Chapter 704 The true meaning of the wind road, fast Ascension!


This is a power that surpasses the true meaning of Martial Dao.

Cultivation Base members of Canghai Club are generally low, and many of them are newcomers who have just entered the Cultivation League.

Even in the face of this trace of pressure overflowing from the Palace of Emperors, they all have a feeling of difficulty.

very quickly.

Some new disciples with weaker strength have reached their limit after taking a few difficult steps.

They could no longer bear the huge pressure emanating from the Great Hall, and they retreated in embarrassment.


When many disciples of the Canglan League struggled to resist the coercion of the Emperor Realm.

However, Jiang Chen walked towards the gate of Huangji Hall like a stroll in the courtyard.


This trace of Realm’s oppressive force outside the Emperor Palace did not affect him much.

And every time he took a step, a pleasant reminder sounded in his mind.

“Ding! You are oppressed by the Realm, the realm of the Realm, Second Stage Realm Experience 100*100!”

“Ding! You are oppressed by the Realm, the Realm, Second Stage Realm Experience 110*100!”


Hearing the continuous beep in his mind, Jiang Chen was also very happy.

The Emperor Realm in the Palace of the Emperor, obviously evolved from the Third Stage Wind Dao’s true intentions.

It is precisely because of this.

Under the pressure of Realm’s power, he can gain experience points every time he takes the second stage of the second stage.

And as he approached the Emperor Palace, the experience points he gained kept increasing.

Go on like this.

Today’s trip to the Palace of Emperors, his true sense of style may at least be able to reach the Second Stage circle, and it is impossible to even directly break through the Third Stage!

Jiang Chen walked towards the Huangji Hall while taking a leisurely walk, while paying attention to the surrounding situation.

The coercion outside the Palace of Emperor Emperor Ji almost did not have the slightest impact on the eight geniuses of Er Wang Liujie.

Just a few breaths.

They had already passed the distance of a hundred steps outside the Great Hall and entered the interior of the Imperial Palace.

Behind these eight people.

Some powerful golden disciples also surpassed the distance of a hundred steps and entered the palace of the Emperor.

Most of the weaker disciples were gradually eliminated by the increasingly powerful pressure in the Great Hall.

When every disciple is eliminated.

Jiang Chen found that the huge stone plaque above the Huangji Hall would show a name to record the achievements of each disciple.

However, the results shown on the stone plaque are all the disciples who are ranked low, and Jiang Chen is not interested in paying attention.

He still followed his own rhythm and walked towards Huangji Hall step by step.

And the true meaning of his wind is also ascension at a terrifying speed.

“Ding! You are oppressed by the Realm, the realm of the realm, and the Second Stage has 800*100 true meaning experience!”

“Ding! You are oppressed by the Realm, the Realm, Second Stage Realm Experience 810*100!”


“Ding! Your wind channel truly reaches the Second Stage!”

After walking a distance of more than 80 steps in a row, Jiang Chen’s true sense of style finally went from a small breakthrough in the Second Stage to a grand completion in the Second Stage!

Before entering the Imperial Palace, the true meaning of Feng Dao has reached the Second Stage!

Because of the existence of a hundredfold cultivation system, this emperor Realm’s Ascension to him is really too powerful!

Even outside the Great Hall can get such a huge experience.

I really don’t know how far his true meaning of Feng Dao can grow after entering the Palace of the Emperor.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, and continued to walk towards the gate of Huangji Hall.

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