Chapter 720 Who is the rubbish in the end!

Everyone looked at the voice.

I saw a huge rock on the small island in the middle of the lake.

A burly middle-aged man in a sky blue dragon-patterned robe sat cross-legged.

Behind him is a group of young people wearing blue costumes.

These blue-clothed youths are all extraordinary, not inferior to the young geniuses of the Canglan League.

“Lan Yuan, every time the Kukai secret realm is opened, you have arrived quite early.”

Cang Wuhen smiled faintly, and immediately controlled the giant beast to slowly land on the island from mid-air.

Jiang Chen and the others also swiftly slid down from the giant beast.

At the same time Jiang Chen and the others appeared on the island.

The eyes of the group of blue-clothed youths on the opposite huge rock all fell on Jiang Chen and them one after another.

The geniuses of the two forces are also looking at each other at this moment.

On the side of the Canglan League, many of the disciples’ faces have become much more solemn.

Not only is the number of Water Dragon Gang disciples ten more than them, but the overall strength is also slightly better.

no doubt.

Entering the Konghai secret realm this time is extremely detrimental to their Canglan League disciples.

On the side of the Water Dragon Gang, disdain appeared in the eyes of many people.

Especially when their eyes fell on Jiang Chen, the disdain on their faces became more intense.

One of the curly-haired youths even mocked contemptuously.

“Tsk tsk…”

“Is there no one in Canglan League? There are still garbage from the Fifth Stage early stage of Condensed Pill.”

As the curly-haired youth said this, many disciples of the Water Dragon Gang laughed unscrupulously.

“Lan Yuan, your disciple seems to be a bit angry.”

Seeing this, Cang Wuhen couldn’t help but look at the burly middle-aged person opposite.

Lan Yuan said with a smile without a smile: “Young people, it’s inevitable to have a fire.”


Cang Wuhen smiled faintly, and then turned back to Jiang Chen and said, “Should you like to lower the fire to the disciples of the Water Dragon Gang?”


Jiang Chen nodded, then stepped out abruptly.

He stared coldly at the curly-haired youth opposite: “Just now you said I was rubbish, get out of me!”

“What about me?”

The curly-haired young man sneered disdainfully, and strode directly to Jiang Chen.

He is the tenth-ranked genius disciple of the Water Dragon Gang, and his Cultivation Base has reached the Eighth Stage early stage.

The Canglan League disciple of the Fifth Stage early stage condensed in front of him is almost indistinguishable from trash in his eyes!

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent.

He also didn’t bother to talk nonsense with the curly-haired youth, his golden fist directly caused a burst of sonic boom, and blasted at the curly-haired youth with lightning speed.

“court death!”

The young curly hair smiled contemptuously, directly urging Yuan Li, and uncannyly banged against Jiang Chen’s fist.


The fists of the two collided instantly.

A crisp sound of broken bones and a screaming scream instantly resounded through the air.

The next moment…

I saw the curly-haired young man flying upside down with a pale face, and finally smashed heavily on the ground several feet away.

Before waiting for the curly-haired youth to get up from the ground.

A ghostly figure fell directly from the sky, and then slammed its foot on the chest of the curly-haired young man.

at the same time.

A faint voice was also slowly resounding in the midair of the island.

“I can’t even handle the goods, and I dare to say that I am rubbish here.”

“Now tell me, who is the rubbish between us?”

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