Chapter 711 My Master, He is from Yandi City!


“Jiang Chen turned down all three of them!”

“Awesome! Isn’t this guy f*ck so awesome!”


on the square.

All the disciples of Canglan League were stunned.

Bailifeng, the leader of the six half-step Divine Soul Realm of Canglan League, one of the oldest Elders in Canglan League!

Gao Jianqiu, Law Enforcement Elder of the Canglan League, one of the six half-step Divine Soul Realm powerhouses, the first king-level alchemist of the Canglan League!

Cang Wuhen, the leader of the Canglan League, and the only Soul King of the Canglan League!

These three people almost represent the pinnacle of the power and power of the Canglan Alliance.

For all the disciples of Canglan League, it is a dream thing to be able to worship any one of them as a teacher.

And now.

The three rushed to accept Jiang Chen as a disciple, but Jiang Chen simply refused.


This guy is crazy about Tamar!

Seeing that Jiang Chen refused, Bai Lifeng and Gao Jianqiu in mid-air were both stunned.

at the same time.

A middle-aged black-clothed man who looked very ordinary also slowly walked out of the void.

“Haha…it’s interesting.”

“Little guy, I am more and more interested in you.”

The middle-aged in black looked at Jiang Chen below, and a faint chuckle instantly sounded in the air.

As this chuckle fell, the black-clothed middle-aged man’s palm also lightly waved at Jiang Chen.

In an instant…

Jiang Chen only felt a flower in front of him, and the whole person was already in a strange space above the void.

Three feet away in front of him, was the black-clothed middle-aged who had just walked out of the void.

Bai Lifeng and Gao Jianqiu were standing next to the middle-aged in black at this moment.

Looking at the black-clothed middle-aged in front of him, Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly shrank.

He doesn’t need to think about it, the black-clothed middle-aged person in front of him should be Cang Wuhen, the leader of the Canglan League!

Only Cang Wuhen, such as Divine Soul Realm King, could possess such a means of reaching the sky to transfer him into the void out of thin air.

“Little guy, should you give us a reason, why can’t you worship us as a teacher?”

Cang Wuhen looked at Jiang Chen with a smile, and didn’t seem to be angry at all because of Jiang Chen’s refusal.

Jiang Chen said neither overbearing nor overbearing: “Three seniors, sorry, I already have a master, so I can’t worship you as a teacher.”

“Little guy, no one stipulates that you can only have one master in your life. Even if you already have a master, it doesn’t affect you to worship us as a teacher.”

Cang Wuhen smiled slightly.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and slowly said, “My master, he is from Yandi City!”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Cang Wuhen’s three people were shocked.

They looked up at Jiang Chen, with incredible horror in their eyes.

Yandi City!

This is one of the five sacred cities in the Central State Continent, and it is also the top four-star Sacred Land in the Central State Continent!

Cang Wuhen they never expected that Jiang Chen would come from Yandi City!

“The three seniors, Junior have been living on Canghai Island due to some accidents. I joined the Canglan League to obtain the Space Energy Stone and return to Yandi City through the Canglan League’s teleportation array.”

Jiang Chen looked sorry and said: “So… Junior can only accept the kindness of the three seniors.”

“I didn’t expect little friend Jiang Chen to come from Yandi City. How can I be qualified to be your teacher after waiting?”

It took Cang Wuhen a while to recover from the shock.

He shook his head and gave a bitter smile, and then said slightly indifferently: “Little friend Jiang Chen should really need the Space Energy Stone now.”

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