passing the ultimate trial, you can obtain the inheritance of the Temple of Fallen Sky!”

at this time.

The cold mechanical voice in the void rang in everyone’s ears again…

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