Chapter 658 King Level Secret Technique: Dayan Swallowing Cloud Technique!

After parting with Cang Qinghai.

Under the arrangement of a deacon, Jiang Chen settled in the golden disciple area.

As a Hundred Star King, Jiang Chen’s treatment is naturally very high.

Regardless of its location or luxury, his residence is almost the best in the Golden Disciple area.

Simply cleaned up the residence.

Jiang Chen began to look at the Jade Slip on the table about the introduction of the Canglan League and the forces of the Central Plains.

Canglan League, one of the two-star forces in the northern coastal zone of the Zhongzhou mainland.

The area where Canglan League was located was a chaotic area without two-star forces before. The biggest power is the Sect Canglan Sect at the pinnacle of one star.

Later, the Sect Leader of Canglan Sect, Cang Wuhen, the breakthrough king of the Soul Realm, integrated all the nearby forces and established the Canglan League in order to fight against the nearby two-star power Water Dragon Gang.

In addition to the leader of the Canglan League, Cang Wuhen, the Divine Soul Realm King, there are five and a half steps of Divine Soul Realm Elder, and there are countless Divine Sea Realm powerhouses.

If it were placed in the Northern Wilderness, Canglan League would definitely be a giant capable of sweeping everything.

But in the place of the Central State Continent, the Canglan Alliance, such forces that barely reached the second-star level, were the weakest existence even among the second-rate forces.


Regarding these, Jiang Chen did not take it seriously.

What Jiang Chen cared most was the teleportation formation in the Canglan League leading to Xuanjing City.

Profound Crystal City was established by the Northern Territory’s overlord three-star power Xuanjing Palace, and it is also one of the largest cities in the Northern Region.

In Xuanjing City, there is a teleportation formation leading to the middle region.

As long as he can enter the Middle Territory, he can go to Yandi City, one of the five holy cities in the Middle Territory, to find Master Xiao Duli!


To teleport from Canglan League to Xuanbing City, at least two space energy stones are required.

Space Energy Stone, this is an extremely rare magical ore.

In the Canglan League and other two-star forces with insufficient background, the space energy stone is almost as rare as the seventh-grade spirit pill.

“It seems that the four stones that Master left me at the time are the so-called space energy stones.”

“I just thought that with my current strength, it is not easy to get two space energy stones in Canglan League.”

Jiang Chen sighed softly in his heart.

For today’s plan, only the strength of Ascension in Canglan League first, and then find a way to obtain the space energy stone.

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen threw his happy thoughts away.

He suddenly thought of something, and immediately thought of it, and took out a primitive mysterious wooden box from Na Jie.

This mysterious wooden box was given to him by Yun Ziyan, a peerless woman in the Yunhai Tower.

Because of the assessment of the Canglan League, Jiang Chen has not had time to check the contents until now.

With a bit of curiosity.

Jiang Chen flicked his finger and opened the wooden box.

I saw a quaint black scroll, quietly placed in a wooden box.

The scroll is as round as jade as a whole, with a faint light permeating through it, and it looks extremely mysterious.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, picked up the scroll and slowly opened it.

But the moment Jiang Chen opened the scroll, the black scroll burst open in his palm.

Before Jiang Chen could react.

The broken scroll directly turned into a string of pitch-black rays of light that hit his eyebrows, and finally fell into his mind without any hindrance.

at the same time.

The prompt tones of the two systems also sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You have obtained the king-level secret technique: Dayan Cloud Swallowing technique, which triggers a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You successfully comprehended the king-level secret: Dayan Cloud Swallowing Technique!”

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