Chapter 689 Genius is used to step on your feet!

“Jiang Chen, don’t you want to be arrogant in front of me!”

“If you didn’t make a sneak attack while I was not prepared, you thought you could knock me back?”

“Next, you won’t have this opportunity again!”

Shangguan Qi made up his mind, and a look of anger and anger exploded in his eyes.

Although the sword that this kid burst out just now is very strong, his Cultivation Base is only in the Third Stage!

If it weren’t for him just now, Jiang Chen wouldn’t be able to knock him back with a single sword.

Shangguanqi really didn’t believe it.

With the strength of his own Fifth Stage, he can’t defeat Jiang Chen of the Third Stage!

“Huh, self-righteous!”

“I gave you a chance to survive, but you have to choose to stop me.”

“If that’s the case, then die for me!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold, and the sharp Sword intent spread out from him again.


Just when Jiang Chen was about to move, a cold voice suddenly came from mid-air.

“Stop it!”

The sudden cold shout caused the blood dragon sword in Jiang Chen’s hand to stop in vain.

He looked up and followed the voice.

I saw an elegant young man in Yushu facing the wind, surrounded by a group of people, strode out of the Shendanhui.

Beside this elegant young man.

Jiang Chen also saw an acquaintance, Shangguan Feng who had a conflict with him in the Juling Hall!

“Jiang Chen, you are so bold and courageous that you even dared to run until the Shendanhui came to the wild!”

Shangguanfeng also spotted Jiang Chen on the opposite side in an instant, and couldn’t help but drink directly at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn’t even look at Guan Feng.

His gaze fell directly on the elegant young man, and said indifferently: “Are you the president of the Shendan Association Shangguan Lei?”

“Are you the Hundred Star King Jiang Chen who entered the Canglan Alliance from Canghai Island not long ago?”

Shangguanlei did not answer Jiang Chen.

He calmly said in the same tone: “Your Excellency occupied the cultivation stone platform of the Shendanhui in the Third Stage of the Juling Hall, hurting my Little Sister first. Put in one’s eyes.”

“What are you Shangguanlei, why should I put you in one’s eyes?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously.

“Shangguanlei, I came here today, just wanting to take away my fire beast. Return the fire beast to me, I don’t need to care about you!”


As soon as Jiang Chen said this, everyone around him was speechless to the extreme.

Almost all of them looked at Jiang Chen with foolish eyes.

You are just a newcomer who just entered the Canglan League.

Even if your Martial Dao has outstanding talents, you are a rare King of Hundred Stars, but in front of Shangguan Lei, you are still nothing!

The most terrible thing is.

This kid actually dared to say without shame that he would not care about Shangguan Lei.

What qualifications do you have to care about with others?

“Huh! The kid is arrogant!”

“I did get a fire beast, but it was given to me by someone else, and it has nothing to do with you.”

“What’s more… Even if it is really related to you, as long as it gets into my hands, no one can take it away!”

Shangguan Lei laughed wildly and domineeringly.

He looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly.

“Jiang Chen, because you are the King of Hundred Stars, now kneel down and beg me for mercy. I might be able to open the net.”

“Otherwise… I will let you know the consequences of offending a top pill refining genius!”

“Hehe, what about the pill refining genius?” Jiang Chen smiled disdainfully, his proud voice resounding instantly.

“Because in my eyes, geniuses are actually used to step on your feet!”

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