Chapter 683 The anger of Shangguanlei!

While Jiang Chen conquered the Waning Moon Meeting.

The golden disciple area of ​​Canglan League, a courtyard in the center of the residence of the Shendanhui.

An elegant young man in a white alchemist robe stood with his hands in his hands.

This elegant young man is Shangguan Lei, the president of the Shendan Association.

Not far from Shangguanlei’s side, a fire-red behemoth several feet high continued to roar in anger.

If Jiang Chen appeared here at this moment, I am afraid he would recognize it at a glance, this behemoth is his fire beast.

Only at this moment, the fire beast seemed to be imprisoned by a kind of magical power.

No matter how hard he struggles, it is difficult to break free from the shackles of that force.

And while the Huo Lin Beast was struggling non-stop.

A young man in black kept pinching out his handprints with his hands and hitting the fire beast.

I don’t know how long it took.

A pale look appeared on the face of the young man in black as well, and the cold sweat on his forehead was streaming down.


At this moment, the imprisoned Huolin Beast uttered an angry roar from the sky.

“Brother, it is a golden disciple named Jiang Chen from the Canghai Society.”

“Not only did he occupy the cultivation stone platform on the third floor of the Spirit Gathering Hall, but he also injured me.”

Shangguan Feng said with a bitter expression: “I must make that kid kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!”

“Jiang Chen? The newly promoted Hundred Star King in Cangdao Island?”

Shangguanlei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his cold voice instantly resounded in the courtyard.


“A mere newcomer to the King of Hundred Stars, dare to go against my Shangguan Lei.”

“Feng’er, don’t worry, I will make that kid pay a heavy price for this!”

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