Chapter 744 I want to kill you with just one sword!

Stop me, kill!

Following Jiang Chen’s cold words resounded across the mountain.

Behind him, more than a dozen Canglan Alliance geniuses were completely stunned.


This guy is absolutely crazy!

Although they also knew that Jiang Chen was a peerless evildoer who broke the record of the rookie in the Palace of Emperors.

In terms of talent, Jiang Chen would definitely not be inferior to any king-level genius.

If you give Jiang Chen two or three years, he will definitely become the most dazzling king-level genius in the Canglan League.

But the current Jiang Chen is after all just a newcomer who has just entered Canglan.

And Wan Feng on the opposite side.

This is one of the three famous king-level geniuses of the Water Dragon Gang, a terrifying existence that Cultivation Base has already reached the peak of the Ninth Stage.

Even if it was Zhao Yulong, the king-level genius of their Canglan League, it would be difficult to defeat Wan Feng.

It is absolutely impossible to kill it!

not to mention……

In addition to Wan Feng.

The other two king-level geniuses of the Water Dragon Gang are also here.

They simply can’t imagine.

Facing the three king-level geniuses of the Water Dragon Gang, where did Jiang Chen have the courage to say such words.

And while more than ten Canglan League disciples were shocked.

The group of Water Dragon Gang disciples opposite were also taken aback by Jiang Chen’s arrogant words.


They all looked at Jiang Chen like a fool, and couldn’t help laughing loudly in their mouths.

“Isn’t this the kid who defeated Sun Yun with a punch outside? It’s really arrogant.”

“Hey… he really thought he had defeated Sun Yun with one punch, and he was already invincible?”

“Dare to run wild in front of Senior Brother Wan, I think he is looking for death!”


I heard Jiang Chen’s arrogant words that were so arrogant.

Wan Feng seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

He is one of the three king-level geniuses of the Water Dragon Gang.

In this Kukai secret realm, no more than three people can defeat him. Who has the strength to kill him?

“Ha ha……”

“Boy, don’t be afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big words.”

“As long as I, Wan Feng, are here today, no one of your Canglan Alliance can ever enter the Temple of Meteorite.”

Wan Feng looked at Jiang Chen with a big laugh, his expression was extremely domineering and arrogant: “I want to see, how can you kill me!”

“I have given you a chance to survive, but you don’t cherish it yourself.”

“To be honest, you, the so-called Water Dragon Gang king-level genius, are nothing in my eyes.”

“I want to kill you, just a sword!”

Jiang Chen’s proud voice fell, and a terrifying Sword intent that made everyone in the field tremble inexplicably, instantly filled the air.

“This…what is this Sword intent!”

Wan Feng was panicked immediately.

He never thought of it.

Jiang Chen’s mere Sword intent had already made him feel irresistible.

Sword intent spreads.

The light in Jiang Chen’s indifferent eyes skyrocketed, and an invisible sharp sword had penetrated the void and shot directly into Wan Feng’s mind without warning.

In an instant…

Wan Feng only felt his soul tremble, his head seemed about to burst, and his whole body was in a state of temporary sluggishness.

And at the moment when Wan Feng was sluggish.

Jiang Chen’s figure appeared ghostly beside Wan Feng, and the blood dragon sword in his hand instantly drew a beautiful blood-colored arc on Wan Feng’s neck.

“you you……”

Feeling the rapid passing of his life, Wan Feng looked terrified to the extreme.


In the end, he didn’t say a word, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

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