Chapter 753 Don’t Follow Me This Time!

Jiang Chen looked at Zhuo Yunfan and his group in a panic, a slight smile couldn’t help but raised his mouth.

“Zhuo Yunfan, what’s the situation with you, how can you be so embarrassed?”

Jiang Chen pretended to be surprised and looked at Zhuo Yunfan and others.

After a while.

He opened his eyes wide and said with a weird look: “Aren’t you guys who didn’t come in through the same stone gate as us?”

“Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!”

“The one you just entered is clearly a dead end, how can you pass the level unscathed!”

Zhuo Yunfan stared at Jiang Chen and his party blankly, and also let out an unbelievable roar in his mouth.

“Who told you that we entered the deadlock just now?”

“The formation of this maze is not only the Eight Doors Dunjia Art, but it also includes Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams.”

“Using Yin & Yang’s technique to reverse the eight gates of Dunjia, so that the gates of life and death are interchanged. The gate of life that we seemed to enter just now is actually the gate of life.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed softly: “I am a very cooperative and honest person. I clearly told you that we are in the life, but why don’t you believe it?”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Zhuo Yunfan suddenly felt Qi and blood surge in his chest, and almost no old blood spurted out.

I’m paralyzed!

This kid is actually embarrassed to say that he is a sincere cooperation!

You are clearly proficient in formation, but deliberately pretends to be ignorant, and said that you just look at the door pleasing to the eye.

If there is honest cooperation.

You said this before breaking through the barrier, how can daddy be so embarrassed now?

Although Zhuo Yunfan was itching with hatred in his heart, he was helpless with Jiang Chen.

He could only suppress the anger in his heart, and meditated on the side to recover with a gloomy expression.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen stopped paying attention to Zhuo Yunfan and so on, quietly waiting for the arrival of three o’clock in the afternoon.


Half an hour passed in a flash.

“Junior Brother Jiang, it’s three quarters to noon.”

Zhao Yulong, who had been paying attention to the time, couldn’t help but remind Jiang Chen.

“let’s go!”

Jiang Chen nodded, and immediately stood up and led Zhao Yulong and others towards the first stone gate on the left.


When Jiang Chen was about to enter Shimen, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

He looked back at Zhuo Yunfan in the Great Hall, and he couldn’t help but raise a weird smile again.

“Zhuo Yunfan, remind you by the way, don’t follow me this time, or you will be at your own risk.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, without giving Zhuo Yunfan a chance to speak, his figure quickly disappeared in the first stone gate on the left.

“Brother Zhuo, what should we do now, do we want to keep up with them?”

Luo Xin looked at Jiang Chen and others who had disappeared in Shimen, and could not help but quickly asked Zhuo Yunfan.

“Since they can walk through this stone gate, we can naturally walk too!”

“That kid deliberately said such a sentence, I am afraid it is to mislead us, let us go to other stone gates.”

“This time, how can we be fooled by him again?”

Zhuo Yunfan’s eyes flickered slightly: “Let’s rest for another half an hour, and then go in through the stone gate they walked through.”

Jiang Chen obviously knew the formation of the second level very well, and the stone gate they walked through must be very safe.

not to mention……

Even if Jiang Chen really chose the wrong one, what danger is in Shimen, it was Jiang Chen and the others who were exploring the road ahead.

Zhuo Yunfan really didn’t believe it!

This time he followed Jiang Chen and his group, and he could be scammed by Jiang Chen again!

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