Chapter 671 Go Aside Without Evidence!

The conflict between Jiang Chen and the woman in the red skirt quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding golden disciples.

They looked at Jiang Chen on the cultivation stone platform, and their eyes couldn’t help but a look of gloat.

The owner of the cultivation stone platform occupied by Jiang Chen is Shangguan Lei, the president of the Shendanhui.

Shangguan Lei is not only ranked in the top 30 disciples of Canglan League, but also a pill refining teacher who has reached the sixth rank!

It is also because of the status of Shangguan Lei Liu pill refining teacher.

Although the Shendan Society is only middle-class among the many groups of Canghai League disciples, its reputation is not inferior to the first-class groups.

Even the most top genius of Canglan League would give Shangguanlei a little bit of Face.

Generally speaking.

No one would offend Shangguanlei for a third-tier cultivation stone platform except for the golden disciples of the Shendanhui who got the permission of Shangguanlei.

And now the woman in the red dress who is in conflict with Jiang Chen.

Many golden disciples are not unfamiliar, she is the Little Sister Shangguan Feng of the Shendan Society’s president Shangguan Lei.

Relying on his identity as the Big Brother, Shangguan Feng has always been very arrogant and domineering among the disciples of the Canglan League.

Many people who have offended Shangguanfeng have ended in very miserable lives.


“Where is the Maotou boy who occupies my cultivation stone platform, dare to be so arrogant!”

“Don’t you know that no one can use this cultivation stone platform except for the golden disciples of my Shendanhui?”

Shangguanfeng heard Jiang Chen’s unceremonious voice, and her pretty face became more and more cold.

“First, this cultivation stone platform does not write the name of your god pill club.”

“Second, Canglan League seems to have never used the rules that only your god pill can use in this cultivation stone platform.”

Jiang Chen raised his head and cast a glance at Shangguanfeng, and said lightly, “If you have nothing else, please let me go, don’t bother my cultivation.”

“good very good!”

Shangguan Feng smiled angrily: “It seems that you are determined to occupy the cultivation stone platform of my God Pill Club?”

“Your Shendan Association is really amazing. You can even let the Canglan League build your exclusive cultivation stone platform for you.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised a slightly abusive look.

He looked up at Shangguanfeng, and said lightly: “You said that the cultivation stone platform is your god pill, then show evidence. If there is no evidence, then go away!”

Jiang Chen’s faint words directly made Shangguan Feng’s face extremely cold.

The third-level cultivation stone platform of the Ju Ling Palace was divided by the top golden disciples of the Canglan League. This is just a rule that everyone defaults. How can she prove that the cultivation stone platform is exclusive to their Shen Dan Hui?

“Boy, I don’t want to make a profit with you here.”

“Give you ten seconds, get out of the cultivation stone platform immediately!”

“Otherwise… I promise you will end up very miserably!”

Shangguanfeng stared at Jiang Chen tightly, icy chills radiated from all over his body.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to Shangguan Feng, ignored her existence, and continued to close his eyes and prepare to enter the cultivation state.

Seeing Jiang Chen’s contempt for her, Shangguan Feng’s pretty face couldn’t help but shudder.

Although she is not ranked high among the golden disciples, she is the Little Sister of Shangguan Lei as the sixth rank pill refining genius, even if she is the King of Baixing

With a movement of her hand, a fiery red long sword flashed out of the air in her palm.

“Get out of here!”

Shangguan Feng snorted, the fiery red long sword directly brought a sharp Sword Qi, and slashed out against Jiang Chen’s cultivation stone platform!

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