Chapter 707 Crazy refreshing records!

Jiang Chen!

Most of the Canglan League disciples are not unfamiliar with this name that has recently made a sensation in the Canglan League.

This guy is the first Hundred Star King born in the Three Islands of Canglan League Outer Territory.

This guy showed strong combat power when he entered the Canglan League, and even defeated Wu Yue, the golden disciple of the Fifth Stage of Condensed Pill, and let the Waning Moon Society surrender in one fell swoop!

This guy is not only Martial Dao talented, but Alchemy talent is extremely enchanting.

Even Shangguan Lei, the famous pill refining genius of the Canglan League, was easily defeated by him!

This guy was arrogant, even if he was facing the king-level genius Cangya, he dared not put him in his eyes.


Although Jiang Chen’s performance in entering the Canglan League has been very heaven-defying.

But fighting the oppression of the emperor Realm in the Emperor Palace, what you need is real strength.

To know.

Jiang Chen’s true strength is still in the third stage of condensing pills.

Even if he was the King of Hundred Stars, and his combat power far surpassed the ordinary Third Stage Practitioner, he would never be comparable to the eight top geniuses of Canglan League.

When everyone was horrified, they quickly searched for Jiang Chen’s name on the stone plaque at the entrance of Huangji Hall.


They looked back and forth on the stone plaque several times, but they still didn’t find Jiang Chen’s name.

this moment.

They have to believe a fact.

Jiang Chen, like the eight top geniuses of Canglan League, really hasn’t come out of the Palace of Emperors!


“Jiang Chen is really still in the Palace of Emperor Ji, this is too abnormal!”

“A newcomer who enters the Imperial Palace for the first time is so awesome, this guy definitely broke the record of the newcomer in the Imperial Palace.”


Everyone was amazed.

Some disciples of the Canglan League who have collected the records of the Huangjibang can’t help but compare Jiang Chen’s results.

There are two records in the Huangji Hall of Huangji Hall.

One is the rookie list.

The newcomer list records the ten geniuses of Canglan League’s previous newcomers who have persisted in the Palace of the Emperor for the longest time.

The other is the general ranking.

The headquarters recorded the twenty extremely enchanting evildoers who had persisted in Huangji Hall for the longest time by all disciples of Canglan League.

In Canglan League.

The record on the Huangji Hall of the Emperor Ji is not only a very generous reward, but also a symbol of honor and talent.

It can be said.

As long as anyone who can stay on the emperor’s list, as long as there is no accident, at least he can become the ultimate powerhouse of the Elder level of the Canglan League in the future!

“Rookie list ranked tenth in Chutian, forty minutes, Jiang Chen may really break the record!”

Seeing the record of newcomers on the Huangji ranking, some disciples finally couldn’t help but exclaim.

It has been nearly an hour since the opening of the Emperor Palace.

Even if Jiang Chen entered the Huangji Hall very slowly, it took more than ten minutes, but the time he spent in the Huangji Hall was still enough to break the record of the rookie list.


The most shocking thing is that Jiang Chen still has no sign of coming out of the Palace of Emperors.


Five minutes passed.

Jiang Chen broke the record again, surpassing the forty-five points of the ninth place!

Just then.

There were finally two Daoist shadows at the entrance of the Palace of Emperors, with a pale face and backed out.

Everyone took a closer look and found that the two Daoist shadows were not Jiang Chen, but two veteran Baixing kings!


Seeing this scene before them, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

The length of time Jiang Chen insisted on entering Huangji Hall for the first time had actually surpassed the two Hundred Star Kings of the Seventh Stage of Condensing Pill!


This guy is really not an ordinary evildoer!

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