Chapter 661 Give you a chance to shoot first!

“Boy, why did you Tamar talk to our vice president?”

“Our vice-chairman gives you 1,000 Canglan coins for a month, which is worthy of you.”

“Chairman Bai Ming, I think this kid is just toasting and not eating fine wine. Give him some color first.”


Jiang Chen’s arrogant appearance also caused the group of younger brothers behind De Baiming to yell in anger.

In Canglan League, it is not easy to earn Canglan Coins.

Among the many groups of Canglan League disciples, their Yunmeng Club is not strong.

Every ordinary member of the Yunmeng Club can only receive one or two hundred Canglan Coins a month.

Even the elite members of the Yunmeng Club, 500 Canglan Coins a month would be the sky.

from their perspective.

Bai Ming was able to give Jiang Chen one thousand Canglan coins for a month, which was already considered to have given Jiang Chen Tianda’s face.

But Jiang Chen didn’t know what was good or what was wrong, he was purely looking for death!

Jiang Chen ignored the clamor of the group of younger brothers behind Bai Ming.

He curled his lips and said to Bai Ming faintly: “I’m not in the mood to entertain you. I want me to join your Yunmeng Club for a thousand Canglan coins. I’m not that cheap yet.”

Bai Ming’s eyes colded slightly: “Jiang Chen, it seems that you are not going to surrender to me? I have given you a chance, don’t regret it!”

“Don’t worry, I have never regretted these two words in Jiang Chen’s dictionary.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

He looked up at Bai Ming, and his lazy voice slowly sounded in mid-air.

“President Bai Ming, for the reason that you want me to join Yunmeng Club so much, I don’t mind giving you another chance.”

“Why don’t we make a bet, if you lose, give me ten thousand Canglan coins. If you win, I will join you Yunmeng for free?”

Bai Ming narrowed his eyes slightly: “How do you want to bet?”

“It’s very simple, you and I have a match, just use force to determine the victory or defeat,”

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows at Bai Ming: “How about it, do you dare?”

“Ha ha……”

“I heard that right, this kid actually wants to challenge our President Bai Ming.”

“I really can’t help myself.”


Seeing that Jiang Chen was delusional to challenge Bai Ming, the members of the Yunmeng Club couldn’t help taunting Jiang Chen again.

“Jiang Chen, are you sure you want to challenge me?”

Bai Ming was stunned by Jiang Chen’s words first, and then a playful smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“I don’t have time to joke with you here.”

Jiang Chen said impatiently, “Stop talking nonsense, if you don’t dare to bet, then quickly disappear from me, don’t waste my time here.”

“I can not?”

Bai Ming sneered disdainfully: “Well, since you want to bet, I’ll be with you.”

The Jiang Chen in front of him, even though he was the legendary King of Hundred Stars, was still a newcomer who had just entered the Canglan League.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Jiang Chen’s strength is still in the First Stage of Condensed Pill.

But his strength is already at the peak of the Third Stage of Pill Condensation, only one step away from the Fourth Stage of Pill Condensation.

Even though Jiang Chen is the King of Hundred Stars.

Bai Ming also didn’t believe that this kid could straddle two Realms and defeat a golden disciple who condensed the peak of the Third Stage!

“Now that you agree, let’s start.”

Seeing that the fish has already taken the bait, the corners of Jiang Chen’s mouth should not be slightly curved.

He gestured to Bai Ming: “Give you a chance to make a move first, otherwise you may have no chance to make a face move in a while!”

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