Chapter 739 The horrified Cangya!

Cang Ya just pressed these Canglan League disciples here, quietly waiting for Yan Hao’s news.

About half an hour later.

Yan Hao finally sent him a message through his identity token.


When Cangya received Yan Hao’s news, his expression suddenly changed.

“Everyone, there is news from Yan Hao that Zhao Yulong has been rescued by Jiang Chen. If you want to find him, please contact him yourself.”

Before Cangya’s voice fell, his figure had turned into a black afterimage and rose into the sky.

After about a few minutes.

Cang Ya’s figure appeared in the place where Jiang Chen and Zhuo Yunfan fought.

With a glance, he looked at Yan Hao, who was standing underneath with a shocked expression on his face.

“Yan Hao, what is going on, why did Zhuo Yunfan fail?”

There was a flash on Cang Ya, and he appeared directly in front of Yan Hao, asking with a gloomy expression on his face.

Yan Hao looked at the Cangya that appeared in front of him, and finally slowly recovered from the shock.

He took a deep breath and trembled at Cangya: “Brother Cangya, Jiang Chen…he defeated Zhuo Yunfan!”

“You…what did you say?”

Cangya’s mind was shocked, and his eyes looked at Yan Hao with a look of horror!

Zhuo Yunfan, the most powerful king-level genius of the Water Dragon Gang, possesses a half-step Divine Sea Realm Cultivation Base and is extremely powerful.

It can be said.

Zhuo Yunfan’s combat power is the well-deserved first person in this Konghai secret realm.

With his strength.

Even if it is to fight Zhuo Yunfan with all its strength, the odds of winning will not exceed 40%!

Although Jiang Chen has a very enchanting talent, he is a newcomer who has just entered the Canglan League after all. The Cultivation Base is not even a star.

Cangya couldn’t believe it.

Jiang Chen, a little brat, will have that strength to defeat Zhuo Yunfan who is a little stronger than him!

“Although it’s a little unbelievable, it’s the truth. The king-level genius Zhuo Yunfan of the Water Dragon Gang was really defeated by Jiang Chen.”

Yan Hao gave a bitter smile, and then hesitated and said: “Brother Cangya, that kid Jiang Chen is too enchanting, or the matter will stop here.”

A newcomer who has entered the Canglan League for only two or three months has become a terrifying existence capable of defeating a half-step Divine Sea Realm king-level genius.

Such a terrible growth rate is unheard of in the entire history of Canglan League!

This kind of evildoer is not something he can offend at all.

“So far, do you think it’s possible?”

“Our plan this time is too obvious, Zhao Yulong and Jiang Chen will soon discover the tricky things.”

“Even if I am willing to stop here, they may not be willing!”

Cangya snorted coldly, his expression gloomy and almost dripping with water.

He originally thought.

This time the plan is seamless, and both Zhao Yulong and Jiang Chen are bound to die!

But he had counted a thousand fortunes, but he hadn’t counted that Jiang Chen could defeat Zhuo Yunfan.

Now his plan has failed, and both Zhao Yulong and Jiang Chen are still alive. I am afraid that these two people will soon know that this is his secret manipulation.

If these two people join forces to deal with him, I am afraid his situation will become very dangerous.

Yan Hao was silent for a while and said, “Then I don’t know what Brother Cangya intends to do?”

“What else can be done, of course, Closed Door Training cultivation!”

“I have collected a lot of resources in the past two days, which should be enough for me to transform the sea into the ocean and break through the realm of the divine sea!”

“As long as I can break through the Divine Sea Realm, I can also let them die without a place to die!”

Cangya’s icy voice fell, and immediately turned into a black afterimage and disappeared into the sky.

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