Chapter 640 Get out of here, you are not welcome here!

Seeing Fu Yan and the others fleeing in embarrassment, Liu Lingzhu and the three were also dumbfounded in shock.

They obviously didn’t expect it.

This beautiful woman who looked a few years older than them was actually already a powerhouse in the Divine Sea Realm!

This… This is too incredible!

“Xiao Lan, let people prepare the best wines of Fanhai Saint Snowfish and Yunhailou, and send them to Young Master Jiang.”

Yun Ziyang expelled Fuyan and his party lightly, and directly ordered the maid behind him.

“Okay, Miss.”

The maid nodded and hurriedly prepared to go as Yun Ziyan ordered.

“Young Master Jiang, can you tell me the complete pill recipe of the Spirit Soul Heaven Pill now?”

After Xiaolan left, Yun Ziyan’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help looking at Jiang Chen again, a little impatient.

“There are a total of 14 materials for the pill recipe of the Spirit Soul Heaven Pill, and there are only eleven kinds of remnants at the entrance of the Yunhai Tower, so three materials are still missing.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and immediately told Yun Ziyan the other three materials by means of sound transmission.

“Thank you Young Master Jiang, Young Master’s great kindness, Zi Yan is more unforgettable.”

“If Young Master Jiang has any more requirements, just tell Xiao Lan, and Zi Yan won’t disturb Young Master’s meal.”

An expression of excitement suddenly appeared in Yun Ziyan’s beautiful eyes.

She thanked Jiang Chen slightly, and then turned around in a violent storm and left.

Seeing that Jiang Chen really took out the pill recipe, and made Yun Ziyan, the host of Yunhailou, be polite to him, it took Liu Kun a long time to recover from his horror.

“Brother Jiang Chen is lucky, I didn’t expect that you would just collect this pill recipe that Yunhailou needs.”

Liu Kun smiled brilliantly and couldn’t help but regained consciousness and sat down on the seat.


Liu Kun obviously didn’t think that Jiang Chen was the remnant of Insight leaving the Yunhai Tower.

In his opinion.

Jiang Chen was probably out of shit luck and happened to own this pill recipe from Yunhailou.

Jiang Chen cast a faint glance at him: “Don’t you want to leave, why are you sitting down for?”

“Brother Jiang Chen, I was just joking.”

“How could I, Liu Kun, leave everyone alone and leave.”

Liu Kun said awe-inspiringly.

Now that Fuyan and the others have left, Jiang Chen received the highest standard hospitality from Yunhailou for taking out the pill recipe.

Next, there is a chance to reward the Saint Snowfish in the Van Sea, how could he leave so easily?

Seeing Liu Kun’s dead skinny face, both Liu Lingzhu and Liu Ying couldn’t help showing contemptuous expressions.

“I don’t think you were joking just now.”

Jiang Chen stared at Liu Kun indifferently: “Go away, you are not welcome here!”

Liu Kun stayed cheeky, nothing more than to taste the Saint Snowfish of Fanhai in Yunhailou.

Just this bullshit in front of him, is also worthy to stay to share his Fanhai Saint Snowfish?

Liu Kun’s face sank slightly: “Jiang Chen, what do you mean?”

“The meaning is obvious, just to get you out of here!”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Aren’t you afraid that I will hurt you? I am doing this for your good, lest you stay with me to die!”


Liu Kun’s lungs almost exploded immediately.

He stared at Jiang Chen angrily: “Jiang Chen, everyone is a disciple of the Liu family, don’t go too far!”

Jiang Chen expressionlessly: “If you want to walk out of Yunhai Tower respectfully, you’d better disappear from me now!”

“good very good!”

“Jiang Chen, count you as ruthless!”

A cold light flashed in Liu Kun’s eyes, and immediately stood up with an iron face, turned and walked out of the room.

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