Chapter 716 Dare to come forward and fight with me!

The battle for Kukai secret realm places!

As Cang Wuhen’s faint voice fell, the expressions of many people in the Great Hall became solemn.

after all.

The Kukai secret realm is a great opportunity, and no one is willing to give up easily.

But Kukai secret realm has only forty-five places in total, but now there are nearly 70 people in the Great Hall, and the competition will undoubtedly be very fierce.

And when everyone is in the Great Hall.

The big Elder Barry Fung directly announced the rules of the place competition.

In the battle for places, Elder will first announce the 45 places selected by the senior leaders of the Canglan League.

These 45 places are divided into 20 seed places and 25 reserve places.

Twenty seed places, without the need for the next place battle, you can directly get the qualification to enter the Kukai secret realm.

As for the remaining twenty-five reserve places, there will be a competition for places.

Those who are not selected for the reserve quota will have a chance to challenge the reserve quota.

Anyone who can succeed in the challenge can replace it and obtain the qualification to enter the Kukai secret realm.

A brief introduction to the rules of the place competition, the big Elder Bailifeng began to announce the places.

The first is the number of seeds.

There are a total of nine disciples in the Canglan League, they are two Wang Liujie and eight top geniuses plus Jiang Chen.

The remaining eleven seed spots are all occupied by the opposite youth deacon.

The seed quota has been announced.

Big Elder Bailifeng continued to announce 25 reserve places.

“Little guys, the list of selected places has been announced.”

“All those who are not selected have a chance to challenge the reserve quota.”

“If everyone has no opinion, let’s start the battle for places now!”

Twenty-five reserve quotas were announced, and the faint voice of Elder Bailifeng resounded directly in the Great Hall.

Just when the words of Elder Bailifeng fell.

Deacon, a young man who was selected, came forward first.


The young man deacon did not announce who he would challenge, but said respectfully to Bailifeng: “Enlighten you to Elder, I have an opinion!”


Bailifeng said indifferently, “What’s your opinion?”

“Big Elder, I’m not convinced!”

“As far as I know, the quota of Kukai Secret Realm has always been selected based on strength.”

“That kid can only condense the strength of the Fifth Stage. What qualifications does he qualify for the spot for seed players?”

The young man deacon pointed at Jiang Chen, and said dissatisfied.

In the Great Hall.

All those who knew Jiang Chen after all heard the words of the black-clothed youth, and couldn’t help showing a sympathetic expression.

Although Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base seems to be the weakest in the Great Hall, he is now ranked third among the disciples of the Canglan League.

This guy wants to pin Jiang Chen as a soft persimmon, which is undoubtedly insulting himself.

“We can choose Jiang Chen as the seed spot, naturally there are our reasons.”

“Do you really think that the eyes of us old guys are not as good as you?”

“Since you are not convinced, then I will convince you.”

Bai Lifeng snorted lightly: “I will give you a chance to challenge Jiang Chen. As long as you can defeat him, his place belongs to you.”

The youth deacon was suddenly ecstatic.

The guy on the opposite side named Jiang Chen, but the early stage of the Fifth Stage, was a lot lower than the twenty-five reserve quotas.

If you challenge this kid, then his quota for entering the Kukai secret realm will be stable.

Youth deacon suppressed his excitement.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen on the opposite side provocatively: “Boy, can you dare to come forward and fight my Zheng Chuan?”

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