Chapter 691 The name of Jiang Chen has made a sensation in the Canglan League!

“Hehe… I dare not?”

“Jiang Chen, you don’t want to use such inferior means to arouse me!”

“Since you want to bet, I will be with you!”

Shangguan Lei smiled coldly.

If talking about Martial Dao’s talent, there may be a certain gap between him and the top talents of Canglan League.

Regarding the talent of pill refining, who is his opponent in this Canglan League?

And the Jiang Chen in front of him is also a Martial Dao talented Baixing King.

If you take a moment to try an alchemy with Jiang Chen, you will be able to subdue a Hundred Star King, and Shangguan Lei would be pleased.

“Since you agree, then bring the Fire Beast and One Hundred Thousand Canglan Coins to the Dantang. I am waiting for you in the Dantang.”

Jiang Chen said faintly, and turned to the Dantang with a group of members of the Canghai Guild.

His pill refining battle with Shangguan Lei required a lot of high-rank pill refining materials, so he naturally had to go to the pill hall.

not to mention……

In order to prevent Shangguan Lei from accepting the loss, he also had to ask Elder of Dantang to be a witness.

“Brother, this kid is a madman who doesn’t know how to live or die. Just clean it up. Are you really going to try pill refining with him?”

Looking at Jiang Chen’s leaving back, Shangguan Feng couldn’t help but said angrily.

“Although this kid is arrogant, he does have a certain ability.”

“A new disciple who has just entered the Canglan League has the powerful combat power to repel Shangguanqi with a single sword. This is not something ordinary people can do.”

“It’s rare for someone to dare to challenge me with pill refining. Since he wants to compare, I don’t mind playing with him.”

The corner of Shangguanlei’s mouth could not help but set off a slight arc.

Not to mention Jiang Chen’s Alchemy attainments.

However, even Shangguan Lei was shocked by his Martial Dao strength.

With the potential of this kid, if he grows up, he will probably not be inferior to any of the Hundred Star Kings in the Canglan League.

Although the status of Shen Dan Hui among the disciples of Canglan League is not low, its strength is not strong.

The top geniuses of Canglan League also gave him a little face because of his status as a sixth rank pill refining genius.

Shangguan Lei has always wanted to cultivate a Martial Dao genius who belongs to the God Pill Club.

And this Jiang Chen is undoubtedly a good choice.

Once Jiang Chen grows up.

With his influence in the Canglan League disciples, coupled with Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao strength, it is bound to make the Shendanhui a super-class disciple group in the Canglan League!

“Shangguanqi, you go and inform Zheng Hu, let him bring the Fire Lin beast to the Dantang quickly.”

Shangguanlei’s eyes flickered, and he gave an order to Shangguanqi, and then strode towards the Dantang.

Seeing that Shangguan Lei was really going to the Dantang to have an alchemy showdown with Jiang Chen, everyone’s eyes widened.

They all coincidentally followed Shangguanlei’s back and swarmed towards the Dantang.

The big movement made by the group naturally attracted the attention of many Canglan League disciples along the way.

When they learned that a guy named Jiang Chen was going to compete with Shang Guan Lei’s pill technique, they almost stared out of surprise.


“I’m not mistaken, right? Someone is going to have an alchemy showdown with Shang Guan Lei?”

“Who is this Jiang Chen? This f*ck is really going to be awesome!”


While everyone was talking about it, they couldn’t help but follow.


The team behind Shangguanlei also quickly grew from small to large, and finally formed a long dragon, smashing toward Dantang mightily.

For a time.

Jiang Chen’s name spread quickly in the Canglan League as if he had grown wings, and caused a sensation in the entire Canglan League!

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