Chapter 681 Dare to run wild on my site, die!

After Liu Shuo left the waning moon club resident with excitement.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help looking at Wu Yue again: “Wu Yue, don’t give me the Fire Lin Beast yet!”

“President, wait a moment, your fire beast is in the hands of Manan, our beast taming genius on Wanyue Island. I will ask Manan to send it to you.”

Wu Yue didn’t dare to neglect the slightest, and quickly ordered to the two people beside him: “You two, go and call me Manan to the station immediately.”

“Wu Yue, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?”

Just as Wu Yue’s words fell, a faint laughter suddenly came from the gate of the courtyard.


I saw a young man in a gorgeous brocade robe strode into the courtyard and appeared directly in the line of sight of Li Jiang Chen.

“Manan, you came right in time, return the Fire Lin Beast to President Jiang.”

Looking at the young man in Jinpao who walked into the courtyard, Wu Yue ordered directly.

Manan frowned slightly: “Wu Yue, what do you mean?”

“It means literally.”

Wu Yue said coldly: “The Waning Moon Club will be merged into the Canghai Club from today. I will give you one minute to immediately return the Fire Lin Beast to President Jiang.”

Wu Yue was actually very dissatisfied with Manan.

This kid relied on that he was the genius of beast-taming on the Waning Moon Island, and even the president of the Waning Moon Society didn’t pay much attention to him.

Had it not taken into account that Manan’s fifth rank senior animal trainer’s status had a great effect, he would have expelled him from the Waning Moon Society long ago.

“Wu Yue, you are not wrong, right?”

“Remnant Moon Island is the strongest among the three islands outside the Canglan League. Are you actually going to succumb to the trash of Canghai Island?”

Ma Nan looked at Wu Yue incredulously.

This guy’s brain is afraid of being kicked by a donkey!

Just half an hour ago, Wu Yue just asked him to clean up the people in the Canghaihui.

But he didn’t expect it.

Wu Yue, half an hour later, had to merge the Waning Moon Society into the Canghai Society somehow.

Could it be that Canghai will have all the rubbish, and has the strength to make Wu Yue unable to bow his head?

This… This is too nonsense.

Wu Yue’s expression suddenly froze: “I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, will you hand over the Fire Lin beast?”

“Huh! You want to be a stray dog ​​in Canghai, that is your business, it has nothing to do with me.”

“I’m not afraid to tell you, now I have joined Shangguan Senior Brother’s Shendan Club and become a member of the Shendan Club.”

“Come here now, I just want to take away something that belongs to me.”

Manan looked like a villain: “Wu Yue, if you are more acquainted, just leave it to me. My Shendanhui is not something you can afford to offend.”

Wu Yue was suddenly trembling with anger: “Ma Nan, you…you betrayed the Canyue Society!”

“Since you have disbanded the Waning Moon Club and are with the trash of the Canghai Club, what if I betray you?”

Manan sneered disdainfully, and immediately ignored Wu Yue, and walked into the courtyard with his head held up.

The god pill club he joined now was one of the strongest disciples groups in the Canglan League.

Manan really didn’t believe what Wu Yue, a bully and fearful guy could do to him.


“From now on, this is my Jiang Chen site. I don’t care who you are, dare to run wild on my site and die!”


Just as Manan walked towards the courtyard triumphantly, a faint cold snort suddenly resounded through the air.

The next moment…

I saw a ghostly figure flashing out of thin air directly in front of Manan.

Before Manan could react, a fierce punch had already landed on his chest.

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