Chapter 722 Since it’s here, stay forever!

call out!

Jiang Chen walked through the space channel, and his body appeared directly in a strange space with extremely strong heaven and earth vitality.

He controlled his body to slowly fall from mid-air, and his eyes began to look around.

What appeared in his sight was an ancient mountain forest.

With towering old trees and lush vegetation, the entire space exudes a breath of vicissitudes of life.

He glanced casually, and a silver Medicinal herbs exuding a cold breath came into his sight.

“This is… the fifth rank medicinal material Silver Frost Grass!”

Looking at this silver Medicinal herbs, Jiang Chen couldn’t help being taken aback.

Silver Frost Grass is also a rare fifth-rank material in the outside world. He didn’t expect that he had discovered this level of medicinal materials just after entering the Kukai secret realm.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

It seems that this Kukai secret realm is really extraordinary, and many rare treasures of heaven and earth have been born from the outside world.

Put the silver frost grass into the bag.

Jiang Chen was about to look around, but there was a wave of fluctuations not far ahead.

“Someone ahead?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The channel of the Kukai secret realm is transmitted randomly. Everyone who enters the Kukai secret realm will be randomly legendary to a different place.

I don’t know which side the person in front is.

If it’s a member of the Water Dragon Gang, don’t blame him for being rude!

Kukai secret realm!

This is not only a place where the Canglan League and the Water Dragon Gang disciples seek opportunities, but also a battle of a hundred talents opened up by the two forces.

In this place, hundreds of geniuses will hunt and kill the geniuses of the opposing forces.


For this one hundred genius battle, Canglan League also specially opened the killing reward.

All the geniuses of the Canglan Alliance who enter the secret realm of the air and sea will reward a rare Medicine Pill Huayuan Pill that helps to break through the Divine Sea Realm for every genius of the Water Dragon Gang.

If the number of water dragon gang disciples killed can be ranked in the top three, there will be a reward that makes the powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm extremely greedy.

Such a generous reward.

As long as he had a chance to get it in his hands, Jiang Chen would naturally not be polite.

Feel the breath that is approaching him in front.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but put his hands on his chest, quietly waiting for the person to come.

This wait didn’t last long.

However, in just a short time of breathing, a blue figure appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen.

“People from the Water Dragon Gang, seem to be lucky.”

Jiang Chen looked at the blue-clothed youth who appeared in his sight, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raised a ghostly arc.

“Yes… is it you?”

When the Shuilong Gang disciple saw Jiang Chen, his expression was shocked.

call out!

He didn’t hesitate at all, directly used his speed to the limit, turned around and fled into the distance in a hurry.

The previous situation where Jiang Chen killed the curly-haired youth with a single move outside is vivid.

And his strength was only slightly better than that of the curly-haired young man.

Facing Jiang Chen, he would never have any chance of winning.

Now his only choice is to escape!

Seeing the disciple of the Water Dragon Gang who fled in panic after a face-to-face encounter with him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

“Want to escape? It’s a pity it’s too late!”

Jiang Chen sneered disdainfully, his figure instantly turned into a violent wind and disappeared in place.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen’s figure flashed out of thin air just ten feet away from the water dragon gang disciple.

He looked at the disciple of the Water Dragon Gang who was looting violently, and the fist with golden light flashed out.

at the same time.

A faint chuckle sounded directly in the silent mountains and forests.

“Ha ha……”

“It’s not so easy to come and leave in front of me.”

“Since it’s here, leave it to me forever!”

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