Chapter 650 Canglan League Golden Disciple!

After Jiang Chen’s test is over.

The next star test became much bleak.

Except for one person from Xuan Yue who reached the ninety star, the others were all below the ninety star.

As for Liu Lingzhu and other non-Martial Dao geniuses, they don’t need to participate in the star test, as long as they pass the special assessment of Canglan League.

Time passed bit by bit.

Before you know it, the star test has been completed.

The next thing to be done is the formal assessment of the Canglan League disciples.

“The star test is over, and then the formal assessment of Canglan League disciples will begin.

“All those who have earned eighty-five stars or more, come and gather in the middle.”

Cang Tian Kuan moved his palm and retracted Xing Mu, his faint voice resounded through the audience again.

After hearing the words of the vast sky, more than twenty Daoist shadows quickly appeared in the center of the square.

The eyes of the vast sky swept across everyone and began to announce the assessment rules.

The formal assessment of Canglan League disciples is actually very simple.

In the city lord’s mansion of Canghai City, there is a team of guards from the Fourth Stage stage of Condensed Pill, and each guard has the identity token of a disciple of the Canglan League.

Participate in the bronze disciple test, the guard will suppress the strength to the same Realm as the person being tested, and defeat the guard to obtain the bronze disciple identity token.

To participate in the Silver Disciple Assessment, you need to defeat a guard who is one Realm higher than yourself in order to obtain the Silver Disciple Identity Token.

As for the golden disciple, you need to defeat the guards two Realm taller than yourself!

The king-level disciple needs to defeat the existence of Realm that is three higher than himself!

It can be said.

Canglan League’s four levels of disciple assessment, each higher level, the difficulty will increase ten times.

Even the lowest grade bronze disciple assessment is not an easy task.

after all.

Even if the Fourth Stage Practitioner suppresses Cultivation Base, other aspects are not comparable to these young geniuses.

Even defeating the guards of the same Realm is not an easy task for most people.

The assessment rules are announced.

Following Cang Tiankuo’s order, more than twenty geniuses who passed the star test quickly rushed into the city lord’s mansion.

Jiang Chen hesitated slightly, and also stepped into the city lord’s mansion.


Jiang Chen did not attack the Wang-level disciples as everyone expected.

He found a guard, received a golden disciple identity token from the Canglan League, and walked directly out of the city lord’s mansion.

“This kid…he actually gave up the assessment of a king-level disciple!”

See Jiang Chen’s choice.

Cang Tiankuo in midair couldn’t help but look dumbfounded and authentic.

“With his strength, he is fully capable of passing the assessment of a king-level disciple.”

“This kid is not only exceptionally talented, but also very smart.”

“If I’m right, he might be hiding himself.”

Cang Qinghai looked at Jiang Chen below, and there was a sense of appreciation in his old eyes.

Although the king-level genius has a very high status in the Canglan League.

But if Jiang Chen joined the Canglan League as a king-level disciple, he would touch the interests of the two veteran king-level disciples of the Canglan League.

By the time.

Jiang Chen will definitely be suppressed by two old disciples.

But Jiang Chen stepped back and chose to become a golden disciple, but it was easier to survive in the Canglan League.

“Tsk tusk… King of the Hundred Stars, you can still be so arrogant, it’s the first time I’ve met him.”

Cang Tiankuo exclaimed and announced the results of Jiang Chen’s assessment loudly.

At this moment, Jiang Chen officially became a golden disciple of Canglan League!

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