Chapter 675 You are not worthy if you want me to surrender!

Jiang Chen didn’t bother to pay attention to the anger of the thin young man.

He raised his head and looked into the depths of the courtyard, and his cold voice echoed directly over the waning moon club resident.

“Wu Yue, within five minutes you can bring the Fire Lin Beast to me and die!”

“Otherwise… Canglan League will have no more Waning Moon Meeting after today!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen not only ignored his existence, but also made them extremely arrogant to get them out to die, the thin young man’s face suddenly became extremely gloomy.


“Who am I so arrogant? It turns out that it’s just the rubbish of two Canghai Clubs.”

“Boy, I didn’t expect that you would dare to come to our waning moon club residence, you are not brave enough!”

The thin young man suddenly couldn’t help showing a playful look inside.

Just a few minutes ago.

The thin young man had just gone with their president Wu Yue to clean up the people of the Canghai Guild, and also snatched back a superb swift fire beast with the blood of a sacred beast.

It’s just that the thin young man didn’t expect it.

They had just returned to the station, when Cang Haihui unexpectedly returned someone to kill the door.

“Brother Song, be careful, the guy opposite is Jiang Chen.”

Seeing this, Ding Hong couldn’t help walking to the thin young man to remind him in a low voice.


The thin young man raised his eyebrows.

He looked up at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and said lightly: “You are the president of the Canghai Guild, Jiang Chen, the new Hundred Star King of the Canglan League?”

Jiang Chen was too lazy to answer the thin young man.

He pointed at the two members of the Waning Moon Society who had passed out on the ground expressionlessly, and his indifferent voice rang directly in the thin young man’s ears.

“I came here today, just wanting to settle accounts with your chairman Wu Yue!”

“If you don’t want to end up like the two of them, you’d better just shut up for me!”

The thin young man stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and a sharp breath burst out of him instantly: “Boy, you are looking for death!”

“Brother Song, this kid is the King of Hundred Stars, with extraordinary combat power. I think we should wait for the president and them to come out.”

Ding Hong couldn’t help hurriedly dissuading him when he saw a disagreement.


“It’s just a little boy who has just entered the Canglan League. What about the King of Hundred Stars?”

“Do you think I will be as wasteful as Han Dong, even a new disciple can’t deal with it?”

The thin young man snorted disdainfully.

Although due to talent issues, he has not been promoted to a golden disciple for three years in the Canglan League.

However, in the past three years, the thin young man has also grown into the top ten silver disciples in the Canglan League.

In terms of combat power alone, he is definitely not inferior to many golden disciples who have entered the Canglan League for one or two years!

But Jiang Chen in front of him had just entered the Canglan League.

Even though this kid has the talent of a Hundred Star King, before he grows up, it is still a scum in front of him!

“Jiang Chen, since you are the King of Hundred Stars, I will give you another chance.”

“As long as you lead the people of the Canghai Society to surrender to the Waning Moon Society, I can consider letting you go.”

The thin young man looked at Jiang Chen coldly, obviously not paying attention to Jiang Chen.

“Ha ha……”

“If you want me Jiang Chen to surrender to the Waning Moon Society, I am afraid that you will not be worthy in the next life!”

Jiang Chen glanced at the thin young man contemptuously, and the faint sneer sounded directly in the courtyard.

“What’s more… After today, the Waning Moon Society will become the history of the Canglan League. Why should I surrender to your Waning Moon Society?”

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