Chapter 698 Let him disappear from the Canglan League!

“Little friend Jiang Chen is really embarrassing.”

After Shangguanlei left, the old man in Qingpao also walked forward with a wry smile.

He turned to Jiang Chen with an apologetic expression: “I was old-fashioned and clumsy just now, and I hope that the little friends don’t see strangers.”

This son not only has Alchemy’s talent far better than Shangguanlei, but also masters the lost ancient alchemy such as the Zijifen Danshu, and the future is boundless.

Thinking of how he despised Jiang Chen just now, the old man in Qingpao couldn’t help but blush.

This time he was completely misguided.

“Elder is polite.”

Jiang Chen replied neither humble nor arrogant.

The old guy in front of him was also a seventh-rank king-level alchemist, so Jiang Chen would naturally not offend him easily.

He exchanged a few simple words with the old man in Qingpao.

Jiang Chen directly bid farewell to the old man in Qingpao, ready to leave the Dantang.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, wait.”

At this moment, the old man in Qingpao suddenly stopped Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked back at the old man in Qingpao and asked with a puzzled look: “When is Elder?”

“Little friend Jiang Chen, I wonder if you are interested in joining Dantang.”

The green-robed old man smiled and said: “With your strength, you are fully qualified to become a pill refining teacher.”

“I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint Elder, I’m not planning to join Dantang first.”

Jiang Chen didn’t even think about it, shook his head and refused.

The Canglan League was only his first stop on the Zhongzhou mainland.

As long as he obtains two spatial energy stones, he will leave the Canglan League and go to Yandi City to find Master Xiao Duli.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, don’t rush to refuse. Joining Dantang will actually do you no harm.”

“The Dantang will not impose any restrictions on you. If you have time, you can come to the Dantang for pill refining. If you don’t have time, the Dantang will not force it.”

“Of course, if you come to pill refining in the pill refining, you will get a certain Canglan coin for each refining. In addition, you can enjoy a 20% discount on any material exchanged in the pill refining.”

The old man in Qingpao explained with a smile.

Without any restrictions, pill refining can also get Canglan coins and a 20% discount on exchange materials.

Hearing the words of the old man in Qingpao, Jiang Chen was undoubtedly a little moved.

In the end, Jiang Chen accepted the invitation of the old man in Qingpao and became a pill refining teacher in Dantang.

When Jiang Chen registered as Dantang pill refining teacher.

The news that he defeated Shangguan Lei and became the number one pill refining genius of the Canglan League also quickly caused a sensation in the entire Canglan League.

This news quickly reached Shen Xuanji in the Elder Academy.

“Damn it, where is this Jiang Chen, Sacred, how can such a wicked figure appear in Canghai Island?”

Shen Xuanji was frightened and furious.

The Martial Dao talent of Baixing King, plus the Alchemy talent that can kill Shangguan Lei,

If that kid is given enough time, maybe he can really become the third king-level genius of the Canglan League!

As for the old fellow in Cang Qinghai, I am afraid that this will also gain huge benefits and become the high-ranking honor Elder of the Canglan League.

By the time.

The old fellow in Cang Qinghai is bound to press on her head, and her life in the Canglan League will not be easy.

“No, absolutely can’t let that kid continue to grow!”

Shen Xuanji’s eyes flashed with cold light.

Now Jiang Chen has become a climate in Canglan League, even among the golden disciples, no one dares to offend easily.

If this continues, I’m afraid it won’t be long before no one can deal with Jiang Chen.

For the present.

Shen Xuanji could only go to find the king-level genius who had some connections with her.

No matter what the price is, she must let Jiang Chen disappear from the Canglan League!

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