Chapter 665 What is the waning moon!

“Han Dong, when I joined the Waning Moon Club a year ago, I had an agreement with you.”

“If my Miss enters the Canglan League, I will follow the decision of my Miss.”

“It’s just that you don’t believe in Chengruo, and you are ashamed to say that I betrayed the Wanyue Society?”

Liu Shuo looked at the short-haired youth opposite, and his face also became a little unpleasant.


“What do you think of our waning moon meeting? You can come and leave if you want?”

“You only have one choice now, which is to take your Miss to join the Waning Moon Club.”

The short-haired youth Han Dong smiled coldly: “Otherwise…I promise that Canglan League will no longer have a place for you!”

“Han Dong, don’t deceive people too much, you can try it!”

Liu Shuo glared at Han Dong, his eyes almost bursting into flames.

“Huh! Toast and not eat fine wine!”

“It’s just a bunch of trash on the islands. I’m just bullying you, so what can you do?”

Han Dong laughed wildly with disdain.

I saw his fist suddenly squeezed, and the fist that contained terrifying vigor, blasted Liu Shuo mercilessly.

Liu Shuo’s expression changed as he watched Han Dong, who had shot in vain.

He quickly urged his body’s vitality, and his palms touched Han Dong’s fists with all his strength!


The two fists intersected instantly, and there was a loud noise in the air.

Liu Shuo’s body trembled slightly, and immediately a few steps away from the whole person being retreated, a pale look appeared on his face.

“Liu Shuo, relying on your strength in the Second Stage middle stage, you also want to protect the waste on the islands behind you?”

“I have given you a chance, but you don’t know how to cherish it.”

“If this is the case, then I will let you know how miserable the outcome of betraying my Waning Moon Society will be!”

Han Dong smiled coldly, and immediately slammed his feet on the ground, and then thunderously punched Liu Shuo!

“Liu Shuo, be careful!”

Seeing Han Dong shot again, the two daughters of Liu Lingzhu couldn’t help exclaiming for a while.

Liu Shuo gritted his teeth.

Just when he was about to urge the secret method to resist Han Dong’s punch.

A ghostly black shadow slashed through the sky, appearing in front of Liu Shuo almost in the blink of an eye.

The black shadow looked at the oncoming Han Dong, and stretched out his palm as quickly as lightning, and instantly fixed Han Dong’s fist in the air.

Looking at the black shadow that stood in front of him in vain, Han Dong’s expression also changed slightly.

The vitality in his body exploded with all his strength, and suddenly broke free from the shackles of the shackles, the whole person exploded back several meters.

“Ginger Dage, you…you are here.”

Liu Lingzhu looked at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, and an expression of joy appeared in his beautiful eyes.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Before he could speak, Han Dong’s cold stern rang in his ears.

“Boy, who are you, dare to take care of my waning moon meeting!”

Jiang Chen raised his head to look at Han Dong, and said indifferently, “What is your waning moon society, and the people on the island can be bullied if you want to bully?”

“Brother Han, he is Jiang Chen, the new golden disciple of Cangdao Island this year.”

At this time, Ding Hong reminded him quietly beside Han Dong.

“Ding Hong, I said that you were the first genius of Qingluanling in Cangdao Island anyway, and you immediately became a dog raised by others when you joined the Canglan League!”

Jiang Chen looked at Ding Hong sarcastically: “Our Canghaidao faces are simply lost by you!”

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