Chapter 687 Kill with the sword in your hand!


As Jiang Chen’s faint chuckle fell, the surrounding area suddenly fell into deathly silence.

A new disciple who had just entered the Canglan League, unexpectedly ran to the residence of the Shendanhui and told Shangguan Lei to get out and see him without any shame!

This… this f*ck is too arrogant!

It took a long time for everyone to recover from the shock.

They looked up at Jiang Chen, and couldn’t help showing a trace of pity in their eyes.

Those who don’t know are really fearless!

This kid probably didn’t know what a terrifying existence the god pill would be among the disciples of the Canglan League.

Don’t say that he is just a newly promoted Baixing King.

Even the three Hundred Star Kings among the top three golden disciples of the Canglan League, would not dare to randomly come to the Shendan to be wild.

This kid’s behavior is nothing short of death.


“Jiang Chen, do you really think that you are the King of the Hundred Stars, that’s great?”

“No matter who you are, dare to run wild in the Shen Dan, my Shen Dan will make him pay a heavy price!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, Shangguanqi’s whole body instantly became murderous.

With a big wave of his hand, he shouted at the more than ten members of the Shendan Association behind him: “Take me these guys who will come to the Shendan Association!”


The aura of more than a dozen members of the Shendanhui burst out instantly, all of them waved their weapons, and rushed towards Jiang Chen and the others with murderous aura!


Jiang Chen stared indifferently at the more than a dozen members of the God Pill Club who burst in, and spit out a cold word.

at the same time.

The Second Stage’s complete Realm Sword intent and the double coercion of the Dragon Flame Tyrant’s bloodline swept out against the group of members of the God Pill Club in an instant!


Under the impact of Jiang Chen’s double coercion, more than a dozen members of the Shendan Society directly retreated two or three feet on the ground.

Among the two or three with the weakest strength, their faces suddenly turned pale, and a trace of red blood flowed down the corners of their mouths.

They looked up at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and there was an unconcealable horror in their eyes!

And everyone watching around was also stunned by the scene in front of them.


More than a dozen members of the God Pill Club shook back with just one shout.

To know.

The dozen or so members of the God Pill Society in front of them are not papery, at least they are all elite disciples who have reached the Third Stage of Pill Condensation.

The power of a drink retreated more than a dozen elite disciples in the Third Stage stage.

This… Is this f*ck really something a new disciple can do?

Even if it is the King of Hundred Stars, it can’t be so evil!

“How could this kid’s strength… be so strong?”

Seeing that more than a dozen of his subordinates were defeated by Jiang Chen’s shout, Shangguanqi’s eyes shrank suddenly.

The strength of this newly promoted Hundred Star King on the Canghai Island is beyond Shangguanqi’s imagination.

The Sword intent and bloodline power that this guy exploded, even he felt a kind of heart palpitations.

“Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect that you, a newcomer who had just entered the Canglan League, would have such combat power. It really surprised me.”

Shangguan Qi took a deep breath.

He stared at Jiang Chen sharply: “But even so, you still don’t have the right to be wild in my god pill!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent.

With a move of his palm, the blood dragon sword of the sixth rank spirit soldier flashed out of thin air in the palm of his hand.


The blood dragon sword was raised in Jiang Chen’s hand, the long sword pointed at Shangguan Qi, and his coldly voice resounded directly in the air.

“Shangguanqi, I’m not in the mood to talk nonsense with you here!”

“If you don’t ask Shangguan Lei to get out, then I can only use the sword in my hand, and I will find him if I kill into the Shendan!”

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