Chapter 644 I’m not familiar with you, let’s go!

“Look at it, Qingluan leads the Liu family of the first family, too.”

“Cut! Qingluan leader is the weakest among the four territories, what’s worth paying attention to.”

“Yes, it is said that the first genius of the Qingluan leader is not from the Liu family now. It is not certain whether anyone in the Liu family can pass the Canglan League assessment this time.”


With the appearance of Jiang Chen and his group, the ridiculous sounds around them instantly rang in their ears.

“Damn it, these dogs look down on people!”

Liu Ying, who had always been anxious, couldn’t help but said angrily when hearing the ridiculous voices around her.

“Our Liu family’s performance in the assessment of Canglan League in the past two years is indeed not ideal.”

Liu Xuanfeng smiled slightly and said, “Don’t worry, they will naturally shut up when the assessment starts for a while.”

When he spoke, he did not forget to glance at Jiang Chen beside him.

In this year’s Canglan League assessment, he had the trump card of Jiang Chen.

With the presence of Jiang Chen, their Liu family is destined to surprise the audience in this Canglan League assessment!

“Dage, the kid who was in Yunhai Tower yesterday came, and he really came to participate in the assessment of Canglan League.”

the other side.

Fuhu leads the Fu family’s camp.

Fu Lie stared at Jiang Chen with a ugly expression, and said to Fu Yan, who was cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Fu Yan heard Fu Lie’s words and opened his eyes suddenly.

He stared at Jiang Chen coldly, then stood up under the eyes of everyone, and strode to Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen, we meet again!”


Fu Yan’s sudden move also caused everyone around him to be in an uproar.

Fu Yan, this is Canghaidao’s most outstanding genius in recent years, and it is extremely likely to impact the existence of the silver disciples of Canglan League.

But now this extremely famous genius in Cangdao Island actually went to say hello to a disciple of the Liu family.

This…what the hell is this?

“Yeah, we met again.”

Jiang Chen glanced at him faintly: “But I’m not familiar with you, so please go and don’t block my way here.”

Lying in a trough!

When Jiang Chen said this, the eyes of countless people around him became round.

Fu Yan, Canghaidao’s famous and extremely genius.

And the Liu family disciple in front of him was completely an unknown character.

I really don’t know where this kid has the courage to speak like this in front of Fu Yan.

“Jiang Chen, I hope you won’t let me down after a while.”

Fu Yan snorted coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly: “Don’t worry, I have to go to Canglan League this time, so I won’t let you down.”

“Very good, then see you in Canglan League.”

Fu Yan smiled coldly, then strode back and left.

This time Canglan League was assessed, he was destined to become a silver disciple of Canglan League.

And the boy in front of him was at best a bronze disciple.

As long as they enter the Canglan League, their identities are completely different.

By the time.

He would let this kid know what it would cost to fight against him!

After Fu Yan left.

Jiang Chen and the others chose a place on the square and sat down under countless strange gazes around them.

And shortly after they sat down.

Two monstrous auras suddenly filled the sky above the Canghai City City Lord’s Mansion.

The next moment.

I saw two Daoist shadows appearing above the city lord’s mansion out of thin air, slowly walking towards the square…

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