Chapter 700 Two Kings and Six Jie, Eight Great Geniuses Gather!

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just slightly bright.

When the first ray of sunlight in the sky fell, Jiang Chen also woke up from the cultivation state.

Simply cleaned up.

When Jiang Chen left the room, he took the prepared Liu Lingzhu and the others towards the Palace of Emperors.

Not long.

The group came to the Great Hall in the center of Canglan League.

The Great Hall covers an extremely large area, and the entire Great Hall is made up of a kind of dark rock.

Above the main entrance of the Great Hall, a huge stone plaque measuring three feet long is particularly conspicuous.

On the stone plaque, the three characters of Huangji Hall are depicted with dragons and phoenixes dancing, which seems to give people a simple and vicissitudes of life.

At this moment.

In front of the Great Hall, there is a huge square that can hold thousands of people.

Countless Canglan League disciples gathered here early, almost completely surrounding the entire square.

after all.

The opening of the Emperor Palace is an annual event in the Canglan League.

Almost all Canglan League disciples will not miss the opportunity to enter the Palace of Emperors.


For the vast majority of Canglan League disciples, it is not easy to enter the Palace of Emperors.

Because of the range covered by the Huangji Hall formation, it is a hundred steps away from the gate of the Huangji Hall.

Once the Huangji Temple is opened.

Anyone who enters the formation range will be oppressed by Realm, the emperor in the Imperial Palace.

And the closer you are to the Palace of Emperors, the oppression you receive will become more powerful.

Generally speaking.

The disciples whose Cultivation Base is lower than the Fourth Stage of Condensation Pill, almost have no qualifications to enter the Imperial Palace.

There is no way for them to withstand the oppression of the emperor Realm and cross this distance of a hundred steps.


Even so, the disciples of Canglan League still rushed to the Palace of Emperors.

Realm, this is a more powerful force than Martial Dao’s true meaning.

Even if you just feel the Realm outside the Great Hall, it is a dream thing for most of the Canglan League disciples.


The most important thing is that the opening of the Palace of Emperors is equivalent to an assessment of the disciples of the Canglan League.

The ranking refreshed once a year by the disciples of the Canglan League is related to this imperial palace.

This ranking is based on the performance of the Canglan League disciples in the Imperial Palace.

Those who have not entered the Imperial Palace are ranked by the number of steps close to the Imperial Palace.

Those who have the strength to enter the Palace of Emperors are determined by the length of time they have been in the Palace of Emperors.

And this ranking is related to the cultivation resources that every disciple can receive in the Canglan League in the next year.

It is precisely because of this.

Almost all the disciples of Canglan League attached great importance to the Palace of Emperors.

They will do their best to find a way to last longer under the pressure of the royal Realm.

“Jiang Dage, look at it, the six Hundred Star Kings from the Canglan League are here.”

Liu Lingzhu suddenly pointed at the empty road above the square.

Jiang Chen followed Liu Lingzhu’s fingers and found that the six Daoist shadows were walking in the air from the edge of the square.

Each of these six Daoist shadows exudes an extremely tyrannical aura.

“Haha…The Emperor Palace is finally opened again, this time I will break the record and win the first place!”

At the same time as the six hundred star kings.

A fiery red figure also stepped on from the distant sky, and the turbulent weather instantly overwhelmed the audience.

And at the same time that the fire-red figure appeared, a ghostly black figure also appeared out of thin air in the middle of the square.

“Huh… Zhao Yulong, if you want to be the first, you have to ask me if I agree!”

The appearance of the red and black Daoist shadow directly caused the atmosphere in the square to freeze instantly.

this moment.

The two kings and Liujie of Canglan League, eight geniuses gathered in the Palace of Emperors!

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