Chapter 655: Not as good as counterfeit goods!

Two silhouettes that were equally fast to the extreme collided in mid-air instantly.

boom! boom! boom!


A violent energy explosion sounded continuously.

In just the blink of an eye, the two had already fought more than ten moves in mid-air.

“Damn, how could this kid be so strong!”

Ten tricks in a row didn’t get half a bargain in Jiang Chen’s hands. The more he hits, the more shocked Bai Quan’s heart is!

He originally thought.

With his strength, he wanted to defeat the fake Hundred Star King on the island, but it was a breeze.

But the reality is that he slapped him severely.

The body cultivator in front of him is extremely powerful, and coupled with that terrifying bloodline power, he can’t bear it even in the Second Stage of Condensing Pill.

For a time.

He was completely suppressed by this kid in front of him!

Bai Quan was horrified in his heart.

Is this kid in front of you really the legendary King of Hundred Stars?


Just when Bai Quan was shocked and disturbed by Jiang Chen’s strength.

Jiang Chen unceremoniously grabbed one of Bai Quan’s flaws and blasted it out with a sharp punch.

Bai Quan was retreated for more than ten steps, and a pale look appeared on his handsome face.

“This… how is this possible?”

Seeing that Bai Quan was actually at a disadvantage in the confrontation just now, all Yunmeng Island’s geniuses were like a ghost, with unconcealable horror in their eyes.

Bai Quan, this is their first genius on Yunmeng Island.

Canglan League was assessed at the time.

Bai Quan shocked the audience with a score of 98 stars and easily became a golden disciple of the Canglan League.

But such a peerless genius was actually repelled by the boy whose Cultivation Base was one Realm lower than him at this moment!

Baixing King!

The boy in front of him is very likely to be a real Hundred Star King.


“How could a Hundred Star King appear in Canghai Island!”

Shen Xuanji stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes.

“Haha…Shen Xuanji, you are too self-righteous.”

“You must know that Emperor Yan, who was formerly known as the epicentre of the epicenter state in Wanzai, also walked out of a remote place outside the central state of the continent.”

“If there is no absolute, why can’t the King of Hundred Stars appear in Canghai Island?”

Cang Qinghai smiled faintly: “Shen Xuanji, get your sixth rank spirit soldier dragon blood sword ready.”


“Even if that kid is the King of Hundred Stars, his strength is one Realm lower than Bai Quan.”

“Bai Quan just took care of it for a while, do you really think you are sure to win?”

Shen Xuanji smiled coldly.

The King of Hundred Stars is indeed very strong. If it is the same Realm, Bai Quan will not have any chance.

But at the moment, Baiquan’s Cultivation Base is one Realm higher, and it is still unknown who will be the winner.

“Really, let’s take a look.”

Cang Qinghai shook his head and chuckled lightly.

This woman too underestimated the combat power of the Baixing King.

If Gao himself, a golden disciple of Realm, cannot be defeated, what qualifications does he have to be called the King of Hundred Stars?

When Cang Qinghai was talking with Shen Xuanji.

Jiang Chen blasted back Baiquan with a punch, but did not pursue the victory.

He put his hands on his chest and looked at Bai Quan with a smile, with a slight curve of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

“Didn’t you say that I, the Hundred Star King, is a counterfeit?”

“It seems that you, the 98-star golden disciple, are just like that, not even me, a counterfeit.”

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